Saturday, August 31, 2019
Good sameritan essay Essay
Should being a Good Samaritan be a law? This is a question that many people do not think about everyday. In my opinion, I believe that there should not be a law on being a Good Samaritan. I believe this because; there should not be a law that causes human beings to put their lives at risk, only to save another’s. This may sound selfish but it is also the truth. Do you think its right for human beings to put their livea at risk to save anothers? The Good Samaritans USA are afraid to Act article states â€Å"They are imposing on us a duty to assist, provided we don’t put ourselves at risk.†(Sjoerdsma Paragraph 4) This means that if we have to be Good Samaritans then there is a chance that we are putting ourselves at risk. There is a chance that we could die. Therefore, there is a chance that there would be many deaths at a cause of this law. If you have a special relationship between the victims, then of course it would only be logical for you to help the person in need. For example, â€Å"certain people have a duty to take care of others†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Sjoerdsma Paragraph 9) This would be like between a doctor and a patient. Then it would be the doctor’s duty to make sure that the patient is taken care of. Also the article states â€Å"instead of compelling reluctant incompetent people to intervene, we should concentrate in protecting Good Samaritans who act now without force of law.†(Sjoerdsma Paragraph 6) Here we can clearly see that humans can be good people without law forcing them to do so. It would be better for all of the US to feel like they are doing a good deed by being a Good Samaritan rather than a requirement. Therefore, it shouldn’t be a requirement for US citizens to always be a hero and do an act of kindness. This law would put not only one life at risk but the lives of many others at risk.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Explanation of Sensation, Perception, and Attention Essay
The recommendations for the authority sensations, perceptive, and attention to learning would be like if a person would sit down to study, the person would not be bother by the distracting environmental stimuli. Why? Because some people and certain other people cannot lie in the difference of ability to focus and control each other attention toward their own perceptive processes derived from sensations. A report says that (Kowalski & Westen, 2009) acknowledges that the human sensory systems, visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, touch, proprioceptive, vestibular, and kinesthetic all specialized cells that respond to environmental stimuli called sensory. A short term for olfactory is small. The term for gustatory is taste. An example for touch is pain. Proprioceptive is sensory information about body’s position and movement. Vestibular is sensory information on position of body in space by sensing gravity and movement. Kinesthetic is a sensory information about movement and position of limbs and other parts of the body relative to one another. All the words are transformed is called sensory receptors. It’s used to transform the energy from environmental stimuli into a neural impulse that can be understood by the brain, a process referred to as transduction (Kowalski & Westen, 2009). Auditory Sensory System’s Threshold As I read the report it explained that the sensory system’s is so quick that one is unaware of its environmental stimuli are encoding for intensity and quality by the authority sensory system in the brain. So the sensory system is evident by the amplitude (loudness) and frequency (pitch) of a sound wave’s cyde. It is explained that the expansion and contraction of air that flows through the ear canal where â€Å"transduction occurs by way of hair cells is attached to the basilar membrane that responds to vibrations in the fluid- filled cochlea.†Auditory Sensory System is a process that can triggers the action potentials in the auditory nerve. It is then transmitted to the brain (Kowalski & Westen, 2009, p.152). The difference between the two types of people can be found among individuals sensitivity to the least amount of stimulation needed for one person to notice the stimulus, or one’s absolute threshold (Kowalski & Westen, 2009). Perception Perception is the active process by which the brain organizes and interprets sensations such as color, light, hot, and so forth. It is said that perceiving is much more that merely opening ones eyes and ears to see and hear what is there. Perception takes a continuous array of sensations in through the senses and organizes it into meaningful units. Perception is then interprets the organized information (Kowalski & Westen, 2009). The mind has several organizational patterns available when forming into sensations into perceptions. A good example could be a form perception organizes sensations into shapes and patterns that have meaning to the observer. Why considering the pattern, it helps one to understand why keeping the study and learning environment of team members as free of auditory and visual distraction as possible is necessary for excellence in performance of team assignments. The nature vs. nurture debate continues to be debated in nearly every domain of psychology. Psychologists continue to look at the question of how much our current perceptions rely on base on our experiences. A German philosopher name Immanuel Kant, believed that humans innately experience the world using the categories of time, space, and causality. Kant, felt like people automatically equate why something has happen to their prior learning and that the mind creates perception. The report said, perception involves both bottom-up processing, which begins with sensory data that feed â€Å"up†to the brain, and top-down processing. It begins with the observer’s expectations and knowledge. According to the text, context plays a big role in perceptual interpretation by stating how readily one understands the meaning of what is perceived depends on his or her experience with the matter of understanding it. A team member’s immediate context affects their perceptual interpretation but also the member’s enduring beliefs and expectations will affect perception of information organization of data, and assignment performance. Perception and memory produces thought that forms mental representation and when one remember, he or she tries to bring that representation to mind. Thinking was images and words that then are classified into what the representations are and do thereby placing people and objects into categories that are used to try to solve a problem or answer a question (Kowalski & Westen, 2009). Attention When one is trying to focus attention on students on studies or a job at hand it is important to use sensor processing efficiently. Attention requires turning down the volume on redundant information because the nervous system tunes out continuous information (Kowalski & Westen, 2009). An example is when students sit down into a study, its best to keep background noise to a minimum volume. Another example is the radio or television is playing while trying to study creates continuous noise that will hinder the mind’s ability to focus unless the sound are below the person’s threshold. Its like when you arranging for a quiet and uninterrupted place to study will provide the best environment for clear thinking and attention. Conclusion The individuals differences of students in learning teams, knowing, and understanding others environments and backgrounds helps students work together more effectively. The report also explains that the differences in sensations and perceptions affect how each team member learns, behaves, and works. If you know the mental struggles, one of the team members enabled to team members to understand when the team members chooses to leave class. To understand the behavior of individuals, it comes from knowledge and appreciation of the particular sensory and perceptual experiences of others. To understand psychological disturbances, its helpful to understand the limitations and complexities of the sensory systems and the role perception plays in either distorting or correcting those systems. So teams continues to work together, understanding the stimulus threshold of each member as well as how dividing attention facilities of impedes to the learning process will guide members to know how best to divide responsibilities to achieve maximum results. Aground rule could be to make sure one is in a quiet environment with telephone, television, and radio distractions eliminated will help each team members attention is undivided when working on team assignments. Noise and distractions are kept below individuals threshold levels; the environment becomes conductive to learning and completing assignments. Information is process in a clear manner and attention is focused and direct. Without distractions, our sensory perceptions can access short and long-term memory for information needed. References Kowalski R and Westen D.(2009). Psychology ( 5th ed) Hoboken, NJ: Wiley
Thursday, August 29, 2019
OPM300 - Intro. to Operations Mgmt. SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
OPM300 - Intro. to Operations Mgmt. SLP - Essay Example Here the company has provided the customers with an option to pay for the orders online without having to pay by cash. The company has also been noted for entering into an online auction business in China (Binary Bits). The online auctions provide the customers with a chance to buy several different products like consumer electronics, cosmetics and also food items. The company has used the ecommerce solution for the purchases and has also focused on improving the restaurant performance by buying products as well. The company also allows the customers make online orders to save time while picking up the order (Steiner). This is very beneficial considering the fast lifestyle in China. The company has also begun delivery service in China. Ecommerce Competitive Advantage: Ecommerce can provide a wide range of competitive advantage for the company. Firstly, the use of the ecommerce systems will allow the company to effectively streamline the supply chain and also improvise on the current processes to ensure that the purchases are of the highest standards (Steiner). Secondly, using the Ecommerce website allows the company to develop better business to business relations as well as better business to customer relations as well. Here the company reach out to a wider range of audiences and provide the service to them as well.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Economic and Monetary Union in Europe Assignment
Economic and Monetary Union in Europe - Assignment Example When the concept of European Union was initially proposed, people thought it as a simple regional cooperation to exploit the possibilities of globalization. The concept of Economic and Monitory Union (EMU) in Europe was discussed earlier, but it failed to materialize because of various reasons. â€Å"The immediate impulse that led to the relaunch of EMU in the late 1980s was in the prospect of the completion of the Single Market†. â€Å"On December 10, 1991, at the Maastricht summit, the member states of the European Communities adopted the treaty on European Union. It amends and extends the 1957 treaty of Rome which established the European Economic Community†. This paper analyses the economic and monitory unions in Europe. The economic and monitory union (EMU) in Europe was established in 1999. The EMU has two components; an exchange rate union, and complete convertibility. Moreover, there are a number of alternative sets of monetary arrangements that are in theory co nsistent with monetary union such as currency union, exchange rate union, free inter-circulation union, parallel currency union etc. The necessities of a single currency in the integration process forced EU to think in terms of a single currency under the control of EU rather than the individual member countries. EU is responsible for determining the exchange rates, interest rate and other monitory polices. Individual countries do not have the authority to print more currencies or Euros than prescribed by the EU.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The Freedom of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Freedom of Education - Essay Example Foucault calls this concept of mental change â€Å"panopticism†. The main key to this concept is to build a mechanism which would be able to suppress and control people’s minds and thoughts in order to make all we feel happy. As a result of this concept, social institutions, such as schools, prisons, and hospitals, were created. In an essay called â€Å"The â€Å"Banking†Concept of Education†by Paulo Freire, the idea of â€Å"panopticism†is intruding into an educational process, where children are treated and educated as â€Å"robots†, where the independent way of thinking is totally prohibited. In an ancient world, people were always thinking about the perfectly governed city which they called Utopia. This city of state could be primitive and simple but at the same time one of perfect happiness and fulfillment. Today a perception of a perfect governed city was slightly changed. Michel Foucault, who was one of the world’s leading intellectuals, gives us his own point of view regarding a definition of Utopia. In order to make this world more positive and decent, â€Å"some bunch of people†should build a machine that would control and even change people’s ways of thinking, and once this creation is built, the evolution of thoughts completely depend on it (Foucault, M 210-213). According to Bentham’s point of view, that machine would be a perfect key to manipulating the educational training of people. He calls this creature Panopticon, which is the architectural figure, the purpose of which is to observe and control people from the side (Bentham 213-214). The main point of this structure is that the inmate must never know whether he is being looked at during any one moment, but he must be sure that he may always be so (Foucault 215). This perfect concept of control gives the opportunity to create a society where there are no crimes, violence, or child abuse; where all people are happy and love each other.Â
