Thursday, October 31, 2019
Professional values law and ethics case study Essay
Professional values law and ethics case study - Essay Example Mr. Arnold informs you that his syringe of Or morph was only half full. Mr. Ahmed who is receiving palliative care has been unusually quiet all afternoon. You find the ward sister to inform her about Mr. Arnold’s pain and Mr. Ahmed being sleepy all afternoon. The ward sister initially looks horrified but then states the syringes must have got mixed up; Ill top up Mr. Arnolds pain relief, no harm done. Explore your professional, ethical and legal obligations towards Mr. Arnold and Mr. Ahmed. Doctors along with nurses experience complexities within their palliative care exercise. Hence, they require an excellent perception of moral of ethical standards as well as precedents. A broad range of health problems as well as ethical challenges exist in the palliative care provision Mr. Arnold and Mr. Ahmed. It’s currently known that an excellent perception concerning health ethics may have a contribution to the medical expert’s choice-making as well as everyday Health principles are principally a discipline of applied morals, the learning of ethical principles as well as decisions as they relate to heath care. It’s aimed at providing directions as well as regulations for doctors in their research, duty and behavior as well as shares numerous values with related medical principles, for example, nursing principles along with bioethics. In history, it may get tracked back in Hippocrates, an antique Greek doctor of 5th century (Ulrich 2012, 45). He and together with his learners excluded themselves separately from the other doctors of that moment through emphasizing that their career hunting were balanced as well as technical instead of being supernatural or sacred. Numerous health philosophers have emphasized that a doctor must bear ‘an excellent sense as well as discretion’ (Lachman 2006, 77). Ever since he eighteenth century and over, health providers implemented Hippocratic vow to be the passage right. Likewise, the policy of nursing
Monday, October 28, 2019
Muet preparation Essay Example for Free
Muet preparation Essay Task A – Individual presentation Given the situation, you now have:  · 2 minutes to prepare your responses  · 2 minutes to present Tips:  · Study the scenario or topic given carefully  · Double check which candidate you are (A, B, C, D) to make sure you don’t prepare another candidate’s speech  · Make sure you don’t run out of topic  · Prepare 2 to 3 points to present on  · You MUST agree with the point that is given to you (you can disagree or favor another point in Task B)  · Make full use of the 2 minutes that you have. Don’t go less than 1 minute 45 seconds / more than 2 minutes.  · If you don’t have as many points to speak about, talk slower.  · Don’t relax after your turn! Keep an attentive ear to what the other candidates are talking about.  · Write down the other students’ answers as they present their 2-minute speech (to prepare yourself for Task B) Sample answer: Candidate A Hi, a very good morning to the examiners and my fellow friends. As we are talking about how a person’s character can be influenced by another person, the persons whom I think have the most influence in a person’s life are – parents. There are three reasons why I think so. Firstly, parents are the people whom know us since birth. We become like the person whom we spend the most time with. Parents are the people whom we see every day from the moment we are born, till the day we are adults. Hence, very naturally, they become the people whom we look up to and start imitating the way they talk, act, and even think. My second reason is because parents are the first educators to their child before anybody else. Table manners and basic etiquettes are taught at home, by the parents. This gives an influence so vast that we ourselves fail to recognize it sometimes Thirdly, parents are the ones who impart values into our lives. Values are assets which we hold on to for the rest of our lives – and this is the greatest influence of all. Values are what we make our decisions upon, and it is what shapes our character.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Working With and Leading People
Working With and Leading People Working with and leading people Contents Introduction Task 1 Documentation to select and recruit new member of staff: Task 2 2.1 Skills and attribute needed to be a leader: 2.2 Difference between leader and manager: 2.3 Comparison among different types of leadership: 2.4 Ways to motivate stuff: Task 3 3.1 Benefits of team working for an organization: 3.2 Demonstration of working in a team as a leader and member towards specific goals, dealing with any conflict or difficult situations 3.3 Effectiveness of the team at xyz ltd. in achieving organizational goal: Conclusion References Introduction Human resource works with the employers and employee. Al instate have to appoint new employee to run the organization. Human resources work with that. Their job is to recruit new employee when it is needed. As business studies student we must know to work with and lead people. This teaches us to lead people effectively and make them work as the management wants. Every organization has to have a proper team management that can make the workers work efficiently. For this they have to provide training to develop their skill of an individual to become a good employee. In this assignment we will apply our knowledge against the given xyz ltd. to recruit new employee and achieve their mission. Task 1 Documentation to select and recruit new member of staff: Suppose xyz ltd needs to recruit 4 new employee, 10 driver and 3 administrators. Human resource department of xyz ltd have to prepare a documentation to select and recruit new member of stuff. The documentation is given bellow, Approval of the recruitment: Recruitment process of an organization is started when the authority of the organization approves the recruitment. When the organization need new employee they send a draft with a posting description and a document which describe the requirements. After approving the draft the authority of xyz will send it to the HR department. The copy of approval must include the electronic copy of the draft description and advertisement. Position description: No organization can change the post’s position after the advertisement. So before it gives the advertisement xyz ltd must describe the position of the post they are going to recruit. The authority of xyz ltd has to approve the position description. The description must include the responsibilities and duties of the position, all the works and the activities. Advertising: Advertising is one of the most important tasks to recruit new members. The advertisement of xyz ltd is required to be approved by the executive director of HR department of xyz ltd. There are many different media to give the advertisement of the job such as online media, print media, electronic media, open advertisement etc. The HR dept. of xyz ltd will choose the media. The advertisement also describe the vacancy announcement, skills required, terms and conditions, payment etc (Borrini, 2004). HR dept. has to obey the advertisement law before advertising. The advertisement of xyz for different post are given bellow, For driver: Closing date: 31/12/2014 Location: London Vacancy: 10 Types of employment: Temporary Working hour per week: 40 hours Salary: XXX Responsibilities for the post: †¢Agree to go all the places of UK †¢Positive response to changes in the organization †¢Taking part in loading and unloading. †¢Delivering goods on time to anywhere. †¢Maintaining personal skill. †¢Driving safely. †¢Self-motivation, innovation, creativity. †¢Working in as a team. Skills and experiences: †¢Basic knowledge of driving and in English. †¢UK driving license. For administrator: Closing date: 31/12/2014 Location: London Vacancy: 3 Types of employment: Permanent Working hour per week: 40 hours Salary: XXX Responsibilities for the post: †¢Meeting the target weekly, monthly and yearly. †¢Monitoring cost of delivery †¢Maintaining the SHE policies and health and safety regulations. †¢Maintaining personal relations with superior, colleagues and sub-ordinates. †¢Working in as a team Experiences and skills: †¢Degree in business discipline. MBA majored in management is preferred. †¢Working experience for at least 10 years. †¢Good communication skill. †¢Must familiar with socio economic culture of England. †¢Fluency in English. For employee: Closing date: 31/12/2014 Location: London Vacancy: 4 Types of employment: permanent Working hour per week: 40 hours Salary: XXX Responsibilities for the post: †¢Maintaining highly professional manors with sub-ordinates, colleagues and superior. †¢Dealing with different parties for xyz ltd. †¢Monitoring the work of the employee. Skills and experiences: †¢A degree in business. BBA majored in management is preferred. †¢Working license for UK †¢Minimum 5 years of working experience. †¢Fluent in English. †¢Good communication skill The impact of legal, regulatory and ethical consideration to the recruitment and selection process: Impact of sex discriminatory act: It is a mandatory to maintain the sex discriminatory act. No one can be discriminated by their group of sex. If a candidate fulfill the qualification xyz ltd is bound to recruit him or her no matter the candidate is male or female (Jones and Charlton, 2002). Impact of equality regulation: Both young and old people can participate in the recruitment process. The HR manager cannot give privilege to any particular group. If he/she does she will be breaking law of prevention of equality (age) regulation. Impact of race relation act: A person who has the work permit can apply for the job. If the advertisement is for any particular nationality, it will break a law, the provision of race relation act. Impact of law in advertising stage: The HR manager has to make sure that the job advertisement doesn’t break any law and it is going obeying law. The advertisement can not contain any kind of sign of discrimination based on sex, race, age, nationality etc. Impact of right to the employee: The board of interview has to make sure that the applicant has the legal permit to work in UK. And they also should check the background of the applicant of any criminal activities. Impact of law in interview stage: The interview process must be abided by the law. No board member is allowed to ask any questions that can affect any of the applicant’s religious or national view. And disable persons have to be treated in a proper way. Impact of the statement of employment: The employee must be provided by the statement of employment including all the terms and conditions, salary, holidays, and working hours (Baxter Magolda and King, 2004). Taking part in the selection process: After advertising, comes the selection process. HR manager plays a key role in the process. It is a series of some sequential task. How HR dept. takes part in the selection process is given bellow, Selecting a recruitment and selection board: The HR dept. selects a selection and recruitment board to select the new employee. The members are selected by the director of HR dept. of xyz ltd. xyz ltd. is going to recruit tree types of staff. For this the HR dept. has to select three selection and recruitment board. In every board the respective director of the department in which the new employees are being recruited. This board takes the interview of the applicants. Short listing: The selection board makes a short list of candidates by different listing method after receiving the applications. Some popular method of listing is MCQ exam, written exam, IQ test etc. Then the board gives the shortlist to the HR dept. Then HR dept. arranges an interview to select the final ones from the shortlist. Interview: The selection board of xyz ltd. then calls the applicant from the shortlist to face the interview board. They want to see who can satisfy the board. In the interview the board inquires about