Friday, May 31, 2019
Dramatic Effects in Romeo and Juliet III.1 Essay -- William Shakespear
Romeo and Juliet is a sixteenth-century play written by William Shakespeare. Amongst the most renowned of Shakespeares plays, Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy that focuses on the fated relationship of two star-crossed lovers. The play focuses on themes of love and hate, mostly concerning the feud between the two opposing families, the Montagues and the Capulets. This play came at a time when such social events like courting were not just accepted, but expected. Witchcraft and fate were also strongly believed to be authoritative which makes aspects of the play seem somewhat surreal to a modern day audience. III.1 is a pivotal p ruse of the play, within this one scene, the possibility of the play macrocosm a comedy is destroyed and there is only one unfortunate direction in which the fortunes of the characters can spiral.As this scene is particularly important within the play, as a pivotal point destroying comedy and confirming tragedy, there is much contrast in earlier scenes by which circumstances look more than favorable. Up to this point, the circumstances of love between Romeo and Juliet looked truly promising. At Juliets balcony, Romeo proclaims his love for Juliet, It is my lady O, it is my love Whereas Romeo proclaims his love openly, Juliet is caught off guard when she says, ?O Romeo, Romeo Wherefore art thou Romeo?/ Deny thy father, and refuse thy name-/ Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love/ And I?ll no longer be a Capulet.? Already, this shows strong characteristics of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo?s love completely overrides whatsoever subtlety that should be shown in the face of the raging family feud. Juliet, although she proclaimed her love to Romeo in what she thought was private, was very mindful of the other affecting factors, such a... ...he was a very entertaining character for the duration of the play that he was alive. The fact that it is the pivotal point in the play where tragedy confirmed adds extra excitement to it. With the deaths o f Mercutio and Tybalt and the banishment of Romeo, there is little doubt in the audience?s mind that only tragical events will occur from this scene and on. The main, tragic theme of love and hate, which occurs throughout the play, gives the play an air of excitement and helplessness as far as any positive events happening after III.1. The fight scene and the powerful language added extra drama that the audience would adjudge found very exciting and would have helped the audience to feel the emotions of the characters more adeptly. All in all, Shakespeare crafts III.1 very effectively to set up the pivotal point of the play where tragedy is the only mood the play can go.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Essay --
Throughout history, many different types of stinting models and theories have been developed. These different philosophies of business often were an important and integral component part of a governments basic structure. For example commie countries equivalent China and the Soviet Union practiced a type of socialism. While, democratic nations like the United States and Canada practice forms of capitalism. Also within these economic models exists different theories as well such as Keynsian economics and laissez faire economics. To understand how these types of economies work in the military psychenel today, it is important to study and define a variety of economic systems. Researching such economic systems as capitalism and socialism, and also looking at the ideas of laissez faire and the Keynsian economics, a person will start to have a better understanding of how business works in the world today.One of the most common major types of economic systems in the world today is capitalism. In its simplest terms, capitalism can be defined as an economic system in which a countrys trade and industry ar run by private organizations for profit. So within capitalism major industries such as manufacturing, energy, banks, transportation, medicine and more are not run by the government. The earliest forms of capitalism can be traced to the 17th century English Puritans who possessed a strong work value orientation that focused an importance on productive labor. Modern capitalism is said to have started in the mid-18th century with the birth of factories. Factory owners were able to maximize wealth by making goods that were in-demand and also by streamlining labor. For capitalism to work. supply and demand is typically unregulated by government. It is based on the f... ...omy. For example, China is considered a communist government. However for their economy to exist in the world market, some private ownership and factories have been allowed to exist with government oversight. And the United States while considered a free-enterprise(prenominal) society has such institutions as public schools, energy, medicare, and services which all share in and benefit from equally. All economic systems also have their pros and cons. For example, Capitalism has been accuse of ignoring the individual in pursuit of profit. While socialism does not reward the entrepreneur with wealth, but often punishes the rich with crushing taxes. In the end, the best panache to understand how economies work in the world today is to research each ones basic history and definition. In this way a person can nurse an informed decision on what economic system they believe works best
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Capturing the Friedmans Essay -- Film Movies
Capturing the FriedmansIn 2003, Andrew J atomic number 18cki released his documentary Capturing the Friedmans, which explores a seemingly normal middle-class families struggle when the father and son are charged with sexual horror and molestation in 1987. The Friedmans from the outside seem like a healthy family, abiding in a fairly scoopful Great Neck, Long Island community the father Arnold is a Columbia Graduate and a school teacher, while the mother Elaine, a housewife. They have three sons David, Seth, and Jessie whom show up to be a happy, intelligent, and good-humored group of brothers. The power and prestige of this film comes not from its controversial and serious subject matter, but from the unbiased way in which the story is presented. Jarecki gives the audience an equal amount of facts that could be used to argue both sides of the equation, which leaves one realizing that perhaps what really transpired isnt the point hes aiming for in this film. The audience is go aw ay not hunch forwarding whether or not Arnold and his son Jesse committed the crimes, but instead they are left realizing truth is irrelevant, because we will never really know exact details, just the disintegration and tragic destruction of the Friedman Family. Regardless of the validity of the claims, there definitely seems to have been something unusual and tragic about the collapsing Friendman Family. The patriarchal/ maternal relationship was broken, Arnold and Elaine didnt seem very much in love anymore, and the boundaries between the parents and the children became less pyramid like and more horizont... because of the size of the children there would have been corporal symptoms, no documented evidence of this sort was presented during the case. Out of 100 students no physical symptoms were ever recorded, and not o ne student said anything about abuse until four years later when the investigator was pursued (Silvergate, 2004) No parents ever filed complaints prior to police investigation. Because memories are malleable and children are even more undefendable to authority, it is very probable that some children just complied to the leading questions due to fear, but is it possible that they all could? The influence of the investigators parallels to the influence of therapists in cases of sexually abused childrens get memories.Works Cited1)Silverglate, Harvey A Takei, CarlMistrial- The Capturing The Friedmans DVD sheds new light on the case. Newsday
Free Essays - Courage and Honesty in Sir Gawain and Green Knight :: Sir Gawain Green Knight Essays
Courage and Honesty in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a poem written by a poet (name unknown) approximately 6000 years ago in the late 1300s in the medieval times. This story was originally written in medieval literature with a real curious rhyme scheme, but was translated later in time to regular English for high school students and researchers to study and read. The story begins during the New Years feast in poove Arthurs court. Then a ballpark knight enters asking all of the knights in the court if they would like to range a game. The game is he will free which ever knight that chooses to challenge him one swing with a battle ax to try and chop off his soul, but in order to play the game, the accepting knight must meet the green knight one year later at the green chapel. The brave knight Sir Gawain accepts to the challenge of the green knight. Sir Gawain takes one swing and chops off the head of the green knight. Right after th e green knights head is chopped off he gets up immediately, picks up his head and leaves. Once a year passes, Gawain sets off on a journey to find the Green Chapel. He arrives at a castle in which a lord welcomes him to stay for several days (Gawain only needs to stay there for triplet). The next morning the lord makes an agreement to share everything he gets during these third days with Gawain, but Gawain must agree to do the same. During days one and two the lords wife tries hitting on Gawain, but he only allows her to birth him a few kisses. At these days Gawain shares what he got to the lord for what he has hunted those days. On the third day, Gawain finally accepts to take a magic waistcloth from the lords wife, but he didnt share it with the lord. This magic girdle helped Gawain survive the three fatal swings of the green giants ax, only leaving him with a little nick. After Gawain survives these 3 swings at his neck, the green knight then reveals his identity and explains that he is Bercilak, the lord of the castle. He also said that the three blows were taken at him in regards to the three days of their agreement.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Subjects for Other Conversations :: essays research papers
Categorized Poems from Subjects for other ConversationsIn John Stigalls book, Subjects for Other Conversations, all of the thirty-seven poems butt be placed into one of five different categories. These categories include sadness, racism, happiness, sex, and religion.Sadness, the first category, includes ten of the thirty seven poems. These poems express hate, anger, and depression about many things in life, from growing obsolete to losing a child. These poems argon Poem on Turning Forty, Poem on Turning Forty-Five, Blues, Impromptu, Into the Life of This World, Some People, The Revenant, In the Bibleblack Air, forward motioning, and Final Approach. In Stigalls poem, Poem on Turning Forty, he talks about how women arent as attracted to him now. And you can tell hes cast down about growing old. The poem Into the Life of This World, talks about losing a child at birth. Stigalls light use of words, such as perfect, calm, and slow agony, shows that this poem is full of intense emot ions and sadness. I.At thirty-three, too young to be sickened into the light, my fathersbody-perfect, calm-forms a fetalcurl about its silent agony. His eyes, apocalyptic& articulate, ex playing field. The lightwanesII.Silent, I refuse the firsts breaths (cradled in the light). Mybody- stillborn, calm, numb from the canal-appearsdeaf, dumbSee the physician & my mourning mothercurl over me, warping my flesh, weeping,praying me into the life of this origination (30)The next category is racism. These three poems describe how racism still exists today. The poems show how hateful people can be towards someone of a different race. These poems are December/ January, Brazil Nuts, and Up in Dixie. In all three of these poems, Stigall never seems to show any anger. He just tells of his experiences in plain and simple terms. In Brazil Nuts, Stigall talks about how when he was a child, how he never questioned racism. But now as a man he doesnt understand why racism hasnt gone away. When I was a ChildI understoodas a childI did not questionas a childI acceptedas a childBut when I became a manthe old folksdown southstillcallthem Nigger Toes (39)Four of Stigalls thirty-seven poems can be put into the category happiness. These four poems are light and pleasant. They talk about things such as music, people and Stigalls children. These poems are This Sabbath Afternoon, No 3 Tanka, If the Past Ever Existed, and 101 West 123Rd thoroughfare. In This Sabbath Afternoon, Stigall talks about watching his children playing.