Monday, August 26, 2019
Strategic Alliances the Right Way to Compete in the 21st Century Assignment
Strategic Alliances the Right Way to Compete in the 21st Century - Assignment Example The author of the paper states that strategic alliances are detrimental to an organization for various reasons. First, they spur out organic growth. Such growth is not enough for an organization to achieve its stipulated mandate. It further speeds up the marketing process for the produced goods. In addition, many businesses are on the verge of embracing diversification of services and goods. No one business can fully be at the dispensation of having all-around skilled human resources. Hence, such alliances bring up elements of skills exchange. Moreover, there is an established trend in research and innovation, making the firm competitive globally. It becomes easier for the business to venture in the market, as its operational base is stronger. Advancement in technology, ICT, and transport makes the entry point easier. Venturing out in the international market may be quite a complicated and expensive process, but there is a cost reduction in the case of two firms. It is easier to o vercome many obstacles such as hostile policies and competition. Shared knowledge and risks add up to become a strength to the firms. Decentralized Federation applies when companies that are trying to expand in foreign countries are faced with domestic competition. Therefore, they require coming up with multinational strategies with a decentralized federation. Therefore, the requirement to form local production facilities, and to ensure that this local unit becomes increasingly independent. The internal culture of this organization should be able to embrace personal relations rather than formal structures, and economic controls more than technical/operational details. These local units have more functioning independence and strategic freedoms from their headquarters, and they are managed as a collection of an offshore investment instead of a single worldwide business.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
In line with China's economic reform, the Chinese judiciary has Essay
In line with China's economic reform, the Chinese judiciary has undergone formalization and institutionalization. What are the - Essay Example It is necessary to mention that China has experienced numerous transformations during the past two decades. An important trigger of judicial system transformation was the upheaval of China’s economics. China’s reform in the judiciary system is triggered by two main factors. The first factor is protecting China’s nation and proving to Chinese people that they are in safety; thus a social stability is guaranteed. The second factor is a market economy would experience a better development under the influence of a credible legal system. Therefore there is a strong background of judiciary system development in China. Nevertheless there are advantages and disadvantages that occurred in the result of the reform introduction. An intention of China to hold a world’s leading position enabled its people to have more contacts with the international society. As a result, a social dislocation instead of a reserved social system occurred in China (Chow, 2009). The matter of human rights is often neglected in different countries because of imperfection of a judiciary system. ... A brief overview of China's Judicial System In historical context, Chinese judicial system has experienced four main periods of changes. During the period of the Communist Party governing (1949 -1956) the main goal was to create a â€Å"socialist legal system†(Kamis, 1997). Further on, in 1954, â€Å"the Organic Law of the People's Courts of the People's Republic of China†was introduced in China. After this period, the people’s courts consisted from: â€Å"the Supreme People's Court, the higher people's courts, the intermediate people's courts, and the basic people's courts†(China’s Judicial Reform, 2001). During the next 10 years (1956 -1966) the legal system in China couldn’t develop properly due to the activities of representatives of the 'Anti-Rightist Movement' and the like organizations. The next decade (1966 – 1976) was marked by a Cultural Revolution in China and has essentially broken under the influence of the revolutionar y processes. Starting from 1979 China has experienced a rapid growth of marketing sector because of high-speed economic development. There was a gradual development of a judiciary system and different people courts were established in China. Therefore, it is clearly seen that judiciary system of China has no options for self-perfection because of historical processes in this country. Therefore there is an urgent need in the reform of judiciary system in order to ‘smooth the sharp corners’. People's courts were wide-spread at different levels and gave hearings to criminal and civil cases. The SPC and the courts of the higher level deal with various cases (both criminal and civil ones). The main role of SPC is to supervise the compliance with the
Self-Assessment reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Self-Assessment reflection - Essay Example I highly value an opportunity for independent thought or action and moderately consider frequent raises in pay. Moreover, I attach little significance in developing close friendship at work. Notably, these aspects would enhance my intensity, direction, and persistence towards attaining a organizational goal. In considering my dominant needs, my scores for the need for achievement were 19, for affiliation were 14, for autonomy were 20, and for power were 18. Notably, my dominant needs relate to the McClelland's Theory of Needs, which recognizes the need for achievement, and the need for power. However, I negate the need for affiliation. More so, I do my best at work, where I rarely spend time interacting with people. I disregard supervision and enjoy leading a project in my work. This relates to the expectancy theory, which asserts that efforts lead to successful performance and that we should reward successful performance. In analyzing the rewards that I value most, I have a score of 4 for good work, 4 for prestigious title, 3 for vacation time, 4 for job security, 3 for recognition, 5 for interesting work, 3 for pleasant conditions, 5 for advancement, 3 for flexible schedule, and 2 for friendly workers. In fact, recognition is the most powerful and least expensive workplace motivator. As such, I highly value, good pay, prestigious title, and job security. However, vacation time does not matter to me. Indeed, payment should correlate with performance. Indeed, I value piece-rate pay where get a fixed sum for each unit of production completed. In considering my view on the nature of people my Theory X- Theory-Y, orientation had a score of 25. I value people of theory Y who exercise self-direction and self-control if committed to objectives. Ideally, I disagree that the average human being requires direction and supervision and hence has no ambition. This represents people of theory X whom I must coerce or control to perform. I also disagree that everybody can acq uire leadership but agree that rewards motivate people to work. However, I am not sure whether fellow employees can influence me and whether individualism is more objective oriented than teamwork. Moreover, I agree that a good leader should give specific, detailed, and complete instructions in a work environment. Indeed, this relates to the Goal-Setting Theory, which asserts that the goals set by the leaders increase performance in an organization. In analyzing my willingness to delegate, I responded to 18 items and scored 52 points. Ideally, I disagree that delegating jobs leads to poor performance. Moreover, I do not supervise my subordinates in secrecy and wholly delegate all my jobs to the subordinates with an aim of reviewing the results. Nevertheless, it is not certain that I will get time to delegate properly. As such, according to my assessment results, a manager can achieve the greatest success in motivating me by satisfying my growth needs and creating an enabling environm ent for the development of new skills and knowledge at work. Moreover, the manager can successfully motivate me by giving me a good pay and offering me a chance to think and act independently. On the other hand, according to my assessments, I highly value rewards, which include good pay, prestigious title, and job security in my work. I also value an interesting work and chance to advance in my work.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Neonatal Nurses' Perceptions of a Work-based Learning Approach Personal Statement
Neonatal Nurses' Perceptions of a Work-based Learning Approach - Personal Statement Example More importantly, through the work-based module, I could be able to relate theory with practice and thus develop applicability of what I lean in the classroom. Furthermore, the motivation for the work based module that I took is the need to develop my health care career in the most efficient way. Through the work based module, I was aware that would obtain an opportunity of learning the basic workplace behavior. This includes communication and interaction with other health care professionals at the workplace (Miller, Chalmers and Swallow, 2004). These concepts are important in the provision of my assistance during the care of patients and people who require nursing care. In addition, I took the work based study module to enable me to develop the required skills in health care which I would apply in my future career and thus achieve effectiveness in the workplace. Moreover, I considered the work-based learning module as the most appropriate way to acquire the relevant occupational kno wledge which will enable me to relate what I lean in the classroom with its practical application at the workplace. Reflection on my Expectations My expectations were many when I took the work-based learning module. ... These expectations were motivated by my prior knowledge that I acquired on health care and the attitudes and perceptions which I attained during my classroom learning experience. Later, I discovered that the actual situation in the workplace was quite different from my expectations. The work environment was friendlier than I had expected. The health care staff was willing to provide me with assistance when I required. Nonetheless, it was my cooperation and enthusiasm which motivated some of them to assist in the attainment of skills and more knowledge on effective care. Additionally, health care workers are more communicative than I had considered before. As a result, I was able to collaborate in the provision of care. This collaboration enabled me to be an effective learner and I was now able to relate my classroom knowledge with occupational practices. However, as opposed to my initial expectations, I discovered that classroom knowledge was much less adequate in practice. This is b ecause I realized that if I had to be an effective health care assistant, I had to apply my talents, skills, and intuition so that I would achieve quality in care.Â
Friday, August 23, 2019
Interpretation of Statutes by Judges Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Interpretation of Statutes by Judges - Essay Example For the autonomy of duty to prevail, judges, who are agents of the judiciary, are expected to interpret statutes by giving effect to the will of Parliament without amending statutes. However, in judiciary practice, statutory interpretation has been said to be subject to different approaches of construction, some of which give judges the powers to amend statutes when giving interpretations (McCloskey & Sanford 2005, p. 66). In this paper, two overall approaches to construction which are intrinsic and extrinsic interpretations are reviewed to have a deeper understanding as to whether in the interpretation of statutes judges simply give effects to the will of Parliament or amend status under the disguise of interpretation. Gluck (2004, p. 1764) noted that statutory aids to interpretation come in two major forms which comprise the use of intrinsic material and extrinsic material. When judges use intrinsic aids, they use materials found within the statute being interpreted, whilst the use of extrinsic aids involve the use of materials anything not found within the statute (Bennion 1997, p. 10). Using extrinsic aids have thus been referred to as non-adherence to literalism as literalism involves the strict adherence to what is found in the statute (Sullivan 2006, p. 74). The Interpretation Act 1978 is one specific aid to interpretation. This is because as seen in Hutton v. Esher UDC 1973, the Interpretation Act 1978 provides that any common term it defines to be used in interpreting any statute that contains the word or term. In Hutton v. Esher UDC 1973 therefore, the land was defined to include buildings acquired for the purpose of compulsory purchase and this interpretation was strictly used in the ruli ng of the judge.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Beowulf and The Modern Day Hero Essay Example for Free