various things like the background of the applicants, their knowledge, their experience and their cultural background etc. Appointment: The board then recommend for the applicant who satisfied the board. Then the HR dept. appoints the selected candidate those who are recommended by the board. Evaluation of my own contribution to the selection process: According to the instructions given I took part in preparing the documents necessary to select the employee and gave the advertisement. I was also a member of the selection and recruitment board of xyz ltd. I helped them to make the short list and I was present at the interview room. And finally I prepared the necessary documents to appoint the new recruit (Hepple, Coussey and Choudhury, 2000). Task 2 2.1 Skills and attributes needed to be a leader: The quality to lead a team depends on some key skills. Some of them are given bellow, Honesty: We know honesty is the best policy. When a leader is responsible for a team one has to be very honest. Because if the leader is honest and makes ethical value important the team will also follow the leader and the team will be an honest team. Communication: The leader knows what he is going to do and have a great idea about something, but he cannot make the team members understand that. Then it is a very big problem. The leader must know how to communicate with the team members. Communication skill is one of the most important skills leaders have to have. If any leader does not have the right skill to communicate properly with the members of the group he might want to consider focusing on honing communication skills. Good communication skill for leader is like a blessing for the team (Burke and Cooper, 2006). Commitment: There is no greater motivation than seeing the leader working hard alongside with the general members. If the leader expect his team to perform fine, work heard and produce finest content the leader is going to need to set an example. Hard working leader generates the want to work hard and bring some good result among the general members. The leader is to show commitment to hard working but also to the promises he made. It is important to be a fair leader as well as a hard worker (Burke and Cooper, 2006). Creativity: The leader has to be very creative. Otherwise he cannot expect the team members to be creative. The average time the leader has to make clear-cut decision. But some times that the leader have to make a flying decision. This is the time when creativity is vital. In this type critical situation when the team will look on the face of the leader for guidance. That’s why the leader have to think outside the box. Sometimes it is not wise to decide the first thought comes to mind. Those decision needs to give some thoughts. Even it is right to ask the team for guidance. The leader has to utilize every possible resource. Ability to inspire: Sometimes the team needs to be forced, especially at the beginning. Then inspiring them becomes vital. The leader has to make the team want to work hard and effectively. Confidence: Confidence is the key to success. The team leader has to be confidence to be a successful team. There may be time when the task may be worrisome and the plans were not going to work, the leader has to be confident. Otherwise the team will not be able to overcome the situation. Some other skills are ability to delegate, sense of humor, positive attitude etc (Saracho and Spodek, 2005). 2.2 Difference between leader and manager: Manager and leader may look similar but they are not the same. We know from the definition of manager that manager have subordinates. On the other hand leaders have no subordinates he have followers. The difference between leader and manager is given bellow, Attribute of a manager: †¢Manager is the administrator. †¢Manager has to be pragmatic in accepting events and trends. †¢The focus of a manager is to control, the structure and the systems of the organization. †¢Manager has a linear perspective †¢Manager manages his subordinates †¢He perceive threats †¢He minimizes weakness Attribute of a leader: †¢The leader has to study, develop new idea and principles. †¢He has to be innovative †¢A leader have to be resourceful he should look of the solution of the problem. †¢Leader emphasizes on the focus of his team members †¢Inspires the team †¢Leader has to understand the big picture †¢He generally looks for opportunity to develop skills and efficiency (Saracho and Spodek, 2005). 2.3 Comparison among different types of leadership: Different types of leadership exist in the business world. There are some advantages and dis advantages of each and every type of leadership. The environment and the situation of a particular firm determine which kind of leadership they are to adopt. Three kind of leadership is given bellow, Autocratic: The autocratic style allows the leader to make decisions by himself without communicating with other. Every manager poses impose their will and authority over their employee. No one can challenge his decision. Laissez-Fair: In this style of leadership the manager laces direct supervision and regular feedback. Highly experienced and skilled employee needs a very little supersession and guidance. But not every kind of employee is feet for this kind leadership (Haddad, 2002). Participative: In this system a leader listen every input from the employee and member of the team. And then it is up to the leader to make the decision. Most often the leader supports the majority. It is often called as the democratic leadership. This style boosts the employees morally because it shows that their opinion is considered. Comparison: Among all the style the democratic style suits for every kind of organization. Because autocracy is not praised every one. Besides it gives an impression that the leader is a special person and no one can challenge his opinion. Then lassies-Fair is not applicable of every organization. It is appropriate for only the organization where every employee is highly skilled and capable. So it is safe to say that democratic system is the best. And for xyz ltd. democratic system is appropriate (Mackey and Jacobson, 2010).. 2.4 Ways to motivate stuff: There are motivational theories to motivate employee to achieve objective. Some of them are given bellow, Communicating with the employee: It is a basic point but very important one. The stuffs must know that they are listened, understood and valued. Perhaps they need to know they are the most important. If any of the stuff any concern about the organization he need to know that the channel of communication is available and he is listened. That will make them feel more comfortable and will motivate them to do more for the organization. Good salary and rewards: Everybody have their needs. To fulfill the needs they have to earn. The employee work to earn their lively hood. A good amount of salary is their right. And that will motivate them to act highly and effectively. Moreover rewards for their good performance in needed. If the performance of employees is good they should be rewarded. This may be in form of additional pay, bonus, simple gratitude etc (Carnwell, Buchanan and Carnwell, 2009). Involving employees in decisions making: Many different decisions are made every day in a company from the ground level to the enterprise level. Major decisions will be made in the boardroom but that does not mean that the employee is not allowed to choose their method of working. They must be allowed to make small decision like the approach to accomplish the work etc. Offer training and development: Employees need to train to develop their skills and ability. They want to know that every day they are developing their ability to perform more accurately and learning new skills. Every individual have their own goal and ambition. And to maintain their skills they need to provide necessary training. Define the employees’ role: Every employee should have their opportunity to move up their ranks. If they don’t then they might think that their contribution to the company and organization is not noticed and that in not good for organization. If they employee are promoted as their performance they will know that their work in not going un-noticed. Then they will want to perform more (Carnwell, Buchanan and Carnwell, 2009). Task 3 3.1 Benefits of team working for an organization: The primary benefit of team work is that it allows the organization like xyz ltd. to achieve that is quit impossible to achieve for an individual working alone. The advantages of teamwork is given bellow, High quality outcomes: †¢High efficiency: As the combination of individual makes a team, a team can do more than an individual can do alone. †¢Faster speed: As team combines the effort, they can accomplish the task consuming less time. †¢Innovative idea: each individual working in the team may bring many different information and knowledge which makes the task lot easier. †¢Effectiveness: Combination of effort brings more effectiveness. Better context for individual: †¢Mutual support: Because of working together team members become supportive to other member. That helps the team to overcome bad situation. †¢Greater sense of accomplishment: Because the members collaborate and take responsibilities they can feel the greater sense of accomplishment. From above we can see the benefit of team working. If the management of xyz ltd. can provide good motivation and make efficient team then they can overcome some of the great problems they were facing lately (Glasby and Peck, 2004). 3.2 Demonstration of working in a team as a leader and member towards specific goals, dealing with any conflict or difficult situations Xyz ltd faced many difficult situations in their regular organizational tasks. Usually they solve their problems as a team working together just like they should be. In their teamwork they are very team oriented. As a member and as a team leader they are very efficient and effective (White and Harris, 2001). 3.3 Effectiveness of the team at xyz ltd. in achieving organizational goal: The team of xyz ltd. is very much effective and efficient in competitive world. To work in a team in any other environment the team needs some diversified knowledge. The team of xyz ltd has that knowledge. And they help one another to overcome problems. To be in a team the members have to be respectful about other members’ opinion and have the respect for other. This team has them all. Thus the team overcomes many difficult situations. The team of xyz ltd is very effective (White and Harris, 2001). Conclusion Leadership is one of the most important factors to perform in a difficult and new situation. A good leader can bring massive change in the organization by leading people up front. The leader has to face many new situation and new challenges every day. A good leader can solve all the problems and face every challenge if the employees follow the leader and behave in a proper way. References Borrini, G. (2004).Sharing power. [London]: Natural Resources Group and Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods Programme of the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). Jones, K. and Charlton, T. (2002).Overcoming learning and behaviour difficulties. London: Routledge. Baxter Magolda, M. and King, P. (2004).Learning partnerships. Sterling, Va.: Stylus Pub. Hepple, B., Coussey, M. and Choudhury, T. (2000).Equality. Oxford: Hart Pub. Burke, R. and Cooper, C. (2006).The human resources revolution. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Saracho, O. and Spodek, B. (2005).Contemporary perspectives on families, communities, and schools for young children. Greenwich, Conn.: Information Age Pub. Haddad, C. (2002).Managing technological change. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. Mackey, T. and Jacobson, T. (2010).Collaborative information literacy assessments. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc. Carnwell, R., Buchanan, J. and Carnwell, R. (2009).Effective practice in health, social care and criminal justice. Maidenhead: McGraw Hill/Open University Press. Glasby, J. and Peck, E. (2004).Care trusts. Abingdon, U.K.: Radcliffe Medical Press. White, V. and Harris, J. (2001).Developing good practice in community care. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 1 | Page