Subjects for Other Conversations :: essays research papers
Categorized Poems from Subjects for other ConversationsIn John Stigalls book, Subjects for Other Conversations, all of the thirty-seven poems can be set into one of five different categories. These categories include sadness, racism, happiness, sex, and religion.Sadness, the first kinfolk, includes ten of the thirty seven poems. These poems express hate, anger, and depression about many things in life, from growth archaic to losing a child. These poems are Poem on Turning Forty, Poem on Turning Forty-Five, Blues, Impromptu, Into the Life of This World, Some People, The Revenant, In the Bibleblack Air, Approaching, and Final Approach. In Stigalls poem, Poem on Turning Forty, he let looses about how women arent as attracted to him now. And you can tell hes depressed about growing old. The poem Into the Life of This World, talks about losing a child at birth. Stigalls light use of words, such as perfect, calm, and silent agony, shows that this poem is in full of intense emotions and sadness. I.At thirty-three, too young to be sickened into the light, my fathersbody-perfect, calm-forms a fetalcurl about its silent agony. His eyes, suggestive& articulate, explain. The lightwanesII.Silent, I refuse the firsts breaths (cradled in the light). Mybody- stillborn, calm, numb from the canal-appearsdeaf, dumbSee the physician & my mourning mothercurl over me, warping my flesh, weeping,praying me into the life of this world (30)The next category is racism. These three poems describe how racism still exists today. The poems show how hateful people can be towards someone of a different race. These poems are December/ January, brazil-nut tree Nuts, and Up in Dixie. In all three of these poems, Stigall never seems to show any anger. He just tells of his experiences in plain and simple terms. In Brazil Nuts, Stigall talks about how when he was a child, how he never wondered racism. But now as a man he doesnt view why racism hasnt gone away. When I was a ChildI understoo das a childI did not questionas a childI acceptedas a childBut when I became a manthe old folks big money southstillcallthem Nigger Toes (39)Four of Stigalls thirty-seven poems can be put into the category happiness. These four poems are light and pleasant. They talk about things such as music, people and Stigalls children. These poems are This Sabbath good afternoon, No 3 Tanka, If the Past Ever Existed, and 101 West 123Rd Street. In This Sabbath Afternoon, Stigall talks about watching his children playing.
Monday, May 27, 2019
There Were No Great Women Artists in the Renaissance
When we think of great renaissance artists the first names that would come to most peoples mind would be Leonardo Di Vinci or Michelago. When it is looked at into more sense it would then lead to Giorgio Vasari and the father of Italian renaissance Giotto Di Bondone. Even when you type into Google Great renaissance artists the first names that come up atomic number 18 Michelangelo, Raphael, Sandro Botticelli, Titian, Donatello, Masaccio, Filippo Brunelleschi and opposite great male artists. As these names are being stated it shows that there is a visible pattern that they are all males and it is rare to allow a great female renaissance artist.This then leads to the statement There were no great women artists in the Renaissance. During the renaissance period, women artists werent recognised as much as male artists and had difficulties getting themselves in the art world. The renaissance was not a time where women artists were accepted and the education given to them were limited. Women during this time were pass judgment get married and start a family and were unwanted in male dominated careers. In Giorgio Vasaris, The Lives of the Artist which is accounts of artists he knew personally and knew of.He included artists such as Masaccio, Michelangelo, Antonio Pollaiuolo and in fact most of the artists he included in The Lives of the Artists are predominately all males and only four female artists are mentioned in the self-colored six parts of the books, the artists were Rossi, Sister Plautilla, Madonna Lucrezia, and Sofonisba Anguissola. This correlates back to the statement There were no great women artists in the Renaissance as this could be evidence that by means of Vasaris eyes women artists just werent as good as the male artists or it could just be the fact that the female artists didnt arrive as much exposure as the males.To reference Linda Nochlins, Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? there is a quote that says, There are no great women ar tists because women are incapable of greatness which was what most people would fool believed during the renaissance period. It also stated that there is a difference among the greatness of womens art in comparison to the mens. As there is a different style in the womens art to the males.Nochlin states that womens art has a more distinctive and recognizable femininity and it differs from the males artworks by both its formal and expressive qualities on the different post and experience that they have been with. The different style between the womens artwork to the males could have affected how the audience viewed the womens work as the audience could have had a different idea of what art was since it art was such a male dominated area. Frances Borzello, A World of Our Own Women as Artists tells us that women went through a lot of struggle to compete with the male artists.It says that women had to fight for basic training and a chance to practice their art making. For a women to make it as an artist during this time they had get themselves trained to a professional standard, then to practise and be accepted. To go through these steps came with difficulty as women were sometimes excluded from training programmes of apprenticeship and academy or apprenticeships had to be paid for and in those times it was rare to see a parent pay for the education for their daughter as mentioned before, they were expected to marry and have kids.This would have affected the amount of female artists there could have been as they were often deprived of the education and training needed to start the beginning of becoming a great artist. Although being a female artist during the renaissance period was extremely hard. Some women were very halcyon to be a daughter of an artist, which granted them the training and publicity from their fathers that could lead them to making a living as an artist.Some female artists that had an artist as a father that guided them were Caterina van He messen and Sofonisba Anguissola. In conclusion, the statement There were no great women artists in the Renaissance could be answered differently varying the person, as that is what is great about art. That everyone has their own opinions and perceptions of how they view great art. Although, renaissance women artists arent as widely known as the male artists and had many disadvantages of becoming a successful artist they still existed during the renaissance.Bibliographyhttp// 11/7/13http// 11/7/13http// 13/7/13http// 13/7/13
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Spaying and Neutering: How Soon Is Too Soon?
English 101 29 whitethorn 2012 Spaying and Neutering How Soon is too Soon? Often referred to as mans top hat friend, shacks have been around for thousands of years. They provide their love and services to their human counterparts, and most often receive love, food, and shelter in return. Responsible dog owners everywhere would associate that neutering your dog is important and something that must be done but the question is when? Most wad neuter their dogs in the midst of 5- 7 months, simply because this is was general tradition.A common tradition that needs to be re-evaluated. What most people do non realize, is that it is most beneficial to his/her health when a dog is unsex or neutered after his/her first birthday to promote a healthy, prosperous, and disease-free life. First off, what does it mean to spay or neuter your dog? Also known as pay offing, its the process of removing their sex organs for population control, health, and behavioral modification (OMeara). The ope ration requires general anesthetic, stitches, and a close watch to ensure safe healing.Because the operation requires anesthetic, most veterinarians recommend that your dog be in the 5-7 month range for desexing. Most veterinarians say it is safer for the dogs to wait until this age before undergoing a anesthetic surgery. They entrust the liver and kidneys in younger animals are less mature, and less capable of tolerating the effects of the anesthetic (OMeara). However, some veterinarians now are saying it is safe and efficacious to neuter your pet before this 5-7 month-mark.Dog owners can ask to have their pet desexed at an previous age. The practice was approved by the American Veterinary aesculapian Association (AVMA) and studies done at the University of Illinois provided evidence of successful early desexing of dogs (Fuess). A nonher common belief concerning desexing dogs at this stage is to eliminate the naughty behaviors dogs will engender if neutered too late. Undesira ble sexual behaviors such as roaming, mounting, and masturbation can be reduced by neutering your male dogs (Clark Animal hospital ).However, this is untrue The study that identify a higher incidence of cranial cruciate ligament rupture in spayed or neutered dogs also identified an increased incidence of sexual behaviors in males and females that were neutered early (Zink). After I graduated high school, I got a Bullmastiff puppy. A lot of people told me to neuter him when he was 5 months, but I wanted to wait. They told me if I didnt do it soon, he would start to develop these bad habits. Now, he is close a year old and I have no issues with his behavior, at all.He also found a report from the American Kennel Club suggesting males and females who were spayed or neutered early having problems with aggression and fearful behaivors (Zink). Neutering a dog at an early stage in life may not have a positive, but rather a negative effect on their demeanor. While it seems all anyone is i nterested in how early you can desex your dogs, and some believe it is effective to neuter your animal at an early stage, it is the most beneficial to health to wait until after their first birthday.Chris Zink, veterinarian and diplomatist of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists, considers early neutering and spaying for dogs any desexing procedure done before puberty. He noticed many differences between dogs desexed at an earlier age, and those who werent. He noticed variables in dogs health concerning orthopedics, cancer, behavior, and other health concerns related to these animals. One common reason people neuter their male dogs before 7 months is to decrease their chance of developing prostrate cancer. However, there have been some studies that suggest that this provides no benefit (Zink).He also noticed a difference between dogs who had developed bone cancer and those who had not. One source indicated a two-fold higher risk in dogs that were desexed early and others who waited (Zink). Growing up, my family always had a dog. Our first dog was a blonde German shepherd named Clyde. We followed the status quo, and when he was 6 months of age we had him neutered. He was the most loyal, obedient, handsome, fun-loving dog, and we loved him. However, when Clyde got older, we had to have him put him down because he had developed bone cancer.After reading the findings of Dr. Zink I ask myself, If we had waited to neuter Clyde, would he still have developed bone cancer? However, my decision to neuter Bentley at a later age will not make up for the thousands who do not. Most people spay or neuter their dogs at 5 to 7 months, simply because of tradition but this is a tradition that needs to be re-evaluated. Practices amongst vets need to change. When someone goes in for an appointment with their veterinarian, there should be a lengthy discussion between them and the dog owners astir(predicate) spaying and neutering options.Most people dont even know that waiting to desex is possible. The veterinarians, breeders, and owners who do believe in waiting to desex need to do a better job of advertising, educating, and supporting this campaign. Its an issue I always bring up when I take my dog to the dog park. When discussed most people dont even realize its an option however, I am not a licensed vet, so not only I do encourage others to research the topic for themselves, but to also talk to their veterinarian about their options to get a professional opinion. Now I am on my own, and I have a dog of my own.Bentley, my 110 pound 11-month old Bullmastiff, is built-in and healthy. When I bought him as a puppy, the breeder was very stern about waiting to neuter the puppy. Bullmastiffs are considered a giant-breed-dog due to their massive size, they are addicted to some diseases such as hip dysplasia. Another recent study showed that dogs spayed or neutered before 5 1/2 months had a significantly higher incidence of hip dysplasia than those s payed or neutered after 5 1/2 months of age (Zink). Im choosing to supporting my dog intact until after his 1 year mark because it will promote his surpass health. and will reduce his risk of developing this painful disease. delay also reduces his chance of accumulating a behavioral disorder, and bone cancer. Desexing your dog at the 5-7 month range does no such benefits. Bentley is apart of my family, and I want the best for him. The best food, the best toys, and most importantly the best health. Although it would have been safe for me to do so earlier, neutering him after his first birthday will be the most beneficial to his health my vet, my breeder, and myself agree. Works Cited Alice Villaolobos, DVM.Veterinary Practice News. 1 Dec 2008. 29 May 2012 Web. . Chris Zink, DVM, PhD, DACVP. Early Spay-Neuter Considerations for the Canine Athlete One Veterinarians Opinion. 2005. caninesports. com. Web. 28 May 2012. Clark Animal Hospital . Spay & Neuter. 28 May 2012. Dr. Becker. Dn t Neuter Your Dog YET- Read This Information First 17 February 2011. Web. 28 May 2012. Dr. Shauna, OMeara. Pet Informed. Web. 28 May 2012. Theresa A. Fuess, PhD, VM-3. Early Spay/Neuter An Overview. Illinois Veterinary Bulletin 6. 1 (1998).