Beowulf and The Modern Day Hero Essay A hero does something for the greater good of mankind. A hero is courageous and brave in any situation. Beowulf and Irena Sendler a social worker who smuggled over 2,500 Jewish out of harms way put their lives on the line to protect their mankind. While each warriors have their differences both believe in courage and triumphing over evil. In his final battle Beowulf goes up against a dragon that take a whole army to defeat. Caught up in his courageous high Beowulf does not realize the feat that lies ahead of him. Beowulf describes, â€Å"scant regard for the dragon as a threat, no dread at all of its courage or strength, for he kept going often in the past†(2348-2351). Beowulf is caught up in his past glories blinding him from the actualization of how dangerous the dragon is. Being courageous means one knows their limits. Irena Sendler knew that she could not act alone in rescuing over 2,500 innocent children. Ambulance drivers would transport children under the floorboards while police officers would be bribed to allow traffic through an underground corridor. Unlike Beowulf Irena knew that she needed help to sneak past the giant Nazi regime to rescue thousands of Jewish children. is not caught up in being labeled as a hero for risking her life to save over 2,500 innocent children. Beowulf states, â€Å"I have wrestled the hilt from the enemies’ hand, avenged the evil done to the Danes; it is what was due†(1668-1670) Beowulf fights for justice and to avenge those who have done wrong. By fighting for your beliefs Beowulf displays that you cannot terrorize without repercussions. In 1943 the Nazi party commenced a liquidation of the Warsaw ghetto. Irena believes, â€Å"Every child saved with my help and the help of all the wonderful secret messengers, who today are no longer living, is the justification of my existence on this earth, and not a title to glory.†Irena did not want the title of glory she only fought for her beliefs in a non-violent manner. Unlike Beowulf she did not need to go out and avenge the Nazis for their vile acts towards humanity. A hero is brave and will put their lives on the line to protect mankind. Beowulf and a Irena are courageous no matter how daunting each of their tasks were. A hero stands up for the greater good of people when he witnesses mankind being threatened. While a hero comes in all different ways both possess the same qualities. MLA Format HEVESI, DENNIS. Irena Sendler, Lifeline to Young Jews, Is Dead at 98., 13 May 2008. Web.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Hindustan Motors Limited Analysis
Hindustan Motors Limited Analysis Hindustan Motors Limited is ancestor to all automobile manufacturing companies of India. It was established in 1942 before Indias independence. It was a flagship company of C.K. Birla group. Initially company had a small assembling plant at Port Okha, Gujarat. Main purpose was to reduce transportation cost because all parts were imported from foreign companies. Later it was shifted to Uttarpara, West Bengal due to cheaper raw materials and cheap labor cost. This later resulted in one of the most successful motor car of India the ambassador. Apart from the ambassador Hindustan Motors Limited has been active in production of various types of passenger cars, trucks and multi utility vehicle. Hindustan motors collaborated with Mitsubishi motors, Japan and introduce mid size premium segment cars such as Mitsubishi Lancer, Lancer select and Lancer Cedia. The company brought first sports utility vehicle to India which was Mitsubishi Pajero. Besides passenger cars (Ambassador, Grand, and Avigo), Multi Utility Vehicles (Trekker, Porter, and Pushpak) and the RTV, Hindustan Motors also manufactures passenger cars in the mid size premium segment (Mitsubishi Lancer, Lancer Select, and Lancer Cedia) and has brought in Sports Utility Vehicle (Mitsubishi Pajero) into the Indian market in collaboration with Mitsubishi Motors, Japan. Company made collaboration with General Motors and their joint venture produced Bedford trucks and Vauxhall motors during eighties and nineties. The partnership became 50-50 when General Motors bought Hindustan Motors plant at Halol, Gujarat in 1999. After almost seven decades Hindustan Motors is still actively contributing in countrys automobile market. Its manufacturing facilities are established in Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal. Hindustan Motors motto is quality, safety with environmental care. It has been providing total solutions for customer care. Executive Summary: C. K. Birla: He is the chairman of the Board of Hindustan Motors LTD. He has a vast experience of business as he has been a successful industrialist since decades. Along with the chairmans post he serves as an independent non executive director of Hindustan Motors LTD. Manoj Jha:    He is recently promoted as a Managing Director at Hindustan Motors LTD. He is an executive vice president of engineering division and member of the management board. He studied hi engineering from Ranchi University. Yogesh Goenka: He is a chief financial officer, compliance officer and company secretary. He did Bachelor of commerce as well as AICWA, ACS, MBM. OBJECTIVE OF THE COMPANY: Main objective of the company is to provide an automobile with comfort and safety. The company has collaboration with international companies such as general motors, Vauxhall motors and Mitsubishi motor suggests that company has always been thriving for technology. Still the company is looking for development and technological enhancement to overcome recent declining in its sell. According to the chairman of Hindustan Motors the company main objective is to increase the selling of their models by improving its managerial structure. The company is looking for new and affordable product which can boost up their selling. Main purpose of this project paper is to study about declining of their once most successful model the ambassador. The Product-à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚ The ambassador The ambassador model was based on Morris Oxford model which was manufactured in Cowley by Morris motors. Initially Hindustan motors started the production of Land master in 1954 near Uttarpara plant Kolkata. This led to production of ambassador in 1957. Thus 1957 can be counted as e year when ambassador first came into existence. The ambassador was considered to be best suited to harsh Indian terrain thats why it became very popular. AT that time it was said if you want to have comfort have an ambassador. Till 1980s there were only two Indian cars available in Indian market: ambassador and padmini. Due to its comfort and ability to sustain heavy blows on harsh terrain ambassador captured almost 70% of the Indian automobile market. It is to be noted that ambassador was once called the limousine of India because all politicians, famous businessmen prefer to have ambassador. It was a status symbol because of its proud appearance. It is strange that till 2001 the ambassador remain popular in taxi segment because it was said that the ambassador has ability to sustain shock during motor accident better than any other car available at that time. The credit goes to the manufacturing department of ambassador because the chassis of ambassador was such rigid that it can bear heavy blow from front as well as from side and rear. Till 90s India was sellers market means customer had to wait for a long time to get the product. Take an example of BAJAJ scooter, during 80s the condition was if son wants a scooter than father should apply for that so that after a long time son can be able to drive it. Well it is an exaggeration but the conditions for automobile market were very bad especially for a new company to jump in because government had laid very harsh rules on foreign companys entry and imported material became very costly. This give ambassador a dominant position for a few decades with some extraordinary features as discussed above and the ambassador succeeded to maintain it for a long period. Decline-à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚ The product is in decline during last decade and the sales are decreasing it is surprising for such once successful model. To find out the products recent condition PORTER model analysis and SWOT analysis have been carried out as shown below. PORTER model analysis:- Against new entrants such as Maruti Suzuki, Honda, Ford, Hyundai etc the company failed to compete and continued with their existing strategy. It has found that after the year of 2000 the product has been in decline the table below gives its detail. As shown in the table despite of increasing number of automobiles in India the selling of ambassador is continuously decreasing. The company failed to cop up with ongoing circumstances such as in case of suppliers it failed to judge the pace of the industry and it remained slow in comparison of others. The company remained stick to only one brand means they didnt have varieties of products. The ambassador was available with nearly the same features throughout its existence. While Maruti Suzuki which has become the largest car manufacturer of India implemented various products having various features which made the company growing in terms of profit and selling. Companys market share has been decreased due to internal rivalry among union and management. SWOT analysis: Strength: Ambassador was the first car produce by an Indian company. It became a huge success story as well. There was a time when ambassador was exported to the countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri lanka and Myanmar. It was exported to Middle East countries as well. Due to its long reign in India Company has a broad network of service centers. It consists of 115 strong dealers, 50 parts dealers and 60 additional exclusive parts dealers. In 2006 the company has invested huge amount to establish production capacity for its product part. As stated earlier the image of ambassador as a car is still strong in Indian customers mind as trustworthy vehicle in all terms. Weaknesses The model hasnt been changed much since its first appearance. A customer needs change with improvement in outer look as well as its performance. As far as performance is concerned the ambassador is OK if compared with the modern cars. In case of look, its not at all attractive or impressive for younger generation. The company came to manufacturing when government rules were tough for any outsiders. As stated earlier Indian market at that time was sellers market. Low volume high price is all that Hindustan motors gave to its customers. When the laws were made liberal and new companies jumped into Indian market the company didnt make considerable changes for manufacturing process which couldnt cop up with new demand. Ambassador is the most dominant among all products of Hindustan motors. However new customers want safety with fuel efficiency. Ambassador promises safety but it was not fuel efficient when compared to modern cars. The employees were not efficient due to union problems which were a result of improper human resource management. Though the company had made several tie ups but later on when required to obtain new technology it lacks global export markets. Opportunities The ambassador is still recognized as the most comfortable car. Old age people prefer to have ambassador than any other car due to its impressive record against accidents. The company can modify the same car and it can make it more fuel efficient to attract middle class. There are examples of such long reigning cars. Take an example of Volkswagen beetle which was introduce in early 40s and its production continued till the beginning of 21st century. Volkswagen has achieved this by continuously changing the design and internal features. Same is needed to be done in case of ambassador as well. Threats Employees are not motivated enough to their job faithfully. More and more new companies are coming to India as it is becoming a giant market for automobile industry. Every companys aim is to provide the most fuel efficient and trustworthy car. According to company ambassador has been designed and manufactured over the years in such a way that it is almost difficult to change its features. It is most important to see how company has implemented the marketing mix strategy to its product so that it is declining. 