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Euthanasia And Self Determination :: Free Euthanasia Essay
When speaking in terms of legalized euthanasia, and self-determination, Callahan feels that people should make decisions for themselves according to their own beliefs as to what comprises the good life. (pg. 226) He also states that we will, one way or another, die of some disease and that death will have dominian over all of us. (pg. 227) The meaning of this is no matter what we are all destined to die. In the case of death he first looks at suicide. This is when a person takes his or her own life, without the assistance of another. Euthansia, is a decision made between 2 people, the one being killed and the one doing the killing. He takes the stand that the very idea someone would waive their right to life, and then give another the power to take that life, requires a justification yet to be provided to him or by anyone. ( pg. 226) Should anyone want to end their life for any reason it can definitely be achieved. Callahan feels that doctors of medicine should not be given the right to end lives of people who no longer feel life is worth living and that euthanasia should only be utilized only to releive the pain of an incurable disease. (pg. 228) It is not medicines, place to lift from us the burden of suffering, which turns on the meaning we assign the decay (or natural aging process) of the body and its eventual death. It is not it’s place to determine when lives are not worth living or when the burden of life has become to great to be borne. (pg. 229) Hence he is saying that physicians should not be allowed to be the sole person making judgements about who should be allowed to live or die, in any situation. The person who knows that he or she is infected and chooses to forego treatment has decided to commit suicide. The flipside of this is the person who infected the individual initally, knowing that they were infectious decided to end the other persons life for them. This by our standards ehis would be murder. However, should both parties know about the infectious process then a form of euthanasia between two consenting individuals has be obtained, whether during the act of sex, or sharing needles in drug addiction. Bayer and Callahan both agree that a person or group of people having their own beliefs and cultural habits need to be addressed with that in mind.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Hazing Essay for Law Essay
Hazing is a term that many people are familiar with, but not everyone thinks of it in the same way. Hazing can be defined as â€Å"any act that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or that destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for the continued membership in a group or organization.†The issue of hazing can be controversial at times because some feel that it is nothing more than a way for a group to bond, but others fight against all kinds of hazing because of their belief that hazing is a serious threat to those who have to endure it, especially the youths of the world. Hazing is most often associated with fraternities, but it is an issue in many different organizations, including sororities, the military, athletic teams, student clubs (such as marching bands), and in high schools. Those who have never been involved in hazing may wonder why the victim would agree to the often humiliating or dangerous initiation rituals. The most common answer to this question is that they participated because they believed it would give them a sense of belonging, despite the fact that these so-called traditions may harm the participants. Most anti-hazing laws make it clear that it does not matter if a person consented to be subject to hazing because of the pressure they are under at the time and their lack of knowledge about what the process would involve. One of the most common forms of hazing, especially within fraternities and sororities, is the forced consumption of alcohol, often in lethal doses. One such incident involved Chuck Stevens, who was taken from his dorm in New York State, locked in the trunk of a car, and forced to drink a mix of bourbon, wine, and beer. Chuck died as a result of being hazed, and his mother, Eileen, has since founded the Committee to Halt Useless College Killings, or C.H.U.C.K., in memory of her young son. This organization promotes awareness and educational programs, tries to find alternatives to hazing, and works towards stricter anti-hazing laws. People’s perception of exactly what hazing is often varies form person to person, which makes it hard to separate acceptable traditions from unacceptable traditions. Even people who have witnessed hazing rituals or been a part of a hazing ritual are reluctant to label it â€Å"hazing†because of the stigma associated with the word. Victims of hazing will often not report the incident because they are unsure if what they suffered is classified as hazing and they are afraid of no longer being a part of the group they had worked so hard to join. A study conducted at Alfred University explored the various reasons why anyone would want to participate in a hazing ritual. Nearly half of those surveyed answered because they thought it was fun and exciting, but the majority of those students were only subjected to humiliating hazing. Other reasons include they were scared to refuse, they felt it brought the group closer, they wanted to get out some aggression through fighting, and they were immature when they agreed to the hazing. The study also discovered that many students did not know whether hazing was illegal in their state, and that if there was a law, it made no significant difference in the level of hazing behaviour. Hazing is something that occurs much more than we are aware because most incidents go unreported. Those students who did report hazing also reported both positive and negative consequences of the actions committed by them and by others. A common occurrence among those hazed was depression, which often included anger, and if the hazing was physical, the victim may suffer internal bruising and pain. Not all hazing has such serious penalties, though, and one positive aspect that was reported by students is that they felt they had gained a valuable life experience and had been able to mature. The outcome of hazing is different for each person who goes through it and it all depends on what type of hazing they endure and for what purpose they felt it was worth agreeing to. Aside from hazing taking place in the fraternities and sororities of universities, it is also a dominant problem in schools athletic teams. †Nearly 80 percent of student athletes reported being subjected to one or more hazing behaviours, ranging from shaving their heads to being tied up and paddled, as part of their team initiations.†Amazingly, only twelve percent of these students were willing to call what they had gone through hazing. Many rookies, especially males, are also forced to humiliate themselves and others through some kind of sexual abuse or nudity, such as walking around naked while holding another mans genitals. Members of the University of Vermont’s hockey team in reportedly carried out this shocking behaviour in October of 1999. Former UVM hockey player Corey LaTulippe, who filed a civil lawsuit against the university, has told the media that he was repeatedly subjected to hazing by other members of the team, and that school officials did nothing to end it. Women’s athletic teams also face hazing rituals, but they are more likely to embarrass their rookies, where men are more likely to be involved in extreme hazing, such as beatings or theft. In addition to hazing being a major component of universities and high schools, it is also an issue that the military must deal with constantly. Military hazing â€Å"can be used to describe anything from a good-natured punch on the stripes when someone is promoted, to Navy chiefs who make a new chief wear a dress, to boot camp activities when superiors or peers try to transform a balky recruit into a trustworthy team player.†Hazing is an issue for branches of the military all over the world, including Canada, the United States, and Russia. Hazing in the Russian armed forces can be particularly harsh, considering that many first-year soldiers die at the hands of their â€Å"grandfathers,†or their superiors. In the United States, the public knew nothing about military hazing until 1956, even though it began over a century ago. Just a few short years ago, there was a scandal that rocked the military when videotapes of Marines participating in blood pinnings were released to the media. This initiation ritual involved Marines ramming gold-wing pins into the chests of fellow Marines, which sickened all those who viewed the graphic footage. Despite the many dangers that are associated with hazing, experts warn against eliminating it altogether. Sociologist Jamie Bryshun has said that â€Å"the traditions often run too deep, and nothing any coach or university administrator says or does can end them.†There is fear that if all hazing is completely forbidden, then the organizations will just take it underground, where it may become even more dangerous. Different groups have tried to come up with alternatives to hazing, such as planning special events as a way for the members to bond with each other. The penalties for participating in hazing are on the rise. Hazing is now illegal in 41 states in the U.S.A., and many are working towards increasing that number. Under Texas law, hazing has been committed if a person engages in hazing, solicits, encourages, directs, aids, or attempts to aid another in engaging in hazing, intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly permits hazing to occur, or has firsthand knowledge that a hazing incident is being planned or has occurred and does not report their knowledge to the proper authorities. Even if the person has agreed to be a part of the hazing activity, it is still classified as hazing and charges could still be filed. Some criminal penalties include: a fine up to $1000 and/or up to 180 days in jail for failing to report hazing, a fine of $1000-$5000 and/or 180 days to one year in jail for being involved in hazing that resulted in serious bodily injury, and a fine of $5000-$10000 and/or one to two years in jail for participating in hazing that resulted in the death of someone. Despite the increase in awareness about the subject of hazing and the tougher anti-hazing laws, it is still a major problem for organizations all over the world. Even though many have died and countless others have been hospitalized, the trend of dangerous hazing has continued to grow, and it will not end until groups such as universities and the military receive a major wake up call. It is up to the leaders of the organizations to ensure that all its members are made to feel safe and no longer pressured to participate in activities that they know could endanger their lives.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Study for a Test in 5 Days