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Food Log Analysis Essay
5 day pabulum analysis During the 5 day span I met the calorie urgency of 2850 in daily food intake due to my high activity level. I pretty often had a balanced diet in monetary value of having each food group represented in my daily intake. I plan on to keeping my muscle mass, so I pretty much had a diet plan before. But going through the calorie tracker in the website made me realize that I was eating too much debris food than intended.It really didnt have both adverse on my physique due to my early mentioned level of activity but by acidulous down on my junk food intake for the week I was recording this log I was able to enjoy good wholesome food, without outgo a lot of money in college cafeteria. Not only was I able to do this I was able to feel the effect of having healthy food in my daily workouts. I was more energized to do work and felt the energy throughout the day. I did not need coffee or any other types of energy drink to keep me going through the day.I also was a ble to watch and track how much of what I was eating during this age period. I usually overeat on the food groups such as meat and fruits while skipping vegetable and grains that are needed for a balanced body. flat I made sure that everything was in proportion and also introduced new foods my daily routine. I plan on to implementing the above mentioned findings on to my diet from now on so that I could avoid the mistakes that I used to commit before.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Tda 2.4
All pupils have the right to a broad and balanced curriculum. This must also be supported by high-quality teaching and learning experiences. Schools have a duty to ensure that all pupils have equal access to the curriculum irrespective of their background, race, culture, gender, additional need or disability. This is, not only the learning happening in the classroom, but everything which happens in the life of the school. Policies on inclusion and equality of opportunity can only be successful if they help to raise achievement and to incite self-identity and good relationships through the participation of all children and young quite a little.Promoting equality of access to the curriculum will exploit the personal achievement of children and young people. Equal opportunity does not mean treating pupils the same, but ensuring that the curriculum meets the individual needs of all pupils. This involves understanding the barriers which exist. Intervention strategies, much(prenominal) as additional support, can then be put into place at an early stage before children fall too far behind. mettlesome expectations, of all children, are fundamental to raising achievement. Participation involves everyone within the school.There should be opportunities to talk to children and their parents about all aspects of the school and the curriculum. This could include the development and the analyse of school policies. Participation can be achieved formally through student councils and parents meetings. It may also take place in the classroom when children and young people can be asked about how they learn best, what works for them and what could be improved,. Schools must recognise and support all pupils access to everything that is happening in the school. This will promote a sense of belonging and self-esteem.When children and young people are capable to participate fully, they feel valued for who they are and the contribution that they make. This can be achieved by ackno wledging and reflecting diversity within the school in the methods of teaching and the resources and materials used. Children and young people must also have the opportunity to become independent learners. When they are able to make choices, and have control of their own learning, children are more likely to be motivated and achieve their full potential. This gives children a feeling of self-worth and well being.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Chapter 3 Pathology Questions
Chapter 3 Review Questions 1. What is meant by the following terms Homologous chromosomes- A matched pair of chromosomes, superstar derived from for each one parent. Both members of the pair are similar in size, shape, and appearance, except for sex chromosomes. Autosomes- The general term for chromosomes other than the sex chromosomes. Sex chromosome- The X and Y chromosomes that determine genetic sex. Barr body- The inactivated X chromosome that appears as a small, dense mass of chromatin attached to the nuclear membrane of somatic cells.This structure brush off be identified in the cells of a normal female and is called a sex chromatin body or Barr body after the man who first expound it. Gene- Are segments of DNA chains that determine some property of the cell and are the basic units of inheritance. Sometimes, they are described as being arranged on the chromosome like beads on a string. Gametogenesis- A specialized type of cell share that occurs during the development of t he eggs (ova) and sperm. The development of mature eggs and sperm from precursor cells.Centrosome- A small region of cytoplasm adjacent to the nucleus that contains the centrioles and serves to organize microtubules. 2. How does the process of mitosis compare with meiosis? In mitosis, each of the dickens bare-ass cells (called the young lady cells) resulting from the cell division receives the same number of chromosomes that were present in the precursor cell (called the parent cell). In meiosis, the number of chromosomes is reduced so that the daughter cells receive only half of the chromosomes possessed by the parent cell. This process is not completed until fertilized by the sperm. . What are the differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis? First, quartette spermatozoa are produced from each precursor cell in spermatogenesis, but only one ovum is formed from each precursor cell in oogenesis. The other three daughter cells derived from the meiotic divisions are discarde d as polar bodies. Second, spermatogenesis occurs continually and is carried through to complation in about 2 months. Consequently, seminal fluid always contains relatively saucily sperm. In contrast, the oocytes are not produced continually.All of the oocytes present in the ovary were formed before birth and have remained in a prolonged prophase of the first meiotic division from fetal life until they are ovulated. 4. What is a chromosome karyotype? How is it obtained? How is it used? A chromosome karyotype is an arrangement of chromosomes from a single cell arrangement in pairs in descending stray according to size of the chromosomes and the positions of the centromeres. A chromosome karyotype is obtained by culturing cells in a suitable medium. Usually, human blood is used as a source of cells for these studies the blood lymphocytes can be induced to undergo mitotic division.Certain chemicals are added to stop the mitotic division after the chromosomes have become separate and distinct, and consequently , many cells arrested in mitosis accumulate in the culture medium. Additional methods are employed to cause swelling of the cells, which are then prepared, and the chromosomes can be examined. The chromosomes are then arranged according to their size, the localization of function of the centromere, the relative lengths of the chromatids that extend outward from the centromere, and the pattern of light and dark bands along the chromosomes.Then the separated chromosome from one cell are photographed and arranged into a karyotype. The presence of abnormalities in chromosome number or structure can be detected this way. 5. What is the MHC? What is its function? What is its relationship to disease susceptibility? The MHC is the major histocompatibility complex. The antigens present on cells are impelled by a cluster of genes on chromosome 6. This group of genes, which was first determined in laboratory animals in connection with transplantation experiments, i s called the MHC.Originally, MHC proteins were considered of interest only with pry to organ transplantation because transplantation of cells containing MHC proteins different from those of the transplant recipient was followed by rejection of the transplant unless the immune system was suppressed. They take part in generating immune responses to orthogonal antigens of all types. The interaction of the HLA antigens with the various cells of the immune system is considered in the discussion on immunity, hypersensitivity, allergy, and autoimmune diseases. 6.What is a haplotype? How are haplotypes inherited by children from their parents? What are the chances that two children will have the same haplotype? A haplotype is a set of HLA genes on one chromosome and is transmitted as a unit. Each child receives one of two possible haplotypes from each parent. Because of the way in which chromosomes are transmitted from parent to child, the child has any of four different combinations of HLA haplotypes. There is one in four probability that two children will both possess the same pair of HLA haplotypes.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
The Squeaky Horn
The high-pitched Horn Assignment A Company Overview The high-pitched Horn is a musical theater comedy shaft fastening store which specialized in every last(predicate) major and minor repairs for band and orchestra instruments. Over the past tenner year, The high-pitched Horn has established a great customer relationship with the music professionals from all e veryplace the country, and has been operated in a relatively less hawkish environment as there were no many similar stores in the town.However, as the new store scoop up Instrument Repair opened across the town recently, the Squeaky Horn faced a lot pressure on diminishedering the impairment for minor repairs in competing with the new price that the Best Instrument Repair offers for the similar services. Eugene Decker, one of the three owners of The Squeaky Horn, was trying to figure out the reason for losing $50745 in their planned profit from the actual operational results, with the information that the store has been going through significant changes within the year.In order to explain the change in profit, it is necessary to have a good intelligence of the musical instrument repair attention from both macroeconomic and microeconomic aspects first. Industry Background Macroeconomic Analysis Canadian gross domestic product has been showing an improver trend from 2001 to 2010 as showed in accessory 1, even though between 2008 and 2009, gross domestic product had a negative growth rate of 2. 8%, the 3. 3% of growth in GDP at 2010 pull up the figure again to make an overall adjoin trend. Because of the significant increase in GDP over the past decade, consumers have more money spend on entertainment and education.Thus, more people tend to go to watch art shows and learn to ladder musical instruments. If looking at appendix 2, the first chart shows clearly that the mediocre household spends more money in entertainment outside hearth in 2003 than 1998. For example, people spend $20 more on performing arts on average per year. It implies that an increasing number of people will go listen to a concert, which stimulates performers to keep a peak condition of their instruments for better performances. The musical nstrument repair persistence therefore, attracts more repair jobs and technicians in order to see the increasing demand on musical instrument repairs. The average Canadian music technicians salary is $48,000, which is $9,000 high than the other instrument repair technicians as showed in the Appendix 3. Beside the facts that music technicians needs spend a lot of time work on the music repair certificate in order to perform their jobs, $9,000 dissimilarity in salary makes the musical technician jobs more attractive than others. As a result, the musical instrument repair industry is competitive.At the last, the industry is in addition affected by researchers studies. According to a cross-sectional study of Canadian school children, E. Glenn Schellenbe rg (2006) as referred in Appendix 4, kids who mold musical instrument perform better in both cognitive tasks and general intelligence tests. Therefore, more p bents would like to have their kids learn one of the musical instruments in order to explore the kids IQ potential. As a result, the musical instruments repair business is much more prosperous than before. Microeconomic Analysis The musical instrument repair industry is competitive.As a pure repair store, The Squeaky Horn faces competition not only in its own town, but as well across the province. Because musical instruments argon fragile, long distance travel increases the possibility of instrument breaking, music professionals prefer to have their instruments repaired in the local argona. Therefore, there are not so many competitions outside the province. Since a lot of musical instruments retailers and one-on-one music technicians also provide the similar services, the overall competition The Squeaky Horn is facing is he avy.Appendix 5 offers 3 of the virtually popular musical instrument repairs store in Ontario. The first two stores specialized in difference instruments repairs (guitar and violin) the last one is basically covering repairs and restorations for all instruments. Appendix 5 also shows the instrument repair price that another store in the industry offers. The average major repair (overhaul and refinish) is priced over $300 for band instruments (trumpet, trombone and horn) compare to The Squeaky Horn, which shows that The Squeaky Horn is cost efficient.The Squeaky Horn has various suppliers for musical instruments parts. Appendix 6 provides all the musical instruments manufacturers across Canada, and over half of the suppliers are from Ontario. Various supplier choices make The Squeaky Horn a price maker, which allow it to lower the repair price to attract more clients. The Squeaky Horn has customers all over the country. The customer line spreads from the music professionals to amateu r players, from orchestra to individual household.Since the store has been operated for more than 10 years, a lot of old customers prefer to have their instrument repaired there because of the already-established reputation. In addition, because of the musical instrument repairs need very specific skills, and technicians normally needs to obtain certain music degree and musical instrument repair certificate in order to perform their jobs, it is relatively hard to become a musical instrument repair technicians than others. As a result, the musical instrument repairs industry has a barrier to entry. There are not so many substitutes for musical instrument repairs.Since musical instruments is considered to be expensive goods, and most individuals and families can only offered one piece of the musical instrument (ex. piano), periodic repair and examination become the most popular method to keep a peak condition of their instruments. Unless the price of music instruments become so cheap that an average music player can offer to pay a new one when they arrange problems with the instruments, or the second hand grocery become so popular that the selling price of the instrument are enough for getting a new one, people will stick on instrument repair.If comparing The Squeaky Horns operating result with the maintenance and repair industrys average (Appendix 7), we will find that The Squeaky Horns actual revenue of $664,170 is almost as twice as much of the industry average of $334,900. However, the total actual expense is $354,070 higher (calculation is provided at the end of Appendix 7), which results the overall profit fall below the industry average of $28,100 in 2008. Therefore, The Squeaky Horn is an absolute industry attracter in revenue sector, but did not do well in maintaining high profitability through expenditure control. Appendix 1 GDP and GrowthBetween 2001 and 2010, GDP for all industries in the Canadian economy increased from $1,041 billion to $1,234 bi llion. In each year of the period, GDP growth has been positive with the exception of 2009 in which we adage a decline for the Canadian economy. The compound annual growth rate of GDP between 2001 and 2010 measured 1. 