4 PS OF MARKETING: Product: Ambassador the first Indian car manufactured in India. The most successful car of Indian automobile history. Figure : Ambassador The ambassador has a powerful 5420 cc engine, heavy axles, hydraulic brakes and bigger suspensions. Before considering the ambassador first of all it is required to know what company should be looking for when they introduce their product. For whom it is manufacturing its product? How much benefit they are expecting? Which position going to be the best for their product? What is their product offering that others is not? When the ambassador was launched the company was fully aware that only rich people would be buying their product therefore they provided all facilities that were present at that time. Also ambassadors have been used by ministers as well so for them there were special models having security implements such as bullet proof glass. The company was fully aware of what it going to achieve because at that time there was no competition and the market was open to it. Price: Pricing is another important element of marketing mix. Pricing brings money back to the company and companys profit depends on it. Other three Ps depends on price; it is easy to understand that remaining P require cost. Product needs cost from early design to manufacture. Placing means distribution also needs cost. Promotion also requires cost. These costs are variable cost to the company. Pricing to be perfect must show supply and demand relationship. Pricing a product too high or too low cause loss to the company therefore it should lie in between. There are different factors which should be considered as shown below. Fixed and variable costs Competition Company objectives Proposed positioning strategies Target group and willingness to pay In case of ambassador Hindustan Motors has used Product Line Pricing i.e. For the same product the company has set different prices for different features. Place: Place strategies Place strategies include the ways of distribution by the manufacturer. The manufacturer should have a clear idea about the market. The manufacturer should be aware of the demand and accordingly it should provide the supply. These demand and supply should be balanced properly because in a condition where supply is less than demand, the customer dissatisfaction in acquiring the product results into loss for the company. In most conditions the customers starts favor other companies product though they are not as better. Therefore just because of improper supply the company lost its good will. There are mainly two kinds of placing strategies. The manufacture may go through any one of them depending upon which suits it the most. As shown in figure in one strategy there isnt direct contact between manufacturer and the customer in this case the company doesnt need to carry out surveys for demands all it needs to do is maintaining proper supply to the whole seller. However in this case the company may not come to know about what the customer wants and this leads to misinterpretation of customer need due to indirect contact having so many extra elements in between. This problem can be removed by maintaining direct contact of the company with its customer as shown in figure. In this case the manufacturer directly supplies its products to the customer. But this needs a wide distribution network by the company which is costly depending upon the size of the company. First channel of distribution is called indirect distribution and second channel of distribution is called direct distribution. indirect distributiondirect distribution Figure : Above indirect distribution (left) and direct distribution (right).  The ambassador has been distributed by indirect distribution method thats the reason why in later years the company fails to recognize the customers need. Depending on the type of product being distributed there are three common distribution strategies available: Distribution: According to the nature of the product there are few distribution strategies as shown below. Intensive distribution: As the name suggests this distribution is high in numbers and widely spread. It generally doesnt need the survey as the products are common and general. Example: chocolate, soft drinks, biscuit Exclusive distribution: Some products are there which need proper demonstration and guidance so that customer can be made fully aware of what he is paying for. These products are highly prices. Example: Cars, bikes etc. Selective distribution: This kind of distribution consists of wide space where customer has a freedom to have a look and select a product from wide varieties. Example: TV, computers etc. Hindustan motors have used exclusive distribution method over the year which is common for any car manufacturer. Promotion Promotion means advertising the product. A product without promotion is a complete failure as through the promotion the customer comes to know about the product. There are different promotion strategies as shown below. Advertisement: Advertisement can be said as a non personal promotion activity through media. Public relations: Good relations with the customers as well as media persons make the promotion easier as in this case company doesnt need to do anything. Sales promotion: Company can give vouchers or coupons to attract the customer. Discount scheme, free scheme are examples of sales promotion. Personal selling: Door to door selling or personal to personal selling comes under this category. Promotion of ambassador comes under the public relations as due to its image as a successful car the media and people has been promoting it over the years. The company has never or barely used advertisement or sales promotion. RECENT CONDITION: Company Sales during 2010 (million Rs.) Hindustan motors 5802.7 Maruti suzuki 296230.10 Swaraj Mazda 7167.60 Mahindra and Mahindra 186021.10 Table : Comparison of sales with other companies (Source: It can be seen from the figures that at present the company is far behind from market leaders like Maruti Suzuki and Mahindra and Mahindra. CRITICAL ANALYSIS: Critical analysis of this particular project requires thorough understanding of marketing mix strategy. To give personal views about anything first of all one should make himself familiar with the subject. Thats exactly what I did. Before starting the project I went through on line papers and explanation about the marketing mix strategy. I found that though everywhere the concept to be used was marketing mix but its implementation was different. Like All roads lead to Rome all of them were leading to the success of their company by successful implementation of marketing mix strategy. During the lectures I heard the tutors saying about getting into marketing mix by doing a practical experiment. It is obvious that they were not saying about establishing a new company of implementing a marketing mix strategy actually. Its about taking any company and than putting my own ideas about marketing mix strategy into motion. The same thing has been done by me during this assignment. I have sele cted a company the product of which is in decline since three or four years. I carried out analysis based on what was taught to me. Now I am going to give my personal opinion about marketing mix strategy and its implementation. In the beginning it is important about the value offered by the company to its customers. I have selected the oldest Indian automobile company named Hindustan motors. The product which I considered was ambassador car. The product has been successful until last two decades than it started declining due to the factors which I have discussed earlier. So what is value? In general the value can be defined as the ratio of function to the cost. Any company can increase the value of its product by increasing its function and decreasing its cost. Functions may vary accordingly such as it may be visual appearance, comfort, promising performance etc. It seems simple to increasing value by increasing function or by decreasing cost but actually it is the most important and complex feature for any manufacturing company to be succeeded. A customer always judge the product by the value offered from it. Sometimes it may be more functions sometimes it may be less costs. The company should be therefore aware of what customer wants from its product. If company knows the value expected from the customer it tries to make some changes into the product in terms of functions or cost. This is not an easy task because the company has to make some changes in its manufacturing process and sometimes within the organization. One wrong step can lead to complete contradict out come and leads company to the loss. According to Devst the value creation process is more effective in manufacturing company than other sectors (Deyst, 2000). Other sectors include service sectors such as an airline company, insurance company where the company provides service instead of the product. It appears that these service sectors change their goal and direction more rapidly than the manufacturing sectors. Therefore value creation process is not as important for them as it is for manufacturing companies. For manufacturing companies final value of the product depends on value of the product during its manufacturing process. In other words according to Lean development of product and final value of the product are strongly related with each other (Lean, 1998). Thus the value should be defined after each phase of the product development process. However creation of value at each stage requires severe value addition to move ahead of the competitor. There are few who think that value creation process cant lead company towards its goal. According to Lloyd value creation doesnt indicate the vision of the company. Value is nothing rather than a conceptual idea. I dont agree with that because I have found during the research for this particular company that defining value is the most important factor to attain marketing lead. Hindustan Motors failed to attain value in terms of appearance and fuel efficiency of ambassador when other companies were launching new products into the market. This leads to decreasing sales of ambassador. The company didnt make proper market research and they continued to do the same over the past years. The outlook of the ambassador is the same as it was 40 years ago. The ration of function to cost became unstable due to decreasing functions of the car. In terms of price also the car was costly as company was making limited production and failed to grasp new concept of high volume production for low price and high profit. From my research of old papers and publications I found one thing in common. Most of the authors consider marketing as an art of selling. However now day marketing is becoming more than an art. It has become a necessity. Without marketing selling the product is impossible. Now days lots of companies are spending more and more money on marketing their product. The marketing value of the product is sometimes higher than the manufacturing and raw material value. It is strange that Hindustan Motors took the marketing strategy very lightly. According to me the main reason is when they came into existence they didnt have any competitors all they need to do is manufacturing and selling of the car. As I have stated earlier before 80s Indian automobile market was sellers market which means manufacturing companies have the command on the market not the customers. Having customers command on the market is essential otherwise the development stops. The same thing happened, ambassador remains the same car as it was when it was first introduced. Hindustan Motors didnt promote the car because as a single Indian car it was already famous. Distribution was not that much difficult because car owners were few. The price of the ambassador was relatively high because those who needed the car didnt have another option. Also the government rules on importing the components were harsh and company was paying high prices for them. It seems obvious what the company did during those years. But when the scenario changed during 90s the market became open to all the government rules became soft and lots of other car manufacturers jumped into the Indian automobile market. This was the time when the ambassador should have changed its strategies. However they didnt make considerable changes on the other side new companies like Maruti Suzuki got the nerve of an Indian customer and introduced cheapest car in the market. Due to this drastic change once giant Hindustan Motors has become a company in loss with one of its most successful car an ambassador in decline. FANTASTIC FOUR The four Ps of marketing which should be studied and understood in a proper way to attain success. During the project I came to know that balancing these four is not an easy task as it seems. Any cannot pick the product randomly, it cannot sell it in the price it wants, it cannot distribute the product whenever and wherever it decides and it has to promote its products such a way that customer attracts to buy it. I have considered all four Ps including my understanding about them, Product Pricing Placing Promotion Product: An initial P for any company to think about. It seems strange to consider which product to be made for marketing. As per my previous understanding marketing comes into picture after