How to Study for a Test in 5 Days How do you study for a test if you have five days? Well, thats a great question! Thankfully, you arent asking, How do you study for a test if you only have one, two, three, or four days. You gave yourself plenty of time to prepare fully for your test and didnt even consider cramming. Heres your 5-day schedule. Ask and Read In school, ask your teacher what type of test it will be. Multiple choice? Essay? Thatll make a difference in how you prepare. Ask your teacher for a review sheet if he/she hasnt already given you one. Also, get a study partner set up for the night before the test if possible–even via phone/Facebook/Skype. Dont forget to take home your review sheet and textbook. When you are at home, eat some brain food. Read your review sheet, so you know whats going to be on the test. Re-read the chapters in the textbook that will be on the test. Thats it for day one! Organize and Make Flashcards Pay attention in class–your teacher may be going over things that will be on the test! Take home your handouts, assignments, and former quizzes along with your textbook and review sheet. At home, organize your notes. Rewrite or type them up so they are legible. Organize your handouts according to dates. Make note of anything youre missing. Go through your review sheet, finding the answers for every question on there from your notes, handouts, textbook, etc. Make flashcards with a question/term/vocabulary word on the front of the card, and the answer on the back. When youre finished, put your flashcards in your backpack so you can study throughout the day tomorrow. Dont forget to stay focused! Memorize Throughout the day in school, pull your flashcards out and ask yourself questions (when youre waiting for class to start, at lunch, during study hall, etc.) Clarify anything you didnt totally understand with your teacher. Ask for missing items and ask if there will be a review before the test later on in the week. At home, set a timer for 45 minutes, and memorize everything on the review sheet that you dont already know using mnemonic devices like acronyms or singing a song. Stop after 45 minutes and move on to other homework. You have two more days to study for this bad boy! Put your flashcards in your backpack for more review tomorrow. Memorize Some More Again, pull your flashcards out and ask yourself questions throughout the day. Confirm a study date for tomorrow night. Set a timer for 45 minutes again when you are home. Go back through your flashcards and review sheet, memorizing anything you dont have down pat. Take a 5-minute break. If necessary, set a timer for 45 minutes again and continue if youre still unsure of any material! Put your flashcards in your backpack for review again tomorrow. Study and Quiz Throughout the day, pull your flashcards out and ask yourself questions again. If your teacher is having an exam review today, pay close attention and write down anything you havent learned yet. If the teacher mentions it today–its on the test, guaranteed! Confirm the study date with a friend for this evening. Ten-to-twenty minutes before your study partner (or mom) shows up to quiz you for the exam, review your flashcards. Make sure you have everything down pat. When your study partner arrives, take turns asking possible exam questions to each other. Make sure each of you has a turn asking and answering because youll learn the material best doing both. Stop once youve been through the questions a few times and get a good nights sleep.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Ww2 Paper
Always, Harry Harry Jackson found comfort in letters from his family. Many times he mentioned not receiving letters from them quickly enough. Letters were taking longer to reach him because he was overseas and not at his home in Bowling Green, Kentucky. The mail was held up on account of invasions. At one point the airmail had stopped and Jackson was waiting up to two months for letters. Jackson was a captain in the 30th division. He spent time all over Europe, addressing letters from â€Å"Somewhere in Germany†, and â€Å"Somewhere in France†. Jackson wrote to his family, mainly his sisters, Sallie, Bernice, and Juanita. He was very artistic, although modest about his abilities. He wrote, â€Å"trying to lend you my eyes to see the beauty and to help me ignore the ugliness of war†(Sept 12, 1944). Jackson sketched a Gothic church, an ass and wagon, headdresses, helmets, his dug out, cathedrals, a jeep, and some shoes among other things very well. Many of his letters had sketches of his visual surroundings on them. He also talked about hearing airplanes and air raids overhead, and guns and cannons on the ground. Of the new German Screaming Meemies, Jackson wrote, â€Å" There’s no such thing as rank when you’re piled in a foxhole with privates, captains, majors, and colonels†(July 13, 1944). One of Jackson’s jobs was clearing the battlefield of the dead bodies of fellow and enemy soldiers, hoping they were not booby-trapped. He had to bury the bodies of enemy soldiers. It was policy to mark their graves with crosses and hang their helmets. The weather made living conditions worse for Jackson. He wrote, â€Å"The most disagreeable thing about this whole affair is the weather†(July 6, 1944). It had been cold and chilly ever since he had arrived in France, and on July 25, 1944 he went without a jacket for the first time. Jackson thought the French people looked underfed and had hardly any clothing. The children... Free Essays on Ww2 Paper Free Essays on Ww2 Paper Always, Harry Harry Jackson found comfort in letters from his family. Many times he mentioned not receiving letters from them quickly enough. Letters were taking longer to reach him because he was overseas and not at his home in Bowling Green, Kentucky. The mail was held up on account of invasions. At one point the airmail had stopped and Jackson was waiting up to two months for letters. Jackson was a captain in the 30th division. He spent time all over Europe, addressing letters from â€Å"Somewhere in Germany†, and â€Å"Somewhere in France†. Jackson wrote to his family, mainly his sisters, Sallie, Bernice, and Juanita. He was very artistic, although modest about his abilities. He wrote, â€Å"trying to lend you my eyes to see the beauty and to help me ignore the ugliness of war†(Sept 12, 1944). Jackson sketched a Gothic church, an ass and wagon, headdresses, helmets, his dug out, cathedrals, a jeep, and some shoes among other things very well. Many of his letters had sketches of his visual surroundings on them. He also talked about hearing airplanes and air raids overhead, and guns and cannons on the ground. Of the new German Screaming Meemies, Jackson wrote, â€Å" There’s no such thing as rank when you’re piled in a foxhole with privates, captains, majors, and colonels†(July 13, 1944). One of Jackson’s jobs was clearing the battlefield of the dead bodies of fellow and enemy soldiers, hoping they were not booby-trapped. He had to bury the bodies of enemy soldiers. It was policy to mark their graves with crosses and hang their helmets. The weather made living conditions worse for Jackson. He wrote, â€Å"The most disagreeable thing about this whole affair is the weather†(July 6, 1944). It had been cold and chilly ever since he had arrived in France, and on July 25, 1944 he went without a jacket for the first time. Jackson thought the French people looked underfed and had hardly any clothing. The children...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Civil War Essays - American Civil War, History Of The United States
Civil War Essays - American Civil War, History Of The United States Civil War The Civil war rages, the War between the States has become known as the bloodiest war ever fought. The Civil War divided the United States between its Northern and Southern states. The battles lingered for long years, but the consequences of the war have endured time. The start of the war began with the firing on Ft. Sumter by the Southern states and lasted until General Robert E Lee surrendered his southern troops at Appomattox Court House in Virginia on April 9, 1865. The War pitted brother against brother in attempts to retain a way of life and thinking. Although there has not been agreement on the major causes of the War, this essay will explore possible immediate causes and long term causes of the War. The immediate causes of the war that will be discussed are the election of Lincoln as president, the quest of the South to succeed from the Union, and the firing on Fort Sumter. The longer term causes discussed will be economic differences between the North and South, failure of Congress to compromise and the slavery and territory issues. The immediate causes of the War were the election of Lincoln as president. The fire-eaters threatened secession because of Lincoln's affiliation with abolitionist. The Southern states wanted their independence respected by the national government. The preservation of the way of life in the Southern states was of utmost importance. In opposition to legislation that would strengthen the national government the Confederacy rejected the demands of the Union. The Southern states believed that the right to succeed from the Union was within the doctrine of states' rights. Secessionist believed that the national government was a conglomeration of sovereign states and that any state had the legal right to remove itself from the Union. As Lincoln gave his inaugural speech he declared that secession was illegal and that he would acquire Southern possessions. One of these Southern holds would be Fort Sumter, which is located in the heart of the South. On April 12, the Confederacy fired upon Sumter to capture better position to defend initiated the battle that would culminate into the bloodiest War ever. The economic climates of the North and South differed a great deal. The North's economy depended heavily upon industry. The South was based on an agricultural economy, which produced such cash crops as tobacco, cotton, and sugar would suffer great hardships. Secession was key to the survival of the South and its way of life. Without secession the South would have to face an economy without its cheap resource, slave labor. Southerners felt that slavery should be the foundation of their society and it was more of a necessity than an evil. With expansion facing Congress, the issue of slavery played a key role in the division of the Union. Anti-slavery advocates demanded that slavery be left out of the new territories. Legislation was continuously introduced into Congress that would limit the span of slave labor, however the South responded by stating that could not be prohibited from any land that was in the Union. The slavery issue was a constant in legislation with Congress, various compromises attempted to settle the issue but with no solution. Popular-sovereignty was a compromised that would have allowed the territory itself to establish the laws on slavery, but proved damaging to the cause of the Anti-slavery activist because it allowed slavery in states that had previously determined it to be illegal. In order for the issue to be resolved and to keep the Southern states from seceding the Union a compromise needed to be reached. Of the compromises submitted to the national government, the Crittenden Compromise was the most popular. The Crittenden Compromise attempted to protect the system of slavery by establishing amendments that would limit the national governments ability to abolish it. This Compromise was not successful because of Lincoln's strong stand against the institution of slavery. The failure to compromise between Congress lead to further division amongst the States. The actions of the North and the South and their failure to compromise lead to the most costly war in human casualties ever. The destruction of the South's way of life and a new Union were the direct results of war. The eventual collapse of slavery and the total collapse of the South's economy, along with Lincoln's leadership brought forth a new nation and economic structure. This new structure brought tariffs favoring for manufacturing, free homesteads, and central banking, and railways for everyone.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Discuss The roles of power and social stratification Essay