7%. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and GDP Growth 2001-2010 Canadian Economy (NAICS 11-91) GDP growth in 2001 and 2002 was much slower, with annual growth rates below the 10 year compound annual rate. However, in 2003, annual GDP growth slipped to 2. 1, corresponding with a down-turn in the United States economy.GDP growth rates went on to rebound and remained steady around 2% and 3% until 2008, when a global recession trimmed annual GDP growth to 0. 6% falling again in 2009 to an all time low of 2. 8%. In 2010, we begin to see another rebound with the GDP growth increasing to 3. 3%. Source Statistics Canada, http//www. ic. gc. ca/eic/site/cis-sic. nsf/eng/h_00013. hypertext markup language Appendix 2 Consumer Demand for pastime Services Outside the Home In recent year s, Canadians have spent more on entertainment. For their homes, demand has risen for much(prenominal) goods as home entertainment systems and computers.Expenditures on these services comprised 0. 44% of the average households overall spending budget in 2003, up from 0. 41% in 1998. This slip of paper in preferences and growth in incomes, population and prices caused the consumer market for entertainment services to expand from $2. 3 billion in 1998 to $3. 2 billion in 2003, an increase of 41%. The chart below shows the household spending on entertainment services outside the home in 1998 and 2003, respectively. Chart 2 at the in effect(p) shows the average household spending on entertainment services outside the home in both 1998 and 2003.Source Yusu Guo and Don Little, Analytical Paper Series, Consumer Demand for Entertainment Services Outside the Home. http//publications. gc. ca/Collection/Statcan/63F0002XIE/63F0002XIE2006050. pdf Appendix 3 Comparison of Average Music Technici an Salaries and Average Instrument Technicians Salaries The average salary for music technician jobs in Canada, KY is $48,000. Average music technician salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. Source http//www. simplyhired. com/a/salary/search/q-Music+Technician/l-CanadaThe average salary for instrument repair technician jobs in Canada, KY is $39,000. Average instrument repair technician salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. Source http//www. simplyhired. com/a/salary/search/q-instrument+repair+Technician/l-canada Appendix 4 Study of Music and Intelligence Musicians perform better on cognitive tasks A study of 4 to 6-year olds found that musically-trained kids performed better on a test of working remembrance Other research indicates that musicians perform significantly better on tests of Spatial-temporal skills Math ability Reading skills Vocabulary Verbal keeping Phonemic awarenes s Musically-trained people perform better on general intelligence tests. In a cross-sectional study of Canadian school children, E. Glenn Schellenberg (2006) found that kids who took music lessons had slightly higher IQs. The effects were general, cutting across several different intellectual abilities (e. g. , verbal, mathematical, and temporal-spatial). Music lessons were associated with abilities associated with fluid intelligence, such as Working memory Perceptual organization Processing speed They were also associated with increased verbal comprehension and better high school grades. These differences remained significant after controlling for a childs age, nonmusical activities, family income, and parents education. Source http//www. parentingscience. com/music-and-intelligence. html Appendix 5 Competitors * Folkway Music Repairs Restorations Fine Fretted Instruments Folkway Music is Canadas premier acoustical guitar shop. We specialize in the sale, repair and restoration of fine time of origin, new and used guitars, mandolins, and banjos.There are always many vintage Gibson guitars, vintage Martin guitars, vintage Gibson mandolins, and other vintage guitars for sale in the store, as well as a large selection of new C. F Martin & Co. Guitars, Taylor Guitars, Santa Cruz Guitars, National Guitars, Larrivee Guitars, and others. C. F. Martin & Co. Authorized Warranty Repair Centre. World-wide shipping. 163 Suffolk roadway West, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 2J7 Source http//www. folkwaymusic. com/ * Armenious Violins In our workshop we do any kind of instrument repairs/restorations such as crack repairs, bridge, sound post, fingerboard planning, peg fitting, etc.After all we are violin, viola, and cello makers ourselves. The following are some highlights of instrument related works. Bridge Cutting, Sound Post , Fingerboard, Nut & Saddle, Install/Improve Pegs, Neck Repairs, Bass Bar, upcountry Table Patches, Various Crack repairs and Anatomic Corrections, Clean and Polish the Varnish. Locations 903 Willowdale Ave, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M2M 3C2 Source http//www. armenious-violins. com/instrument_services. html * Cosmo Music A Music Instrument Superstore Cosmo Music operates one of the largest and most prestigious instrument repair shops in Canada.Each year hundreds of schools, students and professional musicians trust Cosmo Music to restore their instruments to like-new playing condition. In addition to customer repairs the shop also maintains a fleet of well over 10,000 rental instruments which are used by students across Ontario each year. Led by its original technician, Kevin Rohm, the shop in a flash employs 18 technicians and specializes in all types of wind instruments, guitar and electronic repairs. Cosmo Music has made a significant investment in equipment so that its technicians have access to all of the latest and best tools and techniques to service your instrument uickly and properly the first time Location 10 Via Renzo Drive, Richmond Hill ON L4S 0B6 Source http//cosmomusic. ca/contact-us. html Source http//www. heidmusic. com/PDFs/repairs. pdf Appendix 6 Suppliers Source http//www. profilecanada. com/category. cfm? cat=3931_Musical-Instruments Appendix 7 Industry Average Source Statistics Canada, http//www. ic. gc. ca/cis-sic/cis-sic. nsf/IDE/cis-sic811bece. htmlbec1 Total Expense for the average industry = $165,800 + $137,300 = $303,100 Total Expense for the Squeaky Horn = $664,170 $7,000 = $657,170 $657,170 $303,100 = $354,070
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Germany, 1918-1945 – Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was the first peace keeping treaty afterward the First World War. Its aims were to demilita gussy up, claim compensation and to keep peace with Germany. The signing of the treaty was humiliating and a great embarrassment for Germany and therefore Germany wasnt represented. It was only the victors who attended.In the end, Germany resulted in a great loss of land. Germany also had to pay for the damage it had take ind. These were called Respiration Payments, which were instalments of 6600 million. They couldnt pay it because their land had been interpreted a flair and had loses to amend, too. Because of this, Germany had to print more gold to pay the instalments. Money thusly lost its value, which led to hyperinflation. Germanys gird forces were cut to 100,000 concourse the navy was allowed 6 battleships and no U-boats. They werent allowed to have an airforce at all. Of course, this folie Germanys armed forces as the majority of them were laid off. This all Helped Hitlers come fall out to power because the armed forces were out of jobs and Hitler promised reforms of change to put it straight which encouraged the armed forces to choose for him. Not only was it the armed forces who were angry and frustrated but so too was the general human beings who felt gangrenous and vulnerable for reduction of armed forces and all the other terms of the Treaty of Versailles. Therefore, Hitler was able to build on that.When writing Mein Kampf (My Struggle) Hitler used the belief and economical difficulties on communists and Jews as a scapegoat. This ply into that the Treaty of Versailles gave something for him to use his oratory skills towards.Question 2.Long-term is something that has been going on all over a long period of time. Short term is a spark effect. Its something that sparks it of.A short-term effect that contributed to Hitlers evidence to power is that the Enabling Law was passed in 1933. This allowed Hitler to do basically anything including the more important element of outlawing opposition. Therefore the Nazi would be the only political party in Germany. This had a dramatic effect in a short period of time as Hitler so came to power in 1934-one year after being promoted to Chancellor. This proved himself to be a dominant and sizeable character for the job-just what Germany needed. This is good as Germany felt humiliated after the First World War and then the Treaty of Versailles and needed someone, like Hitler, to regain Germanys strength and self- stamp down. This obviously would tie in with the long-term effects.The Reichstag end was also a short-term effect. After studying previous work on the Reichstag Fire, I have come to the conclusion that Hitler started the fire on nominate in order to gain the public vote. This benefited Hitler and contributed to his formulate to power as he denied lighting the fire and instead, insisted it was a communist plot as a scapegoat. It got the public think ing that if communists are the cause of the Reichstag Fire then they could quite possibly be the blame of Germanys other problems, like Hitler was saying. This begun to get the German public to agree with Hitlers views and therefore voted for him.On 8th November 1923, Hitler, with the SA, broke into a meeting held by three leaders of the Bavarian government. He forced the leaders to signalise their audience that they would give the Nazis their full support by putting a gun to one of their heads. Hitler gained recognition not only for the Putsch but also for the trial that took place later. His 24-day trial reached the front page on a daily basis. He twisted the trial so veritable(a) though he still went to prison, he drummed up much support. He made the November Criminals the traitors and made himself look like the saviour of the German people. He was such an orator that the way he spoke influenced the judges on their decisions. That is why Hitler was only given 5 years with the c hance of parole after just six months. perchance the sentence he was given can be seen as a major benefactor in him taking power.Another short-term effect that boostered Hitlers rise to power was on the 30th June 1934 when Hitler radioed a signal to Berlin for the SS (bodyguard) to smash the SA (Storm troopers) in the events known as the Night of the Long Knives. Members of the SA were rounded up by the SS and taken to prison and were later butchered. Although this seems like an unusual way to go about getting the public approval, it was taken with gratitude by the public. This is because the SA was too violent. Their actions were scaring some of Hitlers supporters such as big businesses, the ruling elites, and the general public. They were a large, intimidating group of up to three million. So Hitler was seen as a saviour and the public began to agree with his policies even more.Long-term effects such as the Treaty of Versailles contributed to his rise to power. The public felt h umiliated and vulnerable to the defeat of World War One and then the Treaty of Versailles. The public of Germany obviously was very angry and wanted something done about it. So, with the aid of Hitlers oratory skills, his character and leadership, Hitler detested the terms of the Treaty of Versailles in his speeches and like the public, wanted something done about it. Therefore, he promised to make changes in order to regain Germanys humiliating losses. This helped as the public overlap the same views as Hitler and so supported him.Then there was the economic depression of 1923 and then 1929. The facts that Germany couldnt afford the Respiration Payments, there was masses of unemployment, higher taxes and hyperinflation meant that Germany was loosing hope. They already were receiving loans from USA to help pay of Respiration Payments. Then when Hitler uses his oratory skills and protests he will lower the taxes, lower the unemployment status, set a new currency to stop inflation, G ermany believed they had nothing to loose. So, this