selection of product. This was true in old times. But now a days company should be keen towards the product it is going to manufacture. The market condition , market surveys future of the product, availability of the raw materials, environment effect of the raw materials are some of the important factors to be considered before the start of manufacturing the product. I think right product at right time removes half of the troubles for marketing. Take an example of ambassador; it arrives in the market when there were no competitors. As a result it dominated the market for decades. Due to proper timing and place Hindustan motors saved their expenses for promotion. They didnt promote it ever i.e. since my childhood I have never seen an advertisement of ambassador or huge posters promoting the car. A mbassador got promoted by its customers which is ideal for any product. Sometimes good product becomes a loss for the company when it launched at improper timing. There are so many examples of excellent movies which didnt succeed on the box office due to adverse conditions. Pricing: Pricing of the product is non variable factor for the company. The company decides the price of any product after considering other Ps. The expenses during the product stage i.e. manufacturing and raw material expenses. Expenses due to distribution and promotion also considered. The company adds its expected profit as well. Pricing is the most deciding factor because as I think many manufactures are not aware of the ideal price and the customers always think that they have paid more. This dissatisfaction leads to decreasing sales and loss of the company. I think that before pricing the product the company should make a proper survey and it should make the customers fully aware of what they are buying and how much they will get after paying the price. I have seen three kinds of customers, Those who care about price only Those who care about quality only Those who care about balancing the price and quality These customers are generally from three different classes, those who are looking for price are generally relatively poor, those who are looking for quality are rich and those who select the product after looking at price and quality are middle class people. Depending upon the nature of the product the company can make changes in its product. In case of ambassador the companys initial target was rich people because the middle class of India was not in a condition to buy a car. The company provides good quality with comparatively higher cost but it got the customers from India who was looking for the quality. When the era changed and middle class customers increased who now were in a condition to afford a car changed the situation of the market completely. Failing to see this upcoming Hindustan motors fell behind the Maruti Suzuki because of higher price. Placing: Placing according to me is a strong decider for the products success. A product should be distributed such that it gets perfect conditions for it. Ideal customers, ideal geography can be considered as conditions which the company should be looking for. I think that company should be clear and perfect about the product distribution. It involves lot of investment to carry the product from the manufacturing plant to the market. It is economically critical to change the place by distributing the product from one place to another. Thats why I think that for placing also the company needs proper survey in order to distribute the product at right place on right time. Promotion: Advertisement is becoming utmost necessity for selling of the product. Modern market is complex with so many products and companies. It is required therefore for any company to promote the product in a way that customers know about the features of the product. Promotion should be maximum and precise, or I can say it should be concentrated heavily on its target. The company should be aware of the targeted customers and market and should therefore emphasize heavily on them. If it is improper than company will be investing heavily in useless activities. Without promoting or improper promoting the product leads to heavy losses as can be seen in case of ambassador. When it was launched it didnt have any need of being promoted. As a first Indian automobile it was already famous so the company didnt have any need to promote it and company did the same as well. But when as I have discussed later the market changed there was immediate need of promoting to show the new customers wha t the car is and why it was so successful. The company failed to do so and product sell decreased. CONCLUSION: After making a project report on the declining ambassador car I can say that with changing time the company should focus on the ongoing conditions as well as it should be prepared of future. Same strategy wont work for all time in all kind of situations. Customers, environment and competitors change accordingly and company should be looking for continuous improvement rather than remain satisfied from the present. Ambassador is an excellent example of how once market leader can go into loss due to improper marketing strategy by the company.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
External Factors Affecting Itc Marketing Essay
External Factors Affecting Itc Marketing Essay In todays world due to globalization there is immense competition in the market. To sustain there position and value in the market companies not only have to take care of the functions happening internally but externally as well. The function of company is divided into internal and external factors. ITC was incorporated on august 24, 1910 with the name imperial tobacco company limited. As the ownership of the company got more indianised the name of the company was changed from imperial tobacco company ltd to Indian tobacco company ltd in the year 1970 and then later it changed to I.T.C LIMITED IN 1974. It is a public conglomerate company which has its headquarters in Kolkata. The headquarters name was Virginia house which was formed in the year 1928 is todays Kolkata most venerated land marks. Although the company started its business with manufacturing cigrates its later ventured into the business of packaging and printing in the year 1925. In 1975 the company launched its hotel business. In 1979 ITC entered paper board business. ITCs paperboard technology, productivity, quality, and manufacturing process are comparable to the best in the world. In the year 1990 ITC set up the agri business division for export of agri commodities. Then in the year 2000 ITC initiated the e-chopa l scheme with soya farmers in Madhya Pradesh. The turnover of this company is $6 billion and it has a market capitalization of $22 billion. It is now a fully independent company but it has its ancestry with imperial tobacco of United Kingdom. It was registered as by this name in 1974. It has diversified its business in many sectors such as ciggrates, hotels, paperboards, packaging, agribusiness, packaged food, confectionaries and many other sectors. Although its a much diversified company it is the only company in the world which has managed to be carbon positive, water positive and solid waste recycle positive. CARBON POSITIVE CORPORATION Due to global warming we are noticing climate changes in the environment. These are the result of large- scale emission of gases such as carbon-di-oxide. This can result too many harsh consequences. Itc has been a company which has worked for reducing green house gas emission. All ITC businesses work towards minimizing energy consumption and where ever possible use environmental friendly products. ITC has implemented several CDM projects under the Kyoto protocol and ensured that there is proper sequestration of carbon dioxide through large scale social and farm forestry initiatives. All this is done through a properly established technique to reduce the total carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Energy efficiency practices of ITC have helped the company to achieve a world class standard of energy utilization in many units. 30.9% of the energy consumption of this company is from renewable resources. Itc has chosen wind energy as a focus area for optimizing its positive environmental foot prints. The company has already invested in wind generation plants in Tamil nadu to meet its energy requirements for their plant in Chennai. The company has already registered 8 CDM projects with the clean development mechanism executive board. WATER POSITIVE CORPORATION. India has a very troubled water future. It has access to less than 4% to fresh water supply and the condition is likely to be worsening in the near future. Itc sustainability initiative focuses on the following: Itc has been able to achieve the lowest specific water consumption through benchmarking, conservation and audit. Itc recycles all waste water, hence they not only reduce fresh water intake but they also prevent pollution of fresh water resources. Itc has managed to create a positive foot print through rain water harvesting between their own units and watershed areas. Itc has managed to achieve the lowest specific water consumption [water used per unit for production]; they have the zero effluent discharge by treating and recycling all waste water. The rain harvesting project has been consolidated by ITC for 8 consecutive years. They not only follow it in the company premises but also do that for other water shed areas around their company. The total rain water harvesting potential so far developed by ITC is 3 times the total water consumed by the company. WASTE RECYCLING POSSITIVE. There is a significant amount of waste being disposed through land filling and dumping, hence waste management is an area of serious concern in India. Most of the landfills and dumping sites are serious health hazards to people living in the neighbourhood of these areas. This not only causes health problems but also causes soil and water contamination. All the factories of itc such as the cigarette plant at bengaluru, Saharanpur, munger and Kolkata, the ITC green centre at gurgaon, surya nepal cigrate factory at simla, and also the ITC hotels- maurya, maratha, grand central,sonar ,windsor, mughal,etc, all recycle almost the entire waste generated ,i.e , more than 99 % out of their operations. OTHER COMMITMENTS. ITC has a history of collaborations with communities and government institutions. It enhances farm productivity and rural resource base. ITC commitment in these areas has lead new aspects in competition and new farm practices. In the year 2000 ITC launched e-choupal ,it was a knowledge portal that provided farmers with a range of information and services. It was designed in such a way that the farmers could bargain collectively and enhance their transitive power. Today over 4 million farmers are part of this scheme . Itc then launched a program called as sunhera kal which was a rural capacity building program which made the local initiative to develop water and forest resources, it helped in opening up new non-farm livelyhood, empower women economically and expand primary education. The mission has now embressed a community of thousands of villages in 11 states. By linking technology and knowledge transfer to the creation of social and economic capacity, this company has brought a new dynamic to rural development. E-CHOUPAL Its an initiative of ITC which links millions of farmers via the internet to procure the agriculture and agricultural product like soya bean, wheat, coffe, prawns, etc. E-chaupal was formulated to tackel the problems of indian farmers such as fragmented farms, weak infrastructure and the involvment of various intermedies. The program involves instalation of internet facilities in all the villages so that the farmers can get up to date information about agriculture and agricultural products. But ITC had to face many external problems too which can be divided into political,economical,social and technological . POLITICAL PROBLEM :The agriculture produce marketing act required to create mandis so that there is an equitable distribution of gains among producers, consumers and traders. Due to its inefficiency the mandis were not able to serve the requirment of the farmers as well to a company like ITC. ITC had to face a fundamentel regulatory barrier which prohibited pocurment outside the mandis. ITC had to pursue the government that the company would operate according to the nature and requirment of the act. It had to convince the commission that e-chopal would benefit both market and farmers. Later on the government waived off the mandi tax which the company decided to pay in order to maintain good relation with the government. Economic issues : ITC e-chopal has considered all poverty, farming , poor livelyhood as inter connected issues. ITC has qucikly impacted whole agricultural chain from seed to money in the bank. It views rural poverty as the result of how rural society and rural economy has structured. Due to the ITC initiative of e-chopal there is a 10 % rise in the income of the farmers and incomes from farming and support services has risen by over 38%in 2000. This movment is reaching 6,50,000 farmers of 6000 villages and the company has big plans of expanding by establishing more 20 choupals in the