Discuss The roles of power and social stratification - Essay Example These western influences impacted on Lia’s family in several ways; first of all, they became entangled in constant tugs of war with the American doctors who brushed of Hmong strong cultural beliefs as unreasonable and stupid. On the contrary, Lia’s family believed in the Hmong beliefs, and in it, was confused by the medicine administered by the doctors together with the Hmong rituals they were still holding onto. The other effect that Lia’s family encountered while on foreign soil was that by accepting the [new] western cultures. To them, the western cultures were overly rude and disrespectful as was seen in the medical settings. In the Hmong beliefs, a doctor could not undress a patient or use powerful drugs on them. These were, however allowed in America. Again, they did not understand the medical explanation for epilepsy as an effect to the brain; rather, they perceived of it as â€Å"exit†of one’s soul, which to them was caused by Lia’s sister banging the door to her little sister. These are some of the cultural challenges they encountered in America. On the other hand, the statuses of the Hmong were also affected by their arrival to America. At the outset, they comprehended that they had plunged themselves into an excessively stratifying culture, and in the segregation that followed, they felt less welcome and enslaved in the west. This is because the westerners perceived on the Hmong as inferior and â€Å"contaminators†of their culture. As such, they looked upon them as mere aliens invading their land and went on to be rather harsh on them. The effect of this was the Hmong is acquiring lower levels of esteem while on foreign soil. On the other hand, they also deteriorated materially in that they did not find any worthy jobs to act as sources of life for them and had to compete with unemployed Americans in seeking for demeaning jobs. Their unemployment statuses were
Friday, October 18, 2019
Journal opinion article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Journal opinion article - Essay Example The article of Scism and Tergesen Getting Smart about Annuities attempts to address the economic issue in the U.S economy. The authors attempt to reveal the changes in the stock market because of the shift from defined benefits to pension plans contribution in the U.S economy. Annuity markets have started expanding but the slow economic growth in the global market has become a major problem. Annuity refers to the payment made for life insurance or it is simply referred as the U.S financial products; thus the article attempts to address the way consumers can become elegant about annuities. Annuity issue has become among the most aspects for the recent decades because of the need to improve the quality of life (Scism and Tergesen para. 1). Although financial advisers have not been popular with annuities, it has become one of the hot products in the U.S market. The products do not offer the potential for outsized gains but there is a guarantee for some benefits (Scism and Tergesen para. 3). Consumers need to be smart when dealing with these products because there are some associated risks that may arise including investment losses but it appears that annuities have irrefutable appeal. At first, annuity offers a way for restoring some financial security for golden years but there is no clear evidence that retirees with standard paychecks will be happier than those relying on exclusively social security supplement. It appears that annuities will not offer contentment to consumers; hence one needs to be smarter before making a decision about life annuity. Moreover, annuities in the contemporary global financial markets have an undeniable appeal for those grappling with investment losses (Scism and Tergesen para. 4). The problem with this is because investors may have a common idea about the importance of annuity but a few of them may recognize the strategies available for making these financial products a part of their assets. Therefore, it is crucial for one to figu re out the total amount of products one needs to purchase maybe whether he or she wants to put money to work immediately or slowly and what to invest with the remaining balance. Scism and Tergesen offer significant and best ways that one should do in order to achieve success or avoid any financial losses (Scism and Tergesen para. 3). One of them is the immediate gratification because immediate annuity can enable one to convert payment for a month, quarterly or yearly income for life. Although most immediate annuities are fixed, immediate annuities can offer considerable higher sustainable revenue than the ones being generated from the venture portfolio. For example, an older a man who purchases an immediate annuity is likely to receive about 8.4 percent of the total amount which he instead (Scism and Tergesen para. 5). This is significant because the payment has interest rates and they are guaranteed to continue increasing for the rest of one’s life. Another way is longevity rider and this is one way of preserving more for purchasing a differed-income annuity (Scism and Tergesen para. 7). This generates an income for life and one may benefit; however, the economists have attempted to argue as to whether it is significant for one to purchase for a longevity rider or conventional immediate annuity. This is in case the financial benefits outweigh the annuity pool; thus one may likely to undergo losses. However,
Comparison and Contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Comparison and Contrast - Essay Example story, The Yellow Wallpaper, written in 1899, chronicles the physically isolated life of a young woman suffering what was probably post partum depression while Willa Cather’s story Paul’s Case, written in 1905, describes the social isolation of a young man who dreams of the theatre, yet each character experiences a similar loss of reality, or perhaps perceives a deeper glimpse of reality, as a result. In Gilman’s short story, a woman slowly loses her sanity as a result of her inability to conform to societal norms. In the story, an unnamed woman and her family take up residence in a remote mansion as a means of giving her the rest her husband has prescribed for her. The woman takes up residence in an upper room of the house, thought to have originally been a nursery, with bars on the windows and old faded yellow wallpaper attached to the walls. This wallpaper plays a large role in the progression of the woman’s illness as she begins to see women creeping around inside it, trying to escape the oppression they, too, have experienced. â€Å"Sometimes I think there are a great many women behind. And she is all the time trying to climb through. But nobody could climb through that pattern – it strangles so; I think that is why it has so many heads†(Gilman, 1899). She is either going crazy because of her extreme boredom or she is seeing a deeper reality in t he concept of the trapped woman suffering at the definitions placed upon her by others. Through the course of the story, the woman transforms from an individual who adores the outside and green growing things to the artificial creation of man as it is represented in the impenetrable confines of the room. In the end, she chooses to join the other world she sees, effectively becoming insane in this one. This is similar to the action Paul takes in Willa Cather’s story. From the beginning, the reader is led to see the ways in which Paul views the world differently from those around him. He creates
Social Influences in the Stock Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Social Influences in the Stock Market - Essay Example Kenrick and Simpson (1997) maintain that " the stock market, people's investment decisions are determined, not by the actual value of a resource but by the perceived value" (p. 36). Once an investor moves from pure economic analysis into the area of perception, social influence becomes a key influence. By using acuity rather than data, the investor draws upon the elements that make up the perception, whether factual or not. Those perceptive elements are usually socially-derived and filtered through the individual's own bias. The investment decision is then no longer about objective fact, it is about the individual's subjective opinion-right or wrong. The prices of securities themselves are often a function of this process. In the stock market, pricing is set by the market's consensus opinion of a company's underlying value. If more people have a good opinion of a stock's worth or potential, they will pay more for it. If the majority, however, have a negative view on a security, that outlook will express itself as a lower price. The obvious social influence here is that many of the people who are setting the price are making decisions based on their unique view of the company, market, or economy. This perception is certainly not always accurate. Shefrin states it like this, "People commit errors in the course of making decisions; and these errors cause the prices of securities to be different from what they would have been in an error-free environment" (2002: p. 6). If the majority of investors in ABC Company are influenced by an erroneous social perception, e.g., the company is not environmentally responsible, they will make the ir investment decisions accordingly and the price of the stock will fall. ABC Company may or may not be an industrial polluter; but if the market perceives that they are, the result is negative. In this case, perception is reality. A dramatic example of this premise is demonstrated by observing the impact of the media on market events. For example, in October 1987, the United State's stock market crashed with a resulting massive loss in equity. In trying to understand the reasons behind the event, economist Robert Shiller sent questionnaires to active traders. What he discovered from the response was that the investors were responding to the news of the crisis, not necessarily the underlying fundamentals of the market itself (Brehm, 2005, n.p.). That day, the price movements in the market were not triggered by any objective economic information; prices were dropping because of mass investor response to the news that prices were dropping. Shiller (2000) articulates this concept very well when he observes that, while the media may represent that they are independent "...observers of market events, they are themselves an integral part of these events. Significant market events...occur only if there is similar thin king among large groups of people, and the news media are essential vehicles for the spread of ideas" (p. 71). Within the context of the modern information age; given the pervasive presence of journalists reporting, pundits opining, and bloggers ranting, it is easy to infer the significant social influence wielded upon the financial markets by the media. Stock
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Operation Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Operation Management - Essay Example The researcher of this essay is aimed to answer on questions, such as How many trucks are needed to ship the pallets to the manufacturer?, What is likely to happen if the trucks break down?, How can the supplier ensure that the customer does not run out of parts even in the face of delivery problems or other uncertainties?, What will happen if the manufacturer runs into trouble and shuts down for a period of 6 hours? And If unexpected overtime is required, how do you effectively communicate the need to your workforce? Firstly, the researcher presents the business, both manufacturer and the supplier and analyzes their strengths and weaknesses. The researcher states that usually industry procedures are more or less standardized. If the supplier at present are supplying pallets to a manufacturer who uses two pallets an hour, it is logical to think that he is using some standardized process and that there are other manufacturers who might be using the same standard procedure and requirin g the same number of pallets per hour. Also the supplier may think in another way, that is to present manufacturing unit or department or store setup, that is geared up to service a customer who uses two pallets per hour, therefore, to achieve the net profit maximization goals, that the supplier would logically try to obtain similar contracts from similar manufacturers. It is then concluded that if the customer i.e. the manufacturer gets 2 pallets per hour, his requirement is fulfilled and similarly for other manufacturers as well.