too, helps Hitlers rise to power.One other element of Hitlers rise to power is his oratory skills. Since he began his rise to power, he had always been a powerful and meaningful speaker. Hitler, although being a quiet man, was an excellent public speaker. Often, he was able work a crowded room into frenzy, yelling and cheering in support. He used his dissertation ability persuade people to support his ideas and party. He dressed in uniform to put emphasis on his overwhelming sense of control and power, he used his hands to also express himself and he raised his voice in order to give a great impact for his audience.All in all, I believe the short term and long term combine together. It is possible to say that the long-term effects wouldnt have been much use without the short-term effects and visa-versa. Therefore, short-term effects are just as important and play a rattling role in Hitlers rise to power, just as much as long-term .Question 3I believe the Treaty of Versailles was a major element in Hitlers rise to power. If it werent for the Treaty of Versailles then Hitlers rise to power would be very much different in relation to what it was. The fact that he was able to use his oral skills to put across the shared views of public about the Treaty of Versailles and then build on that links the two together. I feel that the Treaty of Versailles sparked much unwanted controversy inwardly the German Republic. Germany was so unhappy and humiliated both with the defeat of World War One and the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. So to have a powerful speaker in uniform, standing up and protesting that the Treaty of Versailles was wrong and in conjunction, agreeing with the German public, was a great relief for Germany. Coinciding with this, the Munich Putsch happened at a time of hyperinflation, economic depression just after the Treaty of Versailles. Which obviously reinforces my argument that it was very much the Treaty of Versailles, which brought all the other financial and economic difficulties in Germany.I also think that the Economic Depression has influential reasons why Hitler rose to power, too. It was the long period of time when Germany, economically, socially and politically collapsed and silver became worthless from hyperinflation etc. this was the Economic Depression. It was a time of deep despair Germany was in the grip of this great depression with a population suddenly purpose themselves in a state of poverty, misery and uncertainty, whilst in the middle of a rapidly growing political instability.However, there were other significant elements that combined with Hitlers rise to power. So much so that if you were to rule out one then it would affect another (theyre linked). All of the other reasons include The Munich Putsch, the Night of the Long Knives, Hitlers oratory, personality and leadership, the decision by Von Papen and Hildenburg to appoint him as Chancellor in 1 933, and the Enabling Law.The Enabling Law was a short-term effect but a vital one as it allowed him to outlaw opposition, which meant, what he said, was law. Without this and Hildenburgs decision linked, Hitler would most certainly not have made it to be leader. Hildenburg thought that appointing Hitler as Chancellor, they could keep control of him-how wrong they were And indeed there are other factors that arent mentioned. One being is the Reichstag Fire of which Hitler blamed on the Communists as a scapegoat. Without this, the Nazis would probably had been virtually vague and still holding meetings in the Reichstag hall-not ideal for a political party.The employment status was so negative that for Hitler, his long awaited opportunity to reach out to the German people had arrived. At this point in the German nation the citizens, downtrodden and tired of their economic situation, were more than willing too listen to someone with ideas or visions of a brighter and certainly more st able Germany.The main reason why the Treaty of Versailles overthrows the Economic Depression, narrowly, and is the most influential above all of the others is because it was the ascendent of an ongoing unhappiness, which ties in with the Economic Depression. I am probably liable to say that without the Treaty of Versailles, Germany wouldnt have had the Economic Depression because money would of still had its value, currency, taxes wouldnt have gone up and there wouldnt have been any Respiration Payments. It was the symbolic element of which the Nazis were able to build their political views upon.The reason why Hitler became so popular over the Treaty of Versailles was because the terms of the Treaty were tough to compromise with that it led to most other effects. These propelled the Nazi party to new heights of daring, which was highly linked with the speeches Hitler gave and the promotional stunts that the Nazi party held. The partys tactics were very good and effective in their rise to power. However the success was really thanks to Hitler and the character that in the beginning I believe he was portraying but later became.I believe that if the Treaty was not brought forward, the country wouldnt have stumbled into a state of depression and Hitler would never have successfully raised the amount of strong morale that he did, mainly due to pure human conscience. Not many people believe in the majority of the Nazi partys actions and politics. However, there were usually one or two points mostly of unemployment or the stabilising of money, of which the Treaty of Versailles was the cause of that no one else had offered the German sufferers until then. Their time was that moment to be the biggest and the best organised and supported party that Germany had had since the war. The people did not know that Hitlers rise to power could cause another.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Kennewick Man
The highly controversial treatment and care of the kind skeletal remains that have come to be referred to as the Kennewick humanness or the Ancient ace, disinterred July, 28, 1996, poses a multiplex of conflict. The remains were removed from a location below the surface of Lake Wallula, a class of the Columbia River pooled behind McNary Dam in Kennewick, Washington State, during a water sports event, July 29th. Being informed of the husking of the remains, the U.S Army Corps of Engineers preceded to x-ray and CAT-scan the remains. On July 30th a local newspaper in east Washington publishes a story of the discovery. The first humankind news leads representatives of local aboriginal American communities to spot officials about the discovery. One bone resolve was sent to the University of California, Riverside, to be dated by a blasting test on August 5th. Early analysis reports upon the now irreparably damaged bone fragment dated the skeletal remains to be somewhat 8,400 y ears old. The U. S.Army Corps of Engineers, the agency responsible for the make for where the remains were recovered took official possession On kinsfolk 2nd. A group of five inwrought American tribes claim the adult male remains under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation title (NAGPRA). The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers agrees to the tribal claim(s) and publishes an official Notice of Intent to Repatriate statement as needed by Federal NAGPRA law. This degree of cooperation is unprecedented and very much embraced amongst the Native peoples perusing the reburial and honorific treatment of the remains.On October the 16th eight anthropologists file suit for the possession of the remains in the U. S. Magistrate Court of Portland, Oregon, to celebrate the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers from repatriating the remains to the tribes. The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers defers possession of Kennewick Man to the U. S. department of the interior. On September 3rd a feder al judge orders Kennewick Man moved to the burke Museum at the University of Washington. The remains thereby transferred to the Thomas Burke Memorial Washington State Museum, at theUniversity of Washington in Seattle, where they would be cared for until a final decision of possession or repatriation would be reached. A team of federally selected anthropologists present their antecedent findings based on non-destructive examinations of the remains, carried out at the Thomas Burke Memorial Washington State Museum, February 27th, 1999. A federal report links Kennewick Man to Asian peoples and not to any of the tribes claiming an ancestral link to the hu existence being whose remains lay in question.Radiocarbon dating identifies the Kennewick Man remains as being approximately 9,300 years old. The Department of the inner(a) rules that the bones should be repatriated to the tribes who claimed them as belonging to an ancestor. The remains are by chance the oldest exhumed Native of Nort h America, providing scientifically valued information that may aid in the evolutionary sciences. The repertoire of evolutionary sciences concludes that the remains are particularly important for the query of North American migration from northern europium and Asia, commonly known as the Barring land bridge theory. U. S.Magistrate, nates Jelderks in the state of Portland rules on August 30th, 2002 that the skeletal remains should be turned over to a team of scientists for study, blocking the go along to a coalition of Native American tribes advocating the reburial of the remains. Four Northwest Native bands that claim Kennewick man as their ancestor file notice that they will appeal in suit the ruling rejecting their signal to bury the remains. The federal Judge presiding over the 9th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals upholds the ruling passed by Judge John Jelderks. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals denies the request for a rehearing.While awaiting instructions from the effectiv e possessor, the Army Corps of Engineers, the museum will fork up a secure and venerating repository for the human remains for as long as required. The Burke Museum presently maintains possession of the remains, as there is the hypothetical necessity for further study which must incriminate rigorous testing and analysis to preside over a decade. The legal possessor of the remains has thereby vacated the matter leaving the Museum to sustain unlawful possession of the remains as well as the legal and social coup that coincides.The University of Washington, Seattle is a renowned institution with an extensive research facility placed at the disposal in conjunction with the Burke memorial museum. The imperative scientific necessity for further research of the remains has placed the museum as an institution in the wake of a highly controversial specialise of issues. The university has the initiative to perpetuate the sciences conducive to the study of anthropology, providing educationa l biases.The requests made on the behalf of the Native communities has a neat claim to the respectful treatment of said human remains that is directly conflicting with the claims the scientific biotic community has proclaimed. The definitions of respectful treatment are disputant amongst the two groups and continue to place the Burke Museum in the heart and soul ground of a severe conflict. The university and the museum have taken the situation as an opportunity to educate the public to a degree, launching a section on the museums web cite that chronicles the displacement of Kennewick Man.Ideological separations between Native American belief structures and scientific initiatives are intrinsic within both sides of the debate. The respectful treatment of human remains is defined through the sciences at this time with little account for the indwelling community and their wishes. The Museum is primarily the caretaker of the remains adherent to the courts ruling, placing the institu tion in a precarious scenario pitting Native American human rights up against the sciences of anthropology. Some commentators and reporters have described the legal controversy swirling around the Kennewick remains in rather super-heated rhetoric pitting the interests of science against those of traditional Native Americans. This characterization ignores the detailed, intensive, and wide-ranging scientific investigation of the Kennewick remains undertaken to determine the facts relevant to the questions in the case and report them. -National Parks Service U. S. Dept. of the Interior 10/13/2008
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Monitoring and Detecting Abnormal Behavior in Mobile Cloud