country. Socio-cultural issues : Computers brought a big change in the farmers attitude towards agriculture as it was supported by high income and technology. The companys sustainable livelihood initiative works hard to create alternative employment schemes for extra labor and reduce pressure on arable land by promoting non farm incomes. ITC company has tried to improve the standard of living of the people of villages through its e-chopal movement and many other welfare schemes for the villages and farmers. The main aspect where the company has the social- cultural investment is on natural resourse management which includes watershed, wastlands, agricultural development and improving the livelihood consisting genetic improvement in livestock and empowering the women economically and developing the community by paying attention on sanitation , health and giving lot of attention on primary education. TECHNOLOGICAL ISSUES : the ITC e-chopal is a great example of how this company has used e-commerce to expand its business. The company has established a network of 5100 kiosks computers in many indian villages. Through this network millions of farmers can get usefull information that increases their ability to take proper dicisions. The e-choupal initiative of the ITC company acts as an advantage tothe small scale and poor farmers who have previously marketed in univolved markets. It provides access to the market where buyers pay the highest possible price to the farmers and also provide the farmers with weather information. The ITC group through its e-choupal program provide training, internet access, and computers. they help the small farmers by providing them information to attain better prices for their agricultural product. CONCLUSION. From the above given explanation we can understand that ITC is a group of company which has a very diversified business. It is also among the first companies which has worked towards building a brighter future for the poor people of the country. ITC through its many social and cultural ventures has benefitted allot to the population of this country. Apart from agriculture ITC ventured into the hotel industry so that it could bring foreign exchange and also increase tourism in the country. ITC has tried to fight competition in the market by diversifying into different product manufacturing. Due to the large scale of this company it has a great influence on the policies made by the government as this company provides employment to millions of people in the country. ITCs foray into the food business is an outstanding example of successfully blending multiple internal competencies to create a new driver of business growth. Its a rapidly growing company which fights its external factors by adopting new and innovative techniques. E-chopal is a very good example to explain this quality of the company.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Oloudah Equianos The Slave Trade Essay -- Equiano Slave Trade Slavery
Oloudah Equiano's The Slave Trade Olaudah Equiano was born in 1745 in an area of Africa which is now Nigeria. At the age of eleven he was captured and brought into slavery. In his book, The Slave Trade, Equiano describes the slave trade during this time. He illustrates how he became a slave and how slaves were treated. Through his descriptions of his homeland and other aspects of his life, we gain insight into the state of world trade at that time. Equiano's description of his homeland exemplifies "the Columbian Exchange" in operation. First of all, Equiano discusses how planters from the West Indies preferred slaves from Benin because of their ability and hardiness. This statement illustrates a connection between the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere. Equiano also describes some of the crops which were grown in his homeland. He mentions corn and tobacco which are both native to the Western Hemisphere. One can see an example of "the Columbian Exchange" through Equiano's experiences. A network of trade can also be seen in Equiano's discussion of the marketplace of his homeland. He describes the presence of Oye-Eboe people at his village's marketplace. Oye-Eboe is translated as "red men living at a distance." These men would bring European goods such as guns and gunpowder along with hats, beads and dried fish to trade. The Oye-Eboe Equiano describes could actually be Aro people from the south of Isseke who were involved in the slave trade. The Aro would trade these goods for captives to be sold as slaves. Because these people had fish to trade, one can see they were from the coast, therefore, they most likely had direct contact with Europeans. The network of trade between Africa and Europe is mapped out by his... ...e worst of it suffocated. Equiano was very ill and was able to spend a good deal of time on deck, where at least the air was a bit fresher. The crew of the ship were brutal to the slaves. They once tossed fresh fish overboard while the slaves begged to eat some. Equiano was treated like a human being while still in Africa, but like a wild animal on the British slave ship. Through my reading of Equiano's memoirs, much of what I had known before was reinforced. However, there were a few things I didn't understand before. First, I didn't know before that Africa even used slave labor. I was also surprised to learn that African people were enslaved by other African people. I was glad to learn, however, that slavery was used as a form of punishment. I was also very surprised at the strong contrast between the treatment of slaves in Africa and in the Western Hemisphere.
Joe Keller as the Tragic Hero in Millers All My Sons Essays -- Arthur
Joe Keller as the Tragic Hero in Miller's All My Sons Ancient Greek tragedies were almost always about a protagonist with a tragic flaw. This flaw dictates the stories events and leads to the eventual downfall of the protagonist. The story cannot end until the protagonist has realised his flaw and tries to remedy it. This very often involves the protagonist dieing in an attempt to make right what wrongs he may have caused. Arthur Miller has borrowed this idea as a base for his play ‘All My Sons’. The protagonist of this play is Joe Keller, a sixty-year-old retired factory owner. The play follows the story of him and his family ; his wife Kate, his son Chris and Chris’ fiancà ©e Annie in 1940’s suburban America. The play reveals that Joe committed a crime; he knowingly sent out faulty cylinder heads for use in the war and then blamed his partner, Annie’s dad, who went to prison instead of Joe. Kate also knows he did this and is struggling to keep the secret. However, she feels she has to believe he didn’t do it or it means that he would have been responsible for the death of their other son Larry, who they believed died flying planes in the war. Joe is a victim of the American Dream. He wanted to do the best he could by his family, and in his quest for money, forgot about the greater scheme of things in the world. This is his major flaw-he cannot see beyond the forty foot line that surrounds himself and his family. He thinks what he is doing will help his family but by making the ill-considered decision he makes, he ends up hurting them more than helping them. At the start of the play, the audience is not aware of any of Joe’s misdeeds. He is portrayed by Miller as a friendly man, who is a pillar ... ...r characters think of Joe, and also what he is thinking himself, without the plot being too obvious and being revealed too early. The way that Miller uses these dramatic devices to piece together the story slowly makes for a very effective tension builder, which will keep the audience captivated throughout. Miller makes it easy for the audience to identify that Joe is a tragic hero right from the start. As soon as the audience is aware that Joe is keeping a secret is it obvious that he has committed an offence, which he is going to suffer for. Miller then shows the audience Joe’s suffering, mostly through dialogue he has with the other characters. He then uses mostly stage directions to let the audience know how the play has finished, which is a very effective way to show his suicide, as it is not too brash, and perhaps unsympathetic of the situation.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Marx And Mills Essay -- Marx Mills Philosophy Philosophical Essays
Marx And Mills John Stuart Mill suggests that a person’s ethical decision-making process should be based solely upon the amount of happiness that the person can receive. Although Mill fully justifies himself, his approach lacks certain criteria for which happiness can be considered. Happiness should be judged, not only by pleasure, but by pain as well. This paper will examine Mill’s position on happiness, and the reasoning behind it. Showing where there are agreements and where there are disagreements will critique the theory of Utilitarianism. By showing the problems that the theory have will reveal what should make up ethical decision-making. John Stuart Mill supports and explains his reasoning in his book, Utilitarianism. Mill illustrates the guidelines of his theory. Mill defines utilitarianism as the quest for happiness. His main point is that one should guide his or her judgements by what will give pleasure. Mill believes that a person should always seek to gain pleasure and rej ect pain. Utilitarianism also states that the actions of a person should be based upon the â€Å"greatest happiness principle†. This principle states that ethical actions command the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people. Mill further explores the need for pleasure by noting â€Å"a being of higher faculties requires more to make him happy.†. He acknowledges that some pleasures are more alluring than others are. He adds to this by making known that when placing value in things to calculate pleasure, not only quantity important but quality as well. Mill’s criteria for happiness is easily understood, some statements that he gives are questionable. John Stuart Mill plainly laid out what he believes that the basis for ethical decision-making. First, the pursuit of pleasure is directly related to happiness. This idea can be easily accepted. It is natural for a person to focus his goals on things that will bring him pleasure. It would be absu rd if someone’s goal in life was to be poor and starving. This being said, it does not mean that people are only happy due wealth but that no one’s goals are focused on poverty. Although there are many issues that can be agreeable with Mill, there are problems that exist with his theory of utilitarianism. First, Mill says that all ethical decisions should be based on pleasure. This statement becomes questionable when Mill... ...o are polar opposites. This statement holds true no matter what one believes. To find happiness, the opposing sides must find a suitable balance. This does not mean that pain is always a daily part of life, but that it can not and should not be avoided. If one were to try to avoid pain, it is quite possible that they would inadvertently pass up pleasure. This would happen because a person would be too worried to take a chance on failing. Pain is a part of life just as pleasure is. To reap the benefits of one, there must be consequences given to the other. There is a quote that goes, â€Å"You must drink from the chalice of pain, before you can sip from the elixir of self-respect†Another criteria for happiness and morality should be based upon attentions. If one performs a moral action, but has immoral intentions, that person should not be considered ethically correct. To be truly right and happy, one must not only act but think right. Mill suggests that pleasure should guide our decision-making. While the statement is true, it is not fully correct. If a person will deal with pain that come from hard work, dedication, a nd perseverance, then the benefits will be that much sweeter.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
History of Early Childhood Education – Comenius, Froebel, Montessori