Lab report (Using NMR) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
(Using NMR) - Lab Report Example Hydrogen molecule found in the hydro carbon is the most frequently observed nuclear in the NMR spectroscopy (Orrell, Ã… ik & Stephenson, 2010). A 2D nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy experiments entails a set of NMR methods which offer data that has been plotted in a space which is defined by 2 frequency axes and not a single one. The Methods of NMR that will be utilized in the experiment entails correlation spectroscopy, nuclear overhauser effect spectroscopy and the hetero nuclear single quantum correlation spectroscopy. Hetero nuclear single quantum correlation spectroscopy will detect the correlation between the nuclei of 2 different types that are divided by a bond. The method often presents a single peak per pair. The original two dimensional experiments were utilized to identify the nuclei which shared a scalar coupling. The presence of the off-diagonal often correlates the coupled partners (Orrell, Ã… ik & Stephenson, 2010). The procedure is first conducted by collecting a sample of nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer that will be sufficient soluble in the solvent that was requested. The samples were prepared in solid, semi-solid or NMR chromatography. The sample was collected in 5mm nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer. The tubes were labeled with the significant concentric label. The purpose of the tubes being labeled was to ensure that the experiment is curried out sufficiently. The sample collected was sufficient enough to yield better results for the experiment since it was able to form the chromatography. In the C10H18O experiment, the experiment is often utilized to analyze coupling relationships between the protons. Clear solutions have been identified to offer the best results with turbid solutions presenting poor spectrum. To achieve the maximum solution, the solvent with the low viscosity was chosen (Orrell, Ã… ik & Stephenson, 2010). In cases where the signal
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Social Influences in the Stock Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Social Influences in the Stock Market - Essay Example Kenrick and Simpson (1997) maintain that " the stock market, people's investment decisions are determined, not by the actual value of a resource but by the perceived value" (p. 36). Once an investor moves from pure economic analysis into the area of perception, social influence becomes a key influence. By using acuity rather than data, the investor draws upon the elements that make up the perception, whether factual or not. Those perceptive elements are usually socially-derived and filtered through the individual's own bias. The investment decision is then no longer about objective fact, it is about the individual's subjective opinion-right or wrong. The prices of securities themselves are often a function of this process. In the stock market, pricing is set by the market's consensus opinion of a company's underlying value. If more people have a good opinion of a stock's worth or potential, they will pay more for it. If the majority, however, have a negative view on a security, that outlook will express itself as a lower price. The obvious social influence here is that many of the people who are setting the price are making decisions based on their unique view of the company, market, or economy. This perception is certainly not always accurate. Shefrin states it like this, "People commit errors in the course of making decisions; and these errors cause the prices of securities to be different from what they would have been in an error-free environment" (2002: p. 6). If the majority of investors in ABC Company are influenced by an erroneous social perception, e.g., the company is not environmentally responsible, they will make the ir investment decisions accordingly and the price of the stock will fall. ABC Company may or may not be an industrial polluter; but if the market perceives that they are, the result is negative. In this case, perception is reality. A dramatic example of this premise is demonstrated by observing the impact of the media on market events. For example, in October 1987, the United State's stock market crashed with a resulting massive loss in equity. In trying to understand the reasons behind the event, economist Robert Shiller sent questionnaires to active traders. What he discovered from the response was that the investors were responding to the news of the crisis, not necessarily the underlying fundamentals of the market itself (Brehm, 2005, n.p.). That day, the price movements in the market were not triggered by any objective economic information; prices were dropping because of mass investor response to the news that prices were dropping. Shiller (2000) articulates this concept very well when he observes that, while the media may represent that they are independent "...observers of market events, they are themselves an integral part of these events. Significant market events...occur only if there is similar thin king among large groups of people, and the news media are essential vehicles for the spread of ideas" (p. 71). Within the context of the modern information age; given the pervasive presence of journalists reporting, pundits opining, and bloggers ranting, it is easy to infer the significant social influence wielded upon the financial markets by the media. Stock
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Lab report (Using NMR) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
(Using NMR) - Lab Report Example Hydrogen molecule found in the hydro carbon is the most frequently observed nuclear in the NMR spectroscopy (Orrell, Ã… ik & Stephenson, 2010). A 2D nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy experiments entails a set of NMR methods which offer data that has been plotted in a space which is defined by 2 frequency axes and not a single one. The Methods of NMR that will be utilized in the experiment entails correlation spectroscopy, nuclear overhauser effect spectroscopy and the hetero nuclear single quantum correlation spectroscopy. Hetero nuclear single quantum correlation spectroscopy will detect the correlation between the nuclei of 2 different types that are divided by a bond. The method often presents a single peak per pair. The original two dimensional experiments were utilized to identify the nuclei which shared a scalar coupling. The presence of the off-diagonal often correlates the coupled partners (Orrell, Ã… ik & Stephenson, 2010). The procedure is first conducted by collecting a sample of nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer that will be sufficient soluble in the solvent that was requested. The samples were prepared in solid, semi-solid or NMR chromatography. The sample was collected in 5mm nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer. The tubes were labeled with the significant concentric label. The purpose of the tubes being labeled was to ensure that the experiment is curried out sufficiently. The sample collected was sufficient enough to yield better results for the experiment since it was able to form the chromatography. In the C10H18O experiment, the experiment is often utilized to analyze coupling relationships between the protons. Clear solutions have been identified to offer the best results with turbid solutions presenting poor spectrum. To achieve the maximum solution, the solvent with the low viscosity was chosen (Orrell, Ã… ik & Stephenson, 2010). In cases where the signal
Mcds Current Strategy Essay Example for Free
Mcds Current Strategy Essay Do we have a contradiction here? †¢ Can we develop many successful segments, as many as McDonald’s would like, create a new image and having their main business continue to be burgers and fries? †¢ Is the CFO correct in assessing that the main business of the company is to compete with other burger companies? †¢ What do you think of the current suggested strategy that McDonald’s develop a healthy line because this will continue to attract people whose main demand is burgers and fries? †¢ Do you think that the current socioeconomic demographics will continue to positively react to the McCafe’s? What would you suggests as strategies or main strategy for Mc? I dont think there is a contradiction in this case. In my opinion, we say it is a contradiction because McD company uses different strategy to different segments in the market. The company has been trying to build a new image of healthy food to go along the need of modern adults. On the other hand, however, the burgers and fries still take large pile of market. McD is well-known by there traditional products burgers and fries and there is one thing that we have to admit is that many people order burgers and fries in McD because customers eating habit has been changed by McD. As far as I know, I think McD can sell their original products as well as doing more advertisements of those new and healthier food to appeal new customers. Since McD has been playing a very important role of domain peoples eating habit, I suppose that McD should develop more, or I say different, concept of healthy food. With specific stores selling different stuff then analyze which chain is better to suit modern people. So I agree with the CFOs opinion. McD wants to be the NO.1 then it has to win in the market with other fast food companies. And to attract more customers is the point to gain more profit. To develop more healthy food, will definitely get more people to buy its stuff. As for the McCafe, lower price and better quality will be the motivation that people want to buy a cup of espresso in McC. But since there are more and more coffee companies already existed in the market, I suppose it might not be that positive to McC. Except for the price and quality, the service and the diversity of products are important too.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The real food company
The real food company The real food company 1.0 Background of EAT the real food company: Eat was founded in 1996 with ambition of providing the best food, soup and coffee in London at reasonable prices. The first shop was opened at Villers street, WC2, London. At present EAT with 100 shops continue to strive for highest possible quality of food, service and shop standards in the same way they used to do since from the beginning. EATs secret of success is in their kitchen, they make all food products on their own i.e. they dont buy a single mass produced sandwich, soup or salad from any supplier. They offer variety of foods like sandwiches, soups, pies, salads, wraps, sushi, desserts, baked goods, breakfast, cold drinks juices and great coffees. 2.0 Planning process and its importance: Planning is a formalised procedure to produce an articulated result, in the form of an integrated system of decisions. The importance of planning to organisations will help in co-ordinating their activities; to make sure that their business is accounted for future and to have control on the business. Chernev (2009) describes marketing management consists of three step process and they are analysing the situation, developing an action plan and implementing the plan. Situation analysis will help in providing the overview of the company and environment in which it operates and also it helps in identifying potential markets to compete. It begins with analysing five key factors which are as follows as identified by Chernev (2009). Potential customers- Most of the EAT shops are located near offices, tourist places and transit places. So their major customers are tourists, workers and tourists visiting to London. Companys goals- EAT goal is to provide best food, soup and coffee in London at reasonable prices. Collaborators- Competitors- EAT companys potential competitors are Pret a Manger, Starbucks, McDonald and KFC. All these companies are also in the same market targeting same customers. Economic, social-cultural, technological, regulatory and physical factors- The current economic situation of the UK is under recession. Many people are unemployed and still losing their jobs. Recession has had an impact on tourist coming from different parts of the UK, as well as from other parts of the world. Social-cultural effect on EAT has had a very little impact on its business, because the type of food EAT produces suits the eat habits of most of the Londoners. Except the fact that London is multi cultural ethnicity, and among them most of the Muslim community and they do not eat non-veg food other than halal ones. According to official research collated for The Times as cited in Kerbaj (2009) Muslim population in Britain has grown by more than 500,000 to 2.4 million in just four years. Technology has had a significant effect on the EAT business, the introduction of readymade coffee machines reduced the customer waiting time and increased the productivity of the business. 