manageing and Detecting Abnormal carriage in Mobile Cloud Infrastructure ABSTRACT Recently, several wandering divine helpings be changing to infect-based industrious services with richer communications and higher flexibility. We present a sensitive winding cloud base of operations that combines mobile devices and cloud services. This new infrastructure provides realistic mobile instances by dint of cloud calculate. To commercialize new services with this infrastructure, service providers should be aware of security issues.Here, we first define new mobile cloud services through mobile cloud infrastructure and contend possible security threats through the phthisis of several service scenarios. Then, we propose a methodology and architecture for describeing abnormal doings through the monitoring of both host and net break down information. To validate our methodology, we injected malicious programs into our mobile cloud test rear end and used a machine learning algo rithm to detect the abnormal look that arose from these programs. Existing transcriptionOn much(prenominal) normal mobile devices, most current vaccine applications detect malware through a tactual sensation-based method. Signature-based methods send away detect malware in a short space of time with high accuracy, but they notifynot detect new malware whose signature is unknown or has been modified. If mobile cloud services are provided, much more(prenominal) malicious applications may appear including new and modified malware. Therefore vaccine applications cannot detect and prohibit them with only signature-based method in the future.Moreover, mobile cloud infrastructure supports a huge number of virtual mobile instances. When a malware is compromised on a virtual mobile instance, it can be delivered to another(prenominal) virtual mobile instances in the like mobile cloud infrastructure. Without monitoring the network behavior in mobile cloud infrastructure, the malware will disruption over the entire infrastructure. Algorithm Random Forest Machine machine learning algorithm. Architecture pic Proposed System Here We focuses on the abnormal behavior detection in mobile cloud infrastructure.Although signature-based vaccine applications can target on virtual mobile instances to detect malware, it makes additional overhead on instances, and it is difficult for users to lay in vaccine software by force when those instances are provided as a service. Behavior-based abnormal detection can address those problems by observing activities in the cloud infrastructure. To achieve this, we design a monitoring architecture using both the host and network data. Using monitored data, abnormal behavior is detected by applying a machine learning algorithm.To validate our methodology, we built a test bed for mobile cloud infrastructure, by choice installed malicious mobile programs onto several virtual mobile instances, and then successfully detected the abnormal b ehavior that arose from those malicious programs. Implementation Implementation is the stage of the project when the theoretical design is turned out into a working system. Thus it can be considered to be the most critical stage in achieving a successful new system and in giving the user, confidence that the new system will work and be effective.The implementation stage involves careful planning, investigation of the existing system and its constraints on implementation, blueprint of methods to achieve changeover and evaluation of changeover methods. Main Modules- 1. USER MODULE In this module, Users are having certification and security to access the detail which is presented in the ontology system. Before accessing or searching the details user should give way the account in that otherwise they should register first. 2. MOBILE CLOUD SERVICE Here new mobile cloud service through the virtualization of mobile devices in cloud infrastructure. We describe two main service scenarios to explain how this mobile cloud service can be used. Service scenarios are useful to discuss security threats on mobile cloud infrastructure, because they include users, places, mobile devices, and network types, and users enkindle contents. We define mobile cloud computing as processing jobs for mobile devices in cloud computing infrastructure and delivering job results to mobile devices. e propose a new mobile cloud service as providing virtual mobile instances through mobile cloud computing. The proposed mobile cloud service provides virtual mobile instances through the combination of a mobile environment and cloud computing. Virtual mobile instances are available on mobile devices by accessing the mobile cloud infrastructure. This means that users connect to virtual mobile instances with their mobile devices and then use computing resources such as CPU, memory, and network resources on mobile cloud infrastructure.In this case, such mobile devices will have smaller roles to pl ay than current mobile devices. 3. MALWARE DATA We chose GoldMiner malware applications to accomplish abnormal data in our mobile cloud infrastructure. We installed the malware onto two hosts and ran it. It gathers location coordinate and device identifiers (IMEI and IMSI), and sends the nurture to its server. The malware target affecting each mobile instance as zombie, and there are many other malware which have the same purpose although their functionality and behavior are little different from each other.This kind of malware is more threatening to mobile cloud infrastructure because there are lots of similar virtual mobile instances and they are closely connected to each other. Entered data are not same, compare the database data that is called malwaredata. when If any(prenominal) abnormal behaviors help to modify the date in External object. 4. ABNORMAL deportment DETECTION We used the Random Forest (RF) machine learning algorithm to train abnormal behavior with our collec ted data set.The RF algorithm is a combination of decision trees that each tree depends on the values of a random vector sampled independently and with the same distribution for all trees in the forest. We correspond the collected features as a vector with the data subsequently used to train our collected data set. System Configuration- H/W System Configuration- Processor Pentium III Speed 1. 1 Ghz RAM 256 MB(min) Hard Disk 20 GB Floppy Drive 1. 4 MB Key Board Standard Windows Keyboard Mouse Two or Three Button Mouse Monitor SVGA S/W System Configuration- ? Operating System Windows95/98/2000/XP ? Application Server Tomcat5. 0/6. X ? Front End HTML, Java, Jsp ? Scripts JavaScript. ? Server side Script Java Server Pages. ? Database Mysql 5. 0 ? Database Connectivity JDBC.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Role of Students in the Purification of the Society
TOPIC agency of students in the purification of the confederacy. TABLE OF CONTENTS TOPIC situation of students in the purification of the club * Purpose of education. * Students and their voice in the society. * Current situation of the society. * Students reformers in the past. * Students contribution in the purification of the society. * Conclusion * Refrences IN THE NAME OF ALLAH ALMIGHTY WHO IS THE MOST GRACIOUS AND MERCIFULL TOPIC Role of students in the purification of the society Those who know thronenot be like the ones who do not know.Of course, noesis and ignorance ar like light and darkness which can never be alike. (Holy QURAN) There atomic number 18 a bulky no of students who are studying in thousands of schools, colleges & universities. These students can tampers a very significant billet in the re-building and reconstruction of our nation. This can only happen if their energies are properly channelized. The students had in any case played in a very import ant mapping in the constructive growth of society. The students possess immense youth power. The map of student in a society entails various things.They must should concentrate on studies so that they break dance into lettered individuals that make significant contributions to the society in the future. They must pass on whatever friendship they fuddle to others. This can take on many forms ranging from helping your siblings to creating awareness about environmental issues much(prenominal) as global warming. They should act as responsible individuals which means to steer gather of any irregular activities. Students should try and refrain themselves from all such activities for their benefit as well as the society.They must should do their best what they can to protect their environment and society. Students should avoid littering places and should try to invest a few hours into federation services if possible so that it could help them to play a constructive eccentric of Their selves in the society so that they are able to face the challenges of life in positive manner. Students should also behave respectfully to the elders of the society and take care of their needs i. e. help an elder to cross a road expect up and make space for an elder to sit if there is none.By doing little deeds of kindness students could incur reforms in the whole society. The history is full of such examples that whenever a group of students take an initiative and so it became the voice of whole nation. Our youth is very much capable and enthusiastic of doing so and by development their mental approach they can convert impossible to possible but for the purification of society students must should be channelized in such a way so that they could be able to play their part for the constructiveness and betterment of society. PURPOSE OF instructionEducation has a great companionable importance specially in the modern, complex industrialized societies. Philosophers of all periods, beginning with ancient stages, devoted to it a great deal of attention. approximately of the significant functions of role of education in society are 1. To complete the socialization process. 2. To transmit the fundamental heritage 3. The organisation of social personality. 4. Reformation of attitude. 5. It encourages the spirit of competition. 6. Acts as integrative force that unites different sections of society. 7. Enhances civil sense and rational approach in an individual. . Improve the quality and efficiency of provision and outcomes 9. Promote plainlyness and active citizenship 10. Enhance innovation and creativity at all levels of education and training. Students and their role in society Every individual has an obligation towards the society. Students is particular can do a lot in this regard. The role of students in a society includes various things. Firstly concentrate on studies so that they develop into well-educated individual. The next step is to pass on whatever knowledge they have to other & creating awareness.A student plays a vital role in the development of society. They developed the society by improving their skills in knowledge of the country. Current situation of the society one-year-old people are ofttimes viewed as miss the skills take to become part of the political process. These perceptions are often backed by popular theories on childishness development, many of which define youth as social group that is in the stage of becoming adults. Young people are not afforded the opportunities to share power with adults in part because they are viewed as lacking the requisite skills.Consequently, they are not invited to the table. The very idea of youth citizenship young people participating as equals is a stretch for many adults. The irony is, however, that once at the table, young people are often viewed as a threat to adult power. Rather than work with young people to build the skills, adults all abdicate power or work to control it. This tendency to exclude young people has been well-substantiated in international Therefore youthfulness has become a major justification for excluding young people from last making.It is also important to emphasize that these ideas are also present all major social institutions from the family, the school, the community religious institutions etc. It is not a surprise that there are not expectations and processes that facilitate the political participation of young people within their communities as well as at the national level. As now the youth has given a chance to show their constructive abilities in many ship canal they are also provided with different culture mediums such as social networking sites, print and electronic media so that they can express their selves in much better way but at a larger medium and at better extent.Student reforms in the past Students are echtly the spine and the base of nation. They are the actual representatives of youth. T he history had also proven it that whenever a student moment takes place then it became the voice of severally and every person. In the separation of subcontinent and the foundation of Pakistan students had played their vital role. Students played a major role in the Pakistan Movement. This was of great historical significance, for the Muslim students of the subcontinent had never moved in such great numbers in a political movement.It was a befitting culmination of the reformist movements of the late nineteenth century for the liberty and education of Muslim youth. The Quaid Muhammad Ali Jinnah can be seen as source of inspiration for their emergence as players on the political scene. The recent biggest reform by students emerges in England because of the increasing fee structure in UK, and just because of the reaction of students the government had to take a backward step on this decision. It is very much clear that whenever students put their efforts in any matter then it had it s own significance on them.Students role in the purification of the society Students are the future of the country. Through their energy, ability and potential they can bring thoroughgoing changes not only to the society but also to the country as a whole. They can participate in creating awareness among the people about several issues and can help them in contributing expeditiously for the society. They have the power to change the face of the society and hence play a pivotal role in the development of the society.They can purify the society by assessing knowledge and improving personalization skills, motivation practices for the formation of a good society and reforming of a civilized nation in to well beings. The synthesis search on achievement motivation, school engagement, and student voice, concluding that the more than educators use student-centered approaches to reinforce student agency, the more motivation and engagement are likely to rise. I think this is the only way which makes students more fur-bearing so that they can play their part more efficiently and usefully for the society.CONCLUSION Education is a lordly factor a nation should have as to make progress in any orbit of life. In other words Education matters. In is a need of now as to permit it as it helps in making a society peaceful, happy, prosperous and helps in many other ways. Childrens gain it as to make their future as also to play a vital role for the development of their nation. Now a days the society has no moral values due to which the students have to play a vital role as to play their part in society. Many institutes are made as for the people to gain knowledge and play a vital role.Our religion also gives stress on the gain of education and by gaining education a man can play a very vital role. In the end I can only say that EDUCATION Matters. REFRENCES * Purpose of education written by Kim Jones. * Elementary education motivation in Islam written by DR. Eeqbal Hassim * Students role in history written by Urwah ibn Zubayr * Possitive youth development written by Micheal J. Nakkula * www. students. com * The social role of university student written by Florian Znaniecki. * Social rights duties written by Leslie Stephen.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Organisation Communication-Ethics Essay
quandary 1 As the newly appointed personnel director my option would be to follow the c aloneers procedure of screening the appli mountaints and transport the top three to the worry for interviews. However before forwarding the top three to the management, I would first confront the chairwoman on his discriminatory attitude. This would be infallible since if the applicants just go for interviews with the management, the presidents attitude may lead to all three of them not being selected. Then it give look like the selection process was unsatisfactory.In summation, it is important for the president to be aware of the fact that the three potential employees are all female so that he is not caught unaware. The schooling that all three applicants are female would be conveyed to him in the confrontational conflux. Confronting him give give an opportunity for bringing reveal the unethical nature of the presidents attitude. During the confrontation meeting I go forth attempt to explain to the president that the applicants ought to be selected using the principles of merit, fairness and equality.I will also point kayoed that the management could end up selecting a female applicant stock-still though there was a male applicant since the chances of having three male applicants would be small. In extension confrontation would also help to block possible liability for using sex as a determinant in the selection process. This is a contravention of the Civil Rights Act and it is better to prevent it rather than have the caller lose large amounts of cash in a court fiber should the connection be sued by any of the three female applicants (Shockley-Zalabak, 2005).An new(prenominal) advantage that confronting the president has is that the president will be aware that decisions will not be made according to his whims and desires especially when they are unethical. This would domiciliate hopefully to some amount of professional respect where the president see s that I have the interests of the organization and the employees as well at heart. It would also mean that the president would not expect to push me around as far as personnel issues were concerned and rather would leave me to discharge my duties independently while ask for help where necessary.The meeting with the president would remain private and the issue would only be discussed with other members of management if the president refused to change his stance on the issue. Then it would mean that such discriminatory hold would be perpetuated and failure to include other members of management would root in unequal employment opportunities for the employees. In such a situation the appropriate thing to do is to confront the president about his discriminatory posture.This can help to bring about a stop to such discriminatory behavior and also to bend the legal implications of such discriminatory attitudes when employing. The company could suffer great losses by paying out damage s and these could have been avoided. In addition, a companys policy should be such that they avoid practices that are discriminatory in nature and the company should work towards ensuring that all people regardless of sex are treated equally. This involves availing opportunities equally to all employees regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion or race (Caux Round Table, 2006). encounter with the president however requires tact and it is best to start with how the company is likely to suffer from discriminatory practices, reservoir with the legal implications and their effect on the profitability of the company. Then other factors such as the negative forwarding the company would receive from such a court case where discrimination along gender lines has been undefendable as a factor in employment and also citing the goodwill of the employees as an issue that would be affected.This is because most employees may side with their colleagues who have been discriminated against or fee l like they are the next in line to suffer from a discriminatory practice. Due to the sensitive nature of the meeting it would best be had in privacy with the president. After the president has changed his mind then the selection process can stretch out as outlined by company policy.Dilemma 2 In the situation above as the personnel liaison I would press the cabal member for more information on who was convoluted or places where the medicate use occurred.I would impress on her the need to give more unique(predicate) information so that I can act as soon as possible and so as to give me a head start in performing my own investigation. This would be do by explaining to her the danger that the involved crew members and personnel liaison people were putting on her and other members of the crew. This is because by being involved in dose use they compromised their mental alertness when operating machinery which could result in injury to others and also in losses for the company.Whil e attempting to get as much information as possible from the crew member I would also be conducting my own investigations. This would be through discreetly and would involve trips to the production line to unearth evidence of drug use. It would also involve interviews with all(prenominal) crew member to try and find out those who are involved in the drug use. other(a) personnel liaisons would not be involved in the investigations to prevent those who are involved from pre-empting the investigation process.During the interviews the employees would be made aware of the consequences of drug use with police involvement being the major factor especially if the drugs are found to be illegal drugs. This would most likely cause some of the crew members to snap fastener under the pressure and giving up the necessary information to deal with the drug problems at the plant. If this fails to fuck off adequate information the crew members and all personnel liaison would be informed of the ne ed for scrutiny due to safety issues and firing or suspension of those found to be using drugs at the plant.In a situation of drug use at manufacturing plant, the person in charge in this case the liaison officer has a role of conducting investigations to find out what truth there is in the crew members allegations and expose all those involved in drug use (Shockley-Zalaback, 2007). Drug use is a immoral offence depending on the drug being used and it has the effect of compromising the quality of work of the users and and then lowering the efficiency of the company.Aside from the negative effect on the profitability of the company, it is also unethical practice to ignore the report of the crew member as it would be akin to condoning drug use in the company. In dealing with the issue it is best to first ensure that there is a handbook that all the employees are aware of and have access to regarding use of drugs at the workplace (People Management, 2007). This means that the employ ees cannot claim ignorance of company policy regarding drug use at the work place.Holding meetings to draw attention to the problem of drug use is also another means of communicating and citing the disciplinary issues that are associated with drug use. In addition having an intranet that has information on drug use and use of posters, newsletters to communicate company policy in drug misuse at work. In managing the situation it is also necessary that emphasis be on acquit that the company will offer those with drug dependence problems rather than on disciplinary issues.While this cannot be ignored, it discourages most people from admitting that they have a problem. Also it means that the company may not be meeting its legal obligations in managing those people who have drug use problems. What I would have through with(p) is slightly different from what should be done. My draw close is more focussed on disciplinary measures rather than confirming measures.As a result it may not b e very effective at flushing out all the drug users and some may persist with their problem until it causes danger or injury to others. The approach I took was more disciplinary because it was aimed at reaching those who merely use drugs at the plant irresponsibly. It did not give consideration to those who may have serious problems of managing their drug use, but if identified these would be referred to a rehabilitation center and would retain their jobs as long as they complied with treatment.
School Shootings
Situation On February 14, 2018, Nikolas Cruz butcherd 17 students of St matchless and only when(a)man Douglas High inculcate.Since then, politicians, grieve m separates and fathers, and average citizens atomic number 18 at odds with one another over what should be go intoe to hinder much(prenominal) a catastrophe from happening again. In todays world of perceived division, animosity, and public policy debate, it seems promptly more(prenominal) than ever that prep ar pips are a hot button issue.In 2018, websites and organizations with political agendas bespeak that anywhere from 15 to 18 give lessons blastoffs defecate happened in the U.S. temporary hookup those with opposing beliefs say that those incidents do been exaggerated or isolated incidents either near or away a check campus. Since the shooting at the University of Texas (1966) to the columbine (1999) shooting to most late(a)ly the Stoneman Douglas (2018) teach shooting, acts of violence are becoming more and more common. domesticate shootings perpetrated by youth (16-25) are a concern and researchers have investigated what causes individuals to perform much(prenominal) actions. Years of research, investigating, autopsies, and psychological evaluations tooshie be, to a degree narrowed d possess into ii causes of coach shootings undivided factors affecting troubled youth and social/cultural influences.While many would argue that in that location is no definitive cause of educate shootings, it seems that most suspects involved captured many sort of contribution at the psychological or communal level.The researchers who have data to back their argument are hopefully button to be instru psychological as to determine a cure or implement pr unconstipatedtative measures to sword sure a school shooting can either never happen again or reduce the number of incidents/casualties.Researchers Argument of Individual Factors Affecting Troubled YouthThe consensus among most researchers is that the suspect suffers from mental wellness issues.Dr. McGee and Dr. DeBernardo, both forensic examiners, believe that school shooters can usually fit a common criteria ascribcapable to their research of childishs responsible for school shootings from 1993 to 1998. Both agree that through their research, the shooter is a normal adolescent coming from a middle class, white neighborhood of around 50,000 people.They have a somewhat mettlesome IQ and come from a type of scurvy home (divorce, separation, etc.). It isnt until that they investigated what the child was experiencing pre-incident that caused concern. The adolescent will experience low self-esteem, disconnect from their peers, and some sort of psychological stressor.These stressors/factors all culminate into triggering the suspect into them believing that the hardly way to respond to recent trauma is to enact violence on whoever they believe is the cause for such conflict. In the case of Charles Whitman who was the perpetrator of the University of Texas massacre, he murdered the ones closest to him, his wife and mother for debatable reasons while Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold took revenge on their entire school.Glenn W. Muschert, author of Research in tame Shootings examines the multitudes of contributing factors of school shootings and states A variety of causes whitethorn contribute to school shootings even if direct causality may not be established. (Muschert, 67) While he believes that there is no definitive cause, mental health is the primary point of argumentation. keep with the trend of individual factors affecting troubled youth, another pivotal cause that researchers can identify anyway mental health problems is peer humiliation/bullying. Mr. Kimmel and Mr. Mahler, authors and contributors to Adolescent Masculinity, Homophobia, and Violence examine the societal impacts of possible school shooters at the peer level, stating In conducting our analysis because they were diametrical from the other boysshy, bookish, honor students, artistic, musical, theatrical, nonathletic, geekish, or weird. (Kimmel Mahler, 1445)Contrary to mental health, the argument of these authors is that the influence doesnt happen personally from psychological issues but those around them. In their research, most school shooters are suburban caucasian males in suburban neighborhoods and the influence is from students use of derogatory, homophobic slurs to ridicule these kids and strangulate their individualistic qualities.Eventually this contributes to the triggers discussed with mental health and the peer humiliation/identity becomes the cause. Another quote from a researcher contributing to the argument that bullying causes school shooters states Is there something disturbing most the fact that children opine that their schools will have postgraduate levels of gay bashing, slut bashing, violence against girls, racism, and violence against those who are less able or otherwise diff erent? (Klein,233) Jessie Klein believes through experimentation, statistics and testimonials from dupes of bullying, this hurts the individual in such a way that the hardly recourse is through violence in the form of school shootings.Argument Social, Media, External Influences Lead to initiate ShootingsWhile the argument from a multitude of researchers and scholars that mental health and bullying are the preliminary factors that cause school shootings, other researchers examining the same topic have come upon the hypothesis that external factors are to rap music.The first would be the medias coverage of school shooters upon apprehension. The national news and tv coverage gives the belief that those who commit school shootings are regarded as celebrities within the nations spotlight on them. Since the columbine Shooting the news provides national news to certify America about what is currently happening but students who are currently experiencing a rough smudge of bullying, dec lining mental health, and other things see this as an opportunity to gain the watchfulness of all who are move to national disaster.Video games are believed by many to glorify and give possible shooters a chopine to commit such an act without consequence leading to the belief that violence in schools is the next step. McGee, J. P., DeBernardo, C. R. The schoolroom avenger A behavioral profile of school based shootings.The Forensic Examiner, (1999). 8(5-6), 16-18. (2018)Muschert, G.W., Research in School Shootings. (2007) vol. 1, issue.1, 60-80Kimmel, M. S. Mahler, M. Adolescent Masculinity, Homophobia, and Violence. (2003)k vol. 46, issue. 10, 1439-1458Klein, J., The Bully Society School Shootings and the Crisis of Bullying in Americas Schools. NYU Press. (2012)School ShootingsIn this physical composition it looks at some previous school shooting that have happened in the United States. It looks at the shooters, and also look at theories of what possibly couldve been their moti ves for commenting such a catastrophe, taking innocent lives. The paper looks at what we have conditioned and what we can do to prevent future school shooting tragedies. It looks at how bullying has pulled the trigger and how kids expert want to be heard. The paper looks at what psychologist and criminologist have to say about future shootings and past shooters.It looks at the copycat effect and how the 1999 Columbine High School shooting has set the tone and gained such attention that people have try or made notion that there will be an attempted repeat. Keywords School shootings are a tragedy that does not cross many minds in America until one occurs. The people who end up involved never imagine something analogous that happening to them, and the ones that go unaffected by the situation continue to ignore it. This is a major problem in America today.But we cant rightfully settle on what we dont know what to fix, looking back on these tragedies that labor nursing home in sc hools. We see dont see zero point but a iciness blood toss offer, but looking deeper than what the naked eye sees on the surface, we have saw that many of the shooters that have shot up schools in the past have been victims. They have been victims of harassment, de extortion, and anger that has been built up. They have verbalise warning signs but people in society tend to ignore and blow the warning signs off manage nothing could ever happen.That is until all the built up anger and resentment from be bullied, timbre alone, and depressed seem to outburst in to horrific tragedies. The Columbine Shooting. Americas most harmful school shooting took charge at Columbine High School in 1999. Two boys named Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold exposed fire on their classmates cleanup position which 14 classmates and teaches sustenance got taken away that day when Harris and Klebold entered their school. They also took their own life later the horrific act (Phillips, 2006). It is state that the two killers were p portion outting this soon to be known tragedy for two months.Right after the shooting happened, it was discovered that one of the gunmen had an internet site talking about killing. The website talked about make pipe bombs on the website it stated that pipe bombs were some the easiest and deadliest way to kill a striking group of people. The site also referred to NBK which was an event that that was approaching where the pipe bombs would be used. Its said that the two boys were a members of an antisocial group that are referred to as the Trench Coat Mafia there was purportedly a group of ten students that wore long coats and dark sunglasses all the time.Classmates of the two killers state that they were jerks and that they were strange. They didnt really talk to anyone else at the school, they were considered to be outcasts (Marshall, 1999). Shooters who were victims of bullying. matchless in particular shooting is a prime example that bullying can s end someone over the edge. The shooting took place at Heath High School in west Paducah Kentucky in 1997. The shooter was Michael Carneal who claimed he was bullied and he opened fire on the school prayer group, shooting eight of his classmates.When Carneal was asked why did he do it? He said he was sick of being bullied and picked on (Deadly lessons Understanding, 2003). Carneal stated that he was talked down to and wiped out(p) and even physically tormented. He was brought to his breaking point due to bullying. Michael Carneal wasnt practiced the only one that has opened fire in school due to being bullied. Alleged shooter Charles Williams who took the lives of two students injuring xiii others when he opened fire at a Santana High School in Santee California in 2001.It was the deadliest shooting in the United States since massacre that took place at Columbine High School in 1999. Williams had a fit depressingly common profile for children in trouble in the United States School s correspond to psychologists and the schools security. The teen was a social outsider whose angry lethal threats were taking as jokes by his friends and family. Richard Butterworth a psychologist who studies United States school shootings, states that the consciousness that are in kids today is shooting is the way to manifest their anger.Since the Columbine school shooting schools have been so afraid of a fire in their hallways, they have throw off extinguishers everywhere. But yet they have done nothing to what are causing the fires, these kids are mad and they dont know what else to do states Butterworth (Quinn, 2001). Eric Chester a Denver based teen expert stated that Williams appears to be another distraught, disengaged, disenfranchised kid who wanted people to take notice of him (Quinn, 2001).Williams was a 15 course of study old who was described as a skinny kid who got picked on a lot some of his other aquanauts described him as an outsider who was a nerd, but others st ate that he was well liked. One classmate Jessica more says people called him freak, dork, and nerd (Bradberry, 2001). These two examples of school shooters were not the only victims that felt like they had to open fire inside hallways to be notice or heard. Sad to say they will probably be more that are victims of being bullied and will feel as this is the only way.The Copycat Effect. Since the Columbine High School shooting they seem to be an outburst of copycats that have been found with bomb making material in their passion, people who have made threats to do something Columbine like, to people found dependable days before their plots that are columbine like and are about to be take place and have been stop due to tips to the officials. The recent school shooting that took place a Sandy plume Elementary School where 28 in total lost their life including the shooter himself and his mother.From the evidence equanimous at the house of alleged shooter Adam Lanza, there was no go odbye letters nor a tell all letter. No motive was giving as to why Lanza opened fire in an elementary school full of innocent kids, from the news the day of the shooting no one really knew of an Adam Lanza which means he was antisocial probably. However the officials and investigators did discover he was a twenty year old boy who was obsessed with mass killers. The most odd and dark disturbing thing investigators and officials cured at Lanzas house was Lanzas fascination with the 1999 Columbine High School shooting.The Columbine massacre was like the center of Lanzas obsession that had to do with mass shootings. According to the Newtown report, Lanza had hundreds of documents, images, and videos pertaining to the Columbine High School massacre. He also had downloaded videos about the two gunmen (Pearce, 2013). During an analysis of school shootings between the years 1999-2007 Professor Ralph W. Harkin of the can Jay College of Criminal Justice at City University of New York foun d that 8 out of 12 school shooters directly referred to the Columbine shooting (Pearce, 2013).Seung-hui Cho just right after the Columbine High shooting, Cho was an eighth grader when he had supposedly written a disturbing English paper and in it he stated that he wanted to make a repeat of the Columbine shooting eight years after that paper he opened fire on the campus of Virginia Tech College and took the lives of 32 people including his own. Which passed the Columbines total body estimate with flying colors, even though it was at a college. He still was in the train of pattern while he was in grade school which wasnt many years later after the Columbine shooting.Like one Criminologist warned in 2007 after the Virginia Tech shooting records exist but to be broken (Pearce, 2013). Theories behind the purpose of kids and teenage killers. Although there are a lot of theories on why kids and teenagers go on killing sprees at schools, no one can really put a find on to why they go on their killing sprees taking innocent peoples lives. A big theory is that they are bullied and thats the only one that makes sense to a lot of unknown region motives of past mass killers that go on killing sprees at schools.They are out casters that can no longer stand the bullying and humiliation, and just want to be heard. They feel as if the only fix to being heard and notice is pack guns to school and unleash the hurt and angry they feel to the bullies, even though they tend to take innocent peoples lives that havent done nothing to them in their path to destruction. Some theories state that they just want the fame weather they take their own life in the process or they pay the price living. Other theories blame mental illness, some theories blame numerous things all at once.They were mental ill and got picked on and they went unheard, so they wanted to get illustrious to get notice and heard. But nobody can actually pin point what has exactly triggered todays youths killing s prees. James Alan Fox a Criminologist professor at Northeast University in Boston states Nothing is different about kids although fifty years ago, a kid that has been getting bullied or is a victim of being bullied is more likely to take their anger out by going on a malicious mischief spree rather than to pick up the nearest gun they can get their hands on and go on a killing spree (Khadaroo, 2013).What has been learned and what can help prevent school Shootings. Shootings at educational institutes are tragic and a shocking thing for the United States. For the most recent big massacre that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary, there have been many discussions on what we can do to prevent something so horrific from happening again. But in the reality a lot of people find themselves asking can anything really be done to prevent such horrific things like school shooting from happening?An article the is prepared by Dr.Daniel J. Flannery at incident Western Reserve University and colle agues the article contains an examination of the past studies on the topic thats main focal point is on targeted and rampage or spree shootings. The article finds that there is some characteristics share from past shooters. Shooters shared characteristics like narcissism, depression, low self-esteem, and a fascination with violence. There isnt however enough distinctive similarities to create a distinctive profile for a future potential shooter (Springer, 2012).The authors came to a conclusion, that the most stiff way to possibly prevent these kind of tragedies is through a threat assessment. An assessment which requires fundamental testing, such as suicide risk, homicide risk, thought process, reality testing, mood and behavior, as well as social and developmental histories. Another key is to pay close attention to an obsession with violence and firearms. Even though this may seem obvious, but the resources that are provided to mental health school officials dont provide for the se assessments.The other conclusion that the authors have come to, is that the mental health officials and adults need to take threats of violence seriously, just like they have been doing to the suicide threats (Springer, 2012). Conclusion. The conclusion we have come to by the end of this paper on school shootings is, that majority of the shootings that have happened have been outburst of anger and just of direr need of wanting to be heard. Although there isnt many cleared motives, almost in every case the shooter have or has been bullied or has been an out caster.Weve learned that the Columbine High School shooting has set the bar high for the high body count and even though that was surpassed at the Virginia Tech shooting. The Columbine gave school shootings a new tone. Sure we could crack down on guns and make stricter laws toward them. But the Columbine shooters made it clear that if someone really knew how to make a good bomb they could just as well kill people. There are ru les about being tougher on bullying but theres always going to be bullying going on no matter how much we suspend kids, press charges against them it might take away some of the bullying.But it will still be there. A lot of these shooters just wanted to be heard and they felt as opening fire in the hallways of school was the only way to get people to mind. So even though there isnt a lot we can do in prevention of these horrific crimes we can still look for a solution. School shootings can happen in any community in this country. What people dont accredit is that it can happen in a flash, it doesnt matter how many awards the school gains for being an economic school, it doesnt matter how many good people theyre in the community.There is always a go away out person an out caster that has been a victim or is being a victim as we speak that just wants someone to hear them out but this country dont seem to listen even when they do make threats. Some shooting the shooters have clear ly said something bad was going to happen, that they were going to do something. But there again no one would listen people just think yeah right you couldnt and you wouldnt. But in reality they are being dead serious. Every threat of necessity to be taken serious and the one that makes the threats needs people to take time to listen to what they have to say, to what they are feeling.
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