Paper History of Early Childhood Education Comenius, Froebel, Montessori 1. John Amos Comenius John Amos Comenius (1592-1670) was a Czech theologian, philosopher, teacher and writer who thought education could improve society. He advocated universal textbooks & language and believed children would enjoy learning more if they were methodically taught in early years. Comenius thought instruction should move from general to specific, from easy to difficult and believed to engage children with nature. He taught that education began in the earliest days of childhood, and continued throughout life. Comenius believed in four different schools for different ages: -Nursery School – birth to 6 years of age, where hands-on learning, active experiences and sensory learning are of importance. 2 -Elementary (National) – ages 6 to 12 -Latin School (Gymnasium) – ages 13 -18 -Academy – gifted ages 19-24 From his point of view teachers should present lessons at a reasonable pace, use age-appropriate instruction, keep materials constantly before a child’s eyes and use a single method of instruction at all times.Comenius rejected the conventional wisdom that children were inherently bad and that teachers needed to use corporal punishment to discipline them. 3 He was the first to promote continuing education and the first to advocate equal education for all, including women and the poor. Furthermore he wrote the Great Didactic (a textbook for curriculum and education) and was the first to use pictures in text books for teaching children (Orbis Pictus). â€Å"His philosophy of Pansophism (meaning ‘all knowledge') attempted to incorporate theology, philosophy, and education into one. He believed that learning, spiritual, and emotional growth were all woven together†– especially in the teaching of children. â€Å"What Comenius referred to as the Via Lucis, or ‘way of light,' was the pursuit of higher learning and spiritual enlightenment bound together. †4 In 1641/42 he was asked to completely restructure the school system of Sweden. As the Bishop of the Unitas Fratrum, the Moravian Church, Comenius was asked to be the first President of Harvard College, but declined. He died in Amsterdam in 1670. â€Å"Comenius's theory incorporated spiritual love of human beings with emphasis on Nature's goodness. 5 He was a naturalistic educator who believed children were innately good and learned most effectively and efficiently by examining objects in their immediate natural environment. â€Å"Comenius anticipated many practices associated with modern child-centered progressive education. †6 He believed that teaching should build on children's interests and actively involve their senses. During his lifetime he published 154 books, mostly dealing with educational philosophy and theology. Known today as the ‘Father of Modern Education,' he pioneered modern educational methods. 1Comenius Founda tion, 2013, in: http://comeniusfoundation. org/pages/why-comenius/comenius-biography. php 2Essa & Young (1994), p. 36 3www. wou. edu/~girodm/foundations/pioneers. pdf, p. 106 4Comenius Foundation, 2013, in: http://comeniusfoundation. org/pages/why-comenius/comenius-biography. php 5www. wou. edu/~girodm/foundations/pioneers. pdf, p. 106 6www. wou. edu/~girodm/foundations/pioneers. pdf, p. 107 2. Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel The German educationalist Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel was born in 1782.From 1798 to 1800 he was an apprentice to a forester and surveyor in Neuhaus, and attended the University of Jena from 1800 to 1802. In 1805 Froebel briefly studied architecture in Frankfurt, got hired as a teacher and took a short course with Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi at Yverdon, where he interned from 1808 to 1810. Although he accepted certain aspects of Pestalozzi's method – the emphasis on nature, the permissive school atmosphere and the object lesson – he believed t hat Pestalozzi's theory lacked an adequate philosophical foundation.Froebel gave Pestalozzi's object lesson a more symbolic meaning by saying that the concrete object was to stimulate recall of a corresponding idea in the child's mind. He accepted Pestalozzi's general method that saw schools as emotionally secure places for children, but he elevated the concept to a highly spiritual level. Like Pestalozzi, he wanted to prepare teachers who would be sensitive to children's readiness and needs. 7 Furthermore Froebel studied languages and science at the University of Gottingen from 1810 to 1812 .He wanted to identify linguistic structures that could be applied to language instruction. From 1812 to 1816 Froebel studied mineralogy at the University of Berlin. He believed the process of crystallization, moving from simple to complex, reflected a universal cosmic law that also governed human growth and development. Froebel was influenced by two trends in the first half of the 19th century: a resurgence of philosophical idealism and the rising nationalism of the post-Napoleonic eras.Idealism emphasizes a spiritually based reality. Idealists saw the nation as embodying the world spirit on earth. During Froebel's life, there were efforts to unite the various small German kingdoms into one large nation. He believed that an education that emphasized German traditions and folk tales would advance this cause. Froebel's idealism was a reaction against the empiricism of Locke and Rosseau. However, his educational philosophy emphasized the dignity of child nature as recommended by Rousseau and Pestalozzi.In 1816 Froebel established the Universal German Educational Institute at Griesheim. He moved the institute to Keilhau in 1817 where it functioned until 1829. In 1818 Froebel married Henrietta Wilhelmine Hoffmeister (1780–1839), who assisted him until her death. In 1831 Froebel established an institute at Wartensee on Lake Sempach in Switzerland and then relocated the s chool to Willisau. Froebel next operated an orphanage and boarding school at Burgdorf. He believed that every child's inner self contained a spiritual essence that stimulated self-active learning.He therefore designed the kindergarten system for children under the age of six (1837) that would be a prepared environment to externalize children's interior spirituality through self-activity using play, songs, stories, and activities. He developed special materials (such as shaped wooden bricks and balls), a series of recommended activities (occupations) and movement activities (fine motor skills). This particular curriculum – now a standard part of early childhood education – stimulated children's cognitive, social, emotional, creative and physical development.Froebel's reputation as an early childhood educator increased and kindergartens were established throughout the German states. In 1852 Froebel passed away. By the end of the nineteenth century, kindergartens had been established throughout Europe and North America. 4 7http://education. stateuniversity. com/pages/1999/Froebel-Friedrich-1782-1852. html 3. Maria Montessori On August 31st, 1870 Maria Montessori was born at Chiaravalle, Italy. Her father, Alessandro Montessori, worked for the civil service, and her mother, Renilde Stoppani, came from an academic family and was well educated.The Montessori family moved to Rome in 1875, and the following year Maria enrolled in the local state school on the Via di San Nicolo da Tolentino. At 12, Montessori expressed her intention to attend what was called a technical school for her secondary education, which was unusual at the time as most girls who pursued secondary education studied the classics. From 1886 to 1890 she continued her studies at the Regio Instituto Tecnico Leonardo da Vinci, which she entered with the intention of becoming an engineer.This decision didn't find favor with her father, who believed that the education of females should be r estricted to certain subjects. Upon her graduation, Montessori was determined to enter medical school and become a doctor. Her father opposed this courseâ€â€medical school was then an all-male preserveâ€â€and initially Maria was refused entry by the head of the school. 8 In 1890, with her mother's support, Montessori obtained her father's reluctant permission to attend the University of Rome to study physics, mathematics and natural sciences, receiving her diploma two years later.This and the Pope’s intercession enabled her to enter the College of Medicine, and she became the first woman to enter medical school in Italy. Montessori stood out not just because of her gender, but because she was actually intent on mastering the subject matter. She awarded for her work in pathology by winning a series of scholarships at medical school which, together with the money she earned through private tuition, enabled her to pay for most of her medical education. In 1895 she won a position as assistant in the University hospital.Montessori's time at medical school was a challenge, because her male colleagues showed their disapproval of her presence and she had to work alone on dissections since these were not allowed to be done in mixed classes. But she was a dedicated student and graduated in June 1896 at the top of her class as a specialist in surgery and in the diseases of women and children. She became the first woman to qualify as a doctor in Italy, and with this distinction also became known across the country. She was immediately employed in the San Giovanni Hospital attached to the University.Later that year she was asked to represent Italy at the International Congress for Women’s Rights in Berlin, where she talked about the progress of education for women in Italy. In November 1896 Montessori added the appointment as surgical assistant at Santo Spirito Hospital in Rome to her portfolio of tasks. In 1897 she volunteered to join a research prog ram at the psychiatric clinic of the University of Rome, and it was here that she worked alongside Giusseppe Montesano, with whom she would have a child a few years later.As part of her work at the clinic she would visit Rome’s asylums for the insane, seeking patients for treatment at the clinic. Montessori discovered that many children with mental, physical, or emotional disabilities, who couldn't stay at home or go to school or work, were being kept in asylums alongside adults with major psychiatric disorders. She came to realize that in such a bare, unfurnished environment the children were desperate for sensorial stimulation and activities for their hands, and that this deprivation was contributing to their condition.She began to read what others had published about working with children with various disabilities and in particular she studied the groundbreaking work of two early 19th century Frenchmen, Jean-Marc Itard and Edouard Seguin, his student. 5 8A Biography of Dr Maria Montessori, in: http://montessori. org. au/montessori/biography. htm Itard had developed a technique of education through the senses, which Seguin later tried to adapt to mainstream education. Seguin emphasized respect and understanding for each individual child.He created a practical apparatus and equipment to help develop the child’s sensory perceptions and motor skills, which Montessori was later to use in new ways. From 1897-98 she attended courses in pedagogy, studying the works of Rousseau, Pestalozzi and Froebel. In 1898 Montessori was becoming known for her work with and ideas about education for children with disabilities. In 1899, she began teaching at a college for the training of female teachers, and there she further explored and discussed ideas about education.Then, in 1900, as a result of her work with children in hospitals and asylums, Montessori was asked to become the co-director of the Orthophrenic School for children with various disabilities that pr evented them from doing well in regular schools. Montessori spent 2 years working at the Orthophrenic School, experimenting with and refining the materials devised by Itard and Seguin and bringing a scientific, analytical attitude to the work; teaching and observing the children by day and writing up her notes by night.In 1898 Maria gave birth to a child, a boy named Mario, who was given into the care of a family who lived in the countryside near Rome. In 1901 Montessori left the Orthophrenic School and immersed herself in her own studies of educational philosophy and anthropology. In 1904 she took up a post as a lecturer at the Pedagogic School of the University of Rome, which she held until 1908. 9 During this period Rome was experiencing rapid population growth and industrialization. In the fever of speculative development, some construction companies were going bankrupt, leaving unfinished building projects which quickly attracted squatters.One such development, which stood in t he San Lorenzo district, was rescued by a group of wealthy bankers who undertook a basic restoration, dividing larger apartments into small units for impoverished working families. Many children not old enough for school or work were being left alone while their parents went to work each day. These unsupervised children were vandalizing the newly renovated buildings and getting into other kinds of trouble. This prompted the developers to approach Dr. Montessori to provide ways of occupying the children during the day to prevent further damage to the premises.Montessori grasped the opportunity and established her first Casa dei Bambini or ‘Children’s House’. What Montessori came to realize was that children who were placed in an environment where activities were designed to support their natural development had the power to educate themselves (autoeducation). By the autumn of 1908 there were five Case dei Bambini operating, four in Rome and one in Milan. Children in a Casa dei Bambini made extraordinary progress, and soon 5-year-olds were writing and reading.In the summer of 1909 Montessori gave the first training course in her approach to around 100 students. He published her first book that same year in Italy, which appeared in translation in the United States in 1912 as The Montessori Method, reaching second place on the U. S. nonfiction bestseller list. Soon afterwards it was translated into 20 different languages and has become a major influence in the field of education. A period of great expansion in the Montessori approach now followed in Europe and America.By 1933 all Montessori schools in Germany had been closed. In the same year, after Montessori refused to cooperate with Mussolini’s plans to incorporate Italian Montessori schools into the fascist youth movement, he closed them all down. 9A Biography of Dr Maria Montessori, in: http://montessori. org. au/montessori/biography. htm 6 The outbreak of civil war in Spain forced the family to abandon their home in Barcelona, and they sailed to England in the summer of 1936. From England the refugees travelled to the Netherlands.In 1939 Montessori and her son Mario traveled to India to give a 3-month training course in Madras followed by a lecture tour; they were not to return for nearly 7 years. With the outbreak of war, as Italian citizens, Mario was interned and Montessori put under house arrest. She was well looked after in India, where she met Gandhi, Nehru and Tagore. Her 70th birthday request to the Indian government, that Mario should be released and restored to her, was granted. Together they trained over a thousand Indian teachers. In 1946 they returned to the Netherlands.A year later Montessori addressed UNESCO on the theme ‘Education and Peace’. In 1949 she received the first of three nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. Her last public engagement was in London in 1951 when she attended the 9th International Montessori Congress. On May 6th 1952, at the holiday home of the Pierson family in the Netherlands, she passed away in the company of her son, Mario, to whom she bequeathed the legacy of her work. 10 10A Biography of Dr Maria Montessori, in: http://montessori. org. au/montessori/biography. htm 7 References: A Biography of Dr Maria Montessori, in: http://montessori. rg. au/montessori/biography. htm Comenius Foundation, 2013, in: http://comeniusfoundation. org/pages/why-comenius/comeniusbiography. php E. M. Standing, Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work (New York 1984), p. 38. Essa, E. & Young, R. (2003). Introduction to early childhood education (3rd Can. ed. ). Nelson: Canada Friedrich Froebel (1782–1852) – Biography, Froebel's Kindergarten Philosophy, The Kindergarten Curriculum, Diffusion of the Kindergarten, in: http://education. stateuniversity. com/pages/1999/Froebel-Friedrich-1782-1852. html Julia Maria, â€Å"’Le Feminisme Italien: entrevue avec Mlle. Montessori†,
Friday, August 16, 2019
R.L.Stevenson in ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ to Heighten the Horror Essay
During the novel ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde,’ R.L.Stevenson uses many techniques and language devices such as metaphor, simile, irony and personification to gradually heighten the horror. Stevenson has some powerful passages such as, the trampling of the child, the murder of Sir Danvers Carew and the transformation of Jekyll at Dr Lanyons. Stevenson sets the story in London, 1886, which at this time was the richest part of the entire world. Many of the people who lived there had little contact with crime, which is ironic because Mr Hyde, a character within Dr Jekyll, disturbs the whole scene into that of a scary and tense area. The main settings where horrific things happen are usually described as ‘†¦almost deserted†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ and ‘†¦lamp-lit†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ which is a very good setting for heightening the horror in the novel. It shows mystery and emptiness which makes you wait for intense action, this causes the rhythm and speed of the story to change depending on the setting. A setting described as ‘†¦foggy†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ and ‘†¦nocturnal†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ fits greatly into a society like Dr Jekyll’s in London a place of which is dominated by secrecy the whole way through, which add suspense to the story their makes it more tense for the reader. The mystery begins at the very start, where we meet Utterson who is an intelligent lawyer who does not quickly judge other people. Mr Utterson becomes our guide throughout many of the chapters and we see all of the discoveries he makes. The door in Dr Jekyll’s house stands out because Mr Hyde uses it as if were his own and a theme of mystery evolves around it, because we do not know where it leads to. This is where we first meet Mr Hyde. He is hard to describe but has a strong effect on everybody who meets him. His behaviour is unusual. He tramples on a girl and appears to be really calm about the situation, as if he has no fear in life, which is extraordinary and inhuman. Without a fuss he accepts what he has done wrong and agrees to pay à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½100 compensation. The money is paid by cheque ‘†¦signed by a name [Utterson] cannot mention†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢which gives a really strong sense of mystery which carries through until the end of the novel. In chapter two ‘The Search for Hyde’ the mystery deepens even more. We here that Jekyll has left ‘†¦all his possessions†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ in a signed Will to the evil Mr Hyde. Mr Utterson was the first person in the novel that we heard about, we trust him the most and therefore share in his concerns about Jekyll which appears to be blackmail. All of the mystery that Stevenson adds to the story helps make it more horrific and tense for the raeder. As the story continues, Utterson sees Hyde’s face and describes him as ‘†¦pale and dwarfish†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ and that he is a mix of ‘†¦timidity and boldness†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ which is very intriguing because he show two characteristics in a weird way which gives us the theme of duality. Other people find it hard to describe him, Enfield describes him as giving ‘†¦a strong feeling of deformity†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ but ‘†¦ he is not easy to describe.’ Which forces people to read on further and get deeper into the book. Although he is described as giving ‘†¦a displeasing smile†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ and having a ‘†¦ghastly face†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ the reader is not given a quality description of his face, which in my opinion is done deliberately by Stevenson to give a mysterious image to Mr Hyde. This causes the reader to concentrate on him and want to learn more about him, therefore would be more horrific for the reader because he does not even know what the mutant looks like, we only know his actions. Mr Hyde represents ‘†¦the beast in man†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ and is described as animalistic in many occasions. An example of this is when Mr Utterson meets him and describes him as ‘†¦hissing†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ like a cornered snake. Another is when Poole evaluates him as a ‘†¦thing†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢that squeals ‘†¦like a rat†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ he moves about ‘†¦like a monkey†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ and screams in ‘†¦mere animal terror.’ These are examples of similes which suggest that Hyde is abnormal and is compared with the characters of animals-which relates to the Charles Darwin theory of apes and backward evolution, which would be terrifying for a Victorian reader because they did not believe in the theory. Mr Hyde shows how evil and spiteful he is by making the transforming of character involuntary, for Jekyll to see that his hand is ‘†¦thickly shaded with a swart. growth of hair†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ which makes him describe his double personality and character as ‘†¦the animal within me licking the chops of memory.’ Hyde was haggard in the way that he ‘†¦snarled aloud into a savage laugh†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢which suggests how he is related to evil, like a monster. Many horror stories have monsters and other characters to portray them as horrific, but Stevenson takes it a step further and makes you picture a monster of your own choice with the little information and description given to you, this builds up the tension and horror layer by layer the more you read on. Another theme is shown when the Jekyll/Hyde double in the laboratory is described as having ‘†¦a mask upon his face.’ This shows the dual nature of Jekyll/Hyde. The weather also plays a big part in the story, it effects it by making the atmosphere feel real and heightening the horror. Stevenson uses pathetic fallacy to change the setting and atmosphere into one of which suits the story, ‘†¦it was an early cloudless night†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ and ‘†¦a brilliantly lit lane†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ with a ‘†¦full moon†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢which gives a sense of calmness. Stevenson then gives intense action, which has a strong effect on the reader and therefore effectively heightens the horror. The action is a murder, which is very horrific anyway. A maidservant witnessed the murder from her bedroom window. The maidservant described the victim, Sir Danvers Carew, as ‘†¦an old aged beautiful gentleman†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ she did not recognise him but he seemed to have ‘†¦an innocent and old-world kindness of disposition†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ He came across a small man who the maidservant recognised, Mr Hyde. Sir Danvers Carew addressed Mr Hyde politely but Hyde, without replying, ‘†¦broke out into a great flame of anger†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Carew’s bones ‘†¦audibly shattered.’ The body ‘†¦jumped upon the roadway†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ until it became ‘†¦mangled.’ The murder weapon was a stick made of ‘†¦very tough and heavy wood†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ of which broke ‘†¦under the stress of his insensate cruelty.’ This is by far the most intense and scariest part of the book because Stevenson uses emotive language and other language devices to show a great contrast of description shown between Carew and Hyde of good and evil, which makes Mr Hyde seem an extraordinary evil character of ‘†¦cruelty.’ Dr Henry Jekyll is a well-known chemist and physician with qualifications to his name. We meet him in the third chapter ‘Dr Jekyll was quite at ease’. He is described as a ‘†¦large, well-made, smooth faced man of fifty†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ who had ‘†¦something of a slyish cast.’ He had ‘†¦every mark of capacity and kindness.’ He is a wealthy man whose autobiography is shown in his ‘Statement’ this tells us that he was born into a well-off family and he had a brilliant education. Jekyll is hypocritical to himself because he sees the evil side of his nature (Hyde), yet does not accept him as a natural part of him in his life and is also arrogant, thinking that he can control nature. The theme of duality is shown in many parts of the story, when Utterson shows Mr Guest, a writing expert, a letter and he notices that ‘†¦the two hands are in many points identical†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ between Hyde’s and Jekyll’s handwriting. Stevenson uses irony to make profound statements about the personality of humans, this helps the main theme and adds more information to explain the moral of the story. During the novel, we are told the story through the eyes of many people such as Enfield, Utterson, Lanyon and eventually Jekyll himself. The whole moral and idea of the story is hidden until Lanyon’s narrating, the technique of multiple perspectives which is a very good way of heightening the horror and allows us to see more clearly into their characters and relationships. Another technique used by Stevenson is revealing the plot via letters, diaries and casebooks; this makes us feel that we are actually inside the story, living out what happens and makes us equally confused by not knowing what exactly is happening. Stevenson also uses dreams as the technique of authentication because he uses things like diaries etc to continue the story; an example is when Utterson has a dream, which is full of evil foreboding, which causes the reader to have a greater desire to unmask the mysterious hidden face of Mr Hyde. This is very intense because it is what happens in real life, you have nightmares of bad things and cannot get them off your mind. In conclusion I found out that Stevenson gives a sense of tension throughout the narrating of each character, by using pathetic fallacy, detailed settings, literary devices and strong themes and morals. I think each character has a sense of mystery and horror about them of which we will never get to know. I also think that what you see is not always what you get, because nobody would have known that such an evil character could have came from someone as kind and well mannered as Dr Henry Jekyll. Evil Hyde was a natural part of Jekyll’s personality along with the good side, but because Jekyll was so arrogant he destroyed himself by trying to separate the two. The main theme is that all humans have at least two facets of their personality, good and evil, and that these exist in different measures. It is quite horrific for us to realise that the potential for evil, like Hyde, is inside each and every one of us!!
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