3.0 Internal analysis of EAT 3.1 Mc Kinsey 7-S frame work: Mc Kinseys 7-S recognises seven important factors for internal effectiveness and efficiency of an organisation. The key elements of 7-S are as follows and is depicted in the below figure. Strategy: EAT prepares all food products in their own kitchen, and do not buy any single mass produced sandwich from any supplier. One day is the shelf life of all products for maximum freshness and quality Structure: Each EAT shop has shop manager, assistant shop manager followed by team leader, lead barista and team member. Skills: Employees of EAT are skilled in preparing delicious sandwiches, soups, pies, salads, desserts, and drinks. Moreover they are also skilled at delivering great customer services. Staff: EAT staff get training in their academy, and recognised for doing a great job. They are further encouraged to improve on personal development. All these factors motivate the employees and increases their productivity and loyalty to organisation. Style: EAT is adopting team management style in Blake and Mouton managerial grid as cited in Mullins (2005) which gives equally high concern to productivity as well as to the staff. This type of management style is the best in the business. Systems: EAT follows the system of delivering best quality food, along with it providing friendly and fun experience to every customers. Shared values: EAT believes in honest, simple and natural work space environment providing quality food and great customer service. 3.2 Advantages and disadvantages of Mckinsey 7-S Advantages: This tool covers the almost every aspect of the business and all major parts of the firm. This tool helps in analysing the internal situation of the organisation. This tool helps in implementing the organisational changes once the organisation has understood its internal situation. Disadvantages: A detailed case study on the firm is required to analyse it using this tool. This tool does not consider about the external factors influencing the organisation and presents only of the internal situation of firm. All the 7-S of Mckinsey are interrelated and if any one element is changed it affects others as well. 4.0 External analysis of EAT 4.1 PEST analysis 4.1.1 Political factors: Elections will be held before May 2010 and new government may alter the environmental rules which will have low impact on the organisation. Labour government might win the upcoming elections, and increase the basic pay rise of an employee which will have high impact on the firm. Customer protection law has a great impact on the firm especially for service and hospitality organisation. EAT has to ensure that it provides sufficient information about the food they produce and its ingredient. 4.1.2 Economical factors: Current market is struggling with recession; many people have lost the jobs and still losing it. It has negative impact on the firm. The firm has to pay tax for the government. 4.1.3 Social factors: London is a multi ethnic city, so eating habits of the people differs from person to person. This factor has a medium impact on the firm. Lifestyle of the people has a great impact on the firm. Now a days people like to carry their food along with them, rather than sitting and eating in the restaurant. Considering the fact that Muslim population in Britain has grown by more than 500,000 to 2.4 million in just four years, according to official research collated for The Times as cited in Kerbaj (2009). This factor has a medium impact on the firm. 4.1.4 Technological factors: Technology has been evolving and there is no end for it, introduction of readymade coffee machine have had a great impact on sales reducing the customer waiting time. Internet has a strong impact on the business helping customers to know about the locations of EAT braches near to place where they live or work. Also they get to know about the variety of products they make. 4.2 Advantages and disadvantages of PEST analysis: Advantages: This tool helps in determining the external factors which have positive and negative impact on the firms growth. This tool helps in identifying its business survival according to the surroundings. This tool is simple and only costs time to do. Disadvantages: This tool tells focuses only on the external environmental analysis based on assumptions. But in reality assumptions may go wrong and strategy is not of worth. This tool covers only external environment, but the results to need to be considered along with other factors for example firm itself, competitors and type of industry in which it is operating. Changes in the environment make this tool difficult to implement developments and it will affect the firm in the future. 4.2 Porters five forces Industry rivalry: EAT is in food industry sector where in, there are lot of other big competitors like Pret a manger, Star bucks coffee, McDonalds and KFC. These companies are also well settled in the business and have good market share. So industry rivalry among the competitors is high because of too many competitors in the same market. Supplier power: The supplier has a low bargaining power with firm because, because there are lot of suppliers producing the same raw materials for the food industry sector. Buyer power: Since EAT business is retail one the buyer power has less influence on its business. On the contrary, care should be taken to deliver quality food and great customer service if not it brings bad reputation to the business. The effect of it will be losing customers in large proportion. New entrants: It is very difficult for a new entrant to start business in the same industry as EAT is doing. Because since EAT is in hospitality sector, it takes years to get recognised with quality food and great customer service. Threat of substitutes: Now a days people are turning to readymade packed foods which are convenient to carry to their work places or homes. Because of recession as the prices of packed foods are cheap they are attracted to them. Advantages of porters five forces: This tool helps in identifying the profitability of a new product or business. It helps in identifying who has better power buyer or supplier. Disadvantages of porters five forces: It does not account the rapid changes that are happening in present world, so even a new entrant can come with some new methods and straight away make profits. 5.0 SWOT analysis Strengths Skills of employees. Strategy of firm. Trained employees in cooking delicious foods and delivering great customer service. Wide range of food products in menu. Brand reputation doesnt allow new entrants to succeed immediately. Opportunities Joint ventures with supermarkets to increase the market share. Introduction of online order and delivery systems. Introduction of low priced food products consisting of only basic ingredients. Weakness High priced food products. Limited funds available to expand the business. Inconsistence of quality and service across all branches. Threats Recession has had an impact on the business. Changing eat habits of the people. Similar products offered by other companies at low price. 6.0 Ansoff matrix: The EAT can make profits by stepping into product development by adopting one of the two strategies introducing online delivery system to their products gives tough competition to Pret a manger that are already in the same business. Because there are some factors which are in favour of this purpose and they are weather conditions may hamper the interest of going to restaurants and some people want to enjoy their meals at their residence itself. The second strategy EAT can adopt is introduction of low priced food products. According to Farnham (2009) most of the people are abandoning restaurants and are turning to low priced food products because of recession. EAT can turn to low priced food range by reducing the number of ingredients but not all comprising with quality or service. 7.0 Marketing Mix elements Product: According to Chernev (2009) a product should have certain features that make it unique in the market. EATs products are known for its delicious and high quality, but introduction of Halal foods in their menu will attract handsome of customers to their restaurant. As we have discussed in the external environment analysis, London is a multi ethnicity city and in it Muslim population is increasing day by day. It has grown to more than 500,000 to 2.4 million in just four years Kerbaj (2009). Price: EATs food price has had a significant effect on the customer behaviour, as majority of them were abandoning the restaurants and are turning to basic foods with less ingredients in it. Because of recession many people are losing their jobs and reducing their level of expenditure and trying to save money. Introduction of low priced foods with less ingredients but not comprising with quality of food will help in attracting the customers. Place: Most of the EAT shops are located near commercial places, tourist places and transit places which are easily accessible places by people. However to increase further sales of the firm, it is suggestible to implement online order and delivery systems with the help of internet technology. In this way it can target the customers who are of big families and like to have meals at their premises itself. Promotion: EAT has to promote its brand in one of the fastest way of communication channels. By advertising in the daily news paper, radio channels, local television channels in London, internet and by leaflet distribution it has chances of promoting its new products in the market. References Chernev, A. (2009) Strategic marketing management 5th edition. Bright star media, Inc.: Chicago, USA. Eat (2009a) [online] available from: [accessed on: 26 November 2009] Farnham, J. (2009) Recession bites into eating habits, June [online] available from: [accessed on : 24 November 2009] Doyle, P. and Stern, P. (2006) Marketing management and strategy 4th edition. Pearson education ltd.: Harlow, England. Fifield, P. (2007) Marketing strategy: The difference between marketing and markets. 3rd edition. Elsevier ltd: London, UK. Kerbaj, R. (2009) January 30 2009 [online] available from: [accessed on: 01 December 2009]
Sunday, October 13, 2019
A Change of Fate in A Tale of Two Cities Essay -- Tale Two Cities Essa
A Change of Fate in A Tale of Two Cities     Authors may use one character to instantaneously change the fate of another character. Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities presents such situations through the characters Lucie Manette, Dr. Manette and Charles Darnay. Lucie, unaware of the existence of her supposedly dead father, Dr. Manette, suddenly discovers through Jarvis Lorry that her father still lives. Lucie learns of the optimistic plans to return her beloved father back to a healthy condition and her future involvement in her father's life. Dr. Manette, after 18 years of imprisonment and harsh treatment, experiences detrimental harm to his mental state and loses his ability to lead a normal life. However, Lorry reunites Dr. Manette with his daughter and travels with them to England in hopes of brightening Dr. Manette's future and improving his deteriorated condition. Later, Charles Darnay, a prisoner in England on trial for treason, receives an acquittal, barely escaping death. Darnay avoids a hi ghly expected guilty verdict with the assistance of his defense lawyers, Mr. Stryver and Mr. Carton. By examining Lucie Manette, Dr. Manette and Charles Darnay, the reader comes to see that through the assistance and intervention of others, one's fate suddenly changes to benefit him.  Lucie Manette experiences a positive change of fate with the sudden intervention and assistance of Mr. Lorry. Lorry unexpectedly notifies Lucie of the existence of her father, as he describes his plans and her role in reviving Dr. Manette to a healthy state. "But he has been found. He is alive...Your father has been taken to the house of an old servant in Paris, and we are going there: I, to identify him if I can:... ...tance of other characters. Mr. Lorry reunites Lucie with her father, Dr. Manette, brightening the future of both of them. Lucie, deprived of a father during childhood, suddenly discovers the existence of her father and her golden opportunity to bond with him. Dr. Manette, troubled by years of harsh treatment, begins his once unimaginable path to recovery. Later, Charles Darnay, a prisoner suspected of treason, avoids a highly expected guilty verdict with assistance of his lawyers, Stryver and Carton. Dickens masterfully depicts that one's fate can change at any instant to benefit him. Hopefully, such a sudden and beneficial change of fate will occur to people worldwide, especially to those living in a constant state of fear and violence. Work Cited Dickens, Charles. A Tale of Two Cities. The Oxford Illustrated Dickens. 1949. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1987.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Jury Nullification and Its Effects on Black America Essay -- Criminal
Jury Nullification and Its Effects on Black America      It is obvious that significant improvements have been made in the way that the criminal justice system deals with Blacks during the history of the United States. Blacks have not always been afforded a right to trial, not to mention a fair one. Additionally, for years, Blacks were unable to serve on juries, clearly affecting the way both Blacks and whites were tried. Much of this improvement has been achieved through various court decisions, and other improvements have been made through federal and state legislatures. Despite these facts, the development of the legal system with regard to race seems to have become stagnant.      Few in this country would argue with the fact that the United States criminal justice system possesses discrepancies which adversely affect Blacks in this country. Numerous studies and articles have been composed on the many facets in which discrimination, or at least disparity, is obvious. Even whites are forced to admit that statistics indicate that the Black community is disproportionately affected by the American legal system. Controversy arises when the issue of possible causes of, and also solutions to, these variations are discussed.      Although numerous articles and books have been published devising means by which to reduce variance within the system, the most recent, and probably most contentious, is that of Paul Butler, Associate Professor of Law, George Washington University Law School, and former Special Assistant United States Attorney in the District of Columbia. Butler's thesis, published in an article in the Yale Law Journal, is that "for pragmatic and political reasons, the black community is better off when some nonviolent lawbreakers remain in the community rather than go to prison. The decision as to what kind of conduct by African- Americans ought to be punished is better made by African-Americans themselves."1 The means by which Butler proposes for Blacks to implement these decisions is termed jury nullification. By placing the race of the defendant above the facts of the case, and thus producing either an acquittal or a hung jury, Butler hopes that Blacks will be able to keep a large portion of Black males out of prison.      Although several commentators have voiced criticisms with the ideas of Professor Butler, most ... ...11 See Coramae Richey Mann, Unequal Justice (1993) at 202-3. 12 Morris, supra note 3. 13 Morris, supra note 3. 14 Butler, supra note 1. 15 Michael R. Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi, A General Theory of Crime (1990), at 152. 16 Butler, supra note 1. 17 See William Julius Wilson, The Truly Disadvantaged: the inner city, the underclass, and public policy (1990), at 91. 18 See Kate Stith, The Government Interest in Criminal Law: Whose Interest Is It, Anyway?, Public Values in Constitutional Law (Stephen E. Gottlieb ed., 1993), at 137, 158 19 Randall Kennedy, The State, Criminal Law, and Racial Discrimination: A Comment, 107 Harvard Law Review (1994), at 1262. 20 Morris, supra note 3. 21 Morris, supra note 3. 22 See Douglas S. Massey, America's Apartheid and the Urban Underclass, Social Service Review (December 1994), at 480. 23 Butler, supra note 1. 24 Michael Vitiello, Reconsidering Rehabilitation, 65 Tulane Law Review (1991). 25 Benjamin A. Holden, Laurie P. Cohen, and Eleena De Lisser, Does Race Affect Juries? Injustice with Verdicts, Chicago Sun-Times (October 8, 1995) at 28. 26 Butler, supra note 1. 27 Butler, supra note 1.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Discussion Boards Hsa 520
Has 505 The major online computer services such as Health Grades, America Online Inc. , and WebMD provide health news and medical and health forums where users can access medical libraries, exchange messages, and discuss health problems. In what ways might the growing use of these services by consumers affect future strategies for: Family practitioners? HMOs? Technology refers to the innovations or inventions from applied science and research. According to the book, adult use of the Internet as a health information source has increased dramatically. A lot of people use the Internet to find out different diseases and illness. From a family practitioner perspective use of the Internet could be a god thing. Most people find their health care providers from the Internet and also find out about health care issues. The Internet sites allow patients to gain knowledge about what is going on with their health and help solve questions they might have. Health care coverage through the use of an HMO costs less than comparable traditional health insurance, with a trade-off of limitations on the range of treatments available. HMO might view the internet site as an advantage because that’s where majority of people to research information and this could better help HMO reach out to the general population. They can get information from potential health care seekers based off the information they are providing on the sites, it could also help them use advertise strategies to put information out there to people. Internet sites have their advantages and their disadvantages but it seems there are more advantages than not. A primary care medical group has a list of patients who had once used the group on a regular basis as their primary source of care. However, in scanning their records, these patients had not been in for an appointment in the past two (2) years. The senior partner wants to send them an informational flyer about the practice and a refrigerator magnet that has the group’s telephone number and after-hours service number. As the marketing director for the practice, evaluate this approach in light of the HIPAA regulations. Is it acceptable to implement this marketing plan under the current regulations? Explain your answer. HIPPA is used to facilitate health insurance portability, protect patient security and privacy of information, and further reduce health care fraud and abuse. HIPPA requires all health care providers to have patient consent for access to their medical records or information. According to the book, data will need to be aggregated so that medical information cannot be attached to names and addresses of individual patients. Patient identifiable information cannot be use of marketing items. Under the current regulations there are some marketing strategies that can take place but it cannot have any patient information if it is not related to treatment or payment of their care. If the organization does not have the consent of the individuals to use their information that I don’t think that it would be acceptable. Has 520 Discuss the factors that should be considered when developing a consistent IM / IT strategy. Explain your rationale. Information systems should support the strategic goals, and objectives, and priorities of the organization they serve. The factors that should be considered when developing a consistent IM/IT strategy are: 1. Aligning IM/IT with organizational strategy: This is important because there is a need for interrelationships among IM/IT, the rest of the organization and the external environment. 2. Developing IM/IT infrastructure, architecture, and policies: This plan should identify the major types of information required to support strategic objectives and establish priorities for installation for computer applications. 3. Setting IM/IT project priorities, and overseeing investments: The organization needs to be aware of the investments and where their money is going and for what projects it is going to. They have to set boundaries and have set priorities. 4. Using IM/IT benefits assessment to enhance accountability: Accountability is very important to any organization. Knowing what they have and what they are missing is very vital. Analyze the various approaches to reviewing software and hardware standards and make at least three recommendations for improvement. Provide specific examples to support your response. Three recommendations for the various approaches to reviewing software and hardware standards are: 1. Data compatibility-use of common codes and data definitions for electronic information exchange across an organization. Its important that any organization make sure the soft ware and hardware is compatible to the systems they are trying to use. 2. Central review ensures that hardware and software will ne of a type that can receive technical support and maintenance from the information system staff. . Central review can help prevent illegal use of unlicensed software within the organization. Integration discusses the advantages and disadvantages of end-user computing and determines if this is an application that should be progressively pursued. Explain your rationale. End-user computing offers the potential to expand the base of IM/IT development and overcome issues that arise when a low priority is assigned to certain applications that are nevertheless viewed as important to units within the organization. Some of the advantages of end user computing are overcoming shortages of professionals, establishment of user friendly and responsive systems, and overcoming implementation problems. Some other advantages are the systems tailored to users, enables creative use of IS, generates competitive advantage, overcomes backlog by providing systems that IS could not get round to doing, puts users nearer the information, allows for variety, Increases user awareness of IS, and Relieves work load of IT professional. The disadvantages are that they produce inappropriate systems, causes duplication, takes users away from their real job, ignores long range and technical issues, courts disaster due to lack of attention to procedures, and causes integration problems. From the e-Activity, discuss what additional challenges exist with systems integration between / among health care organizations and possible solutions to those challenges.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Business Proposal for Mcdonalds Essay
McDonalds has always been a company that shares in the happiness of a child. Recently after taking my own children to McDonalds, I have found that there is not a breakfast option for children. McDonalds should add a happy meal option to the breakfast menu. Current demands by consumers are to add a happy meal option allowing parents to purchase child sized portions of breakfast items. This option could help McDonalds to increase profits by attracting more consumers. Shareholder reports show a quarterly cash dividend per share increase of 15% and annual dividend of $2.80 per share. Comparable sales grew 5.6%. Cash by operations increased $808 million to $7.2 billion. Return to shareholders $6.0 billion (McDonald’, 2012). Elasticity of demand and the market structure for the company’s good or service. * Profit-maximizing quantity is figured by determining the elasticity of the product. * By dividing the change in quantity sold by the corresponding change in price, you get a coefficient that tells you how elastic or inelastic your product is – with coefficients between zero and one being inelastic and coefficients greater than one being elastic. * The elasticity of this particular product is determined by the individual instead of the population. Considering this fact, fast food is considered an elastic good. An elastic good is more of a luxury, and fast-food is not a requirement to survive. * An elastic good, the price must be set at a reasonably low level to increase the revenue. * McDonalds can use the formula of marginal cost = marginal revenue to determine its pricing. Demand is elastic when it is easily affected by the raising or lowering in the price of a product or service. * When McDonalds raises its prices, sales will decrease. Decreasing prices, McDonalds will see an increase in sales. * McDonalds has such a competitive market. To stay ahead of competitors, they have a lower price alternative from competitors. Therefore, pricing must be given a great deal of weight in your marketing strategy because other conditions exist. * The degree of elasticity will tell McDonalds how much they can raise prices before sales start to decline. Not everyone can afford to eat out all the time and people who do go out for breakfast are usually going to work or dropping children off at school. * Calculation Elasticity of Adding Happy Meal (Q2-Q1/Q1) Q1 – 20 Q2 – 23 total quantity demand increase total 15%. (P2-P1/P1) P1 – $6 P2 – $3 total price decreased by 5%. Divide percent change in quantity by price 15% divided by 5% = 3% elasticity. Company’s Strategies to Increase Revenue * Exploring the competition to see what the others are doing in terms of fast-food breakfasts and children. * Customer focusing strategies to see what other customers want in the children’s breakfast meals. This can be done through questionnaires and feedback surveys both in and out of the store. * Using proper training methods to ensure quality service to customers. * Proper introduction in promoting the new breakfast will ensure customers know about the new product. Define the Economic Theory and Show How You Can Determine the Profit-Maximizing Quantity. * Economic theory is a theory of commercial activities (such as the production and consumption of goods), (McConnell, Brue, & Flynn, 2009). * Determining the profit-maximizing quantity requires and understanding the economic concept of marginal analysis. Marginal analysis is the study of incremental changes in profit. The quantity that maximizes profit is where marginal profit shifts from positive to negative (, 2013). How Could You Use the Concepts of Marginal Costs and Marginal Revenue to Maximize Profits? What Information Do You Need to Determine This? Without This Information, How Would You Make a Decision? * Determine the profit at each level of sales. As sales increase, account for labor costs, quantity discounts, increased shortage (loss, theft and breakage) and other variable costs. * Determine the marginal profit at each incremental increase in sales. Marginal profit is defined as the change in profit for each additional unit sold. * Determine the profit maximizing quantity. This is the point before marginal profit becomes negative. Why? It is likely that the more items sold, the higher variable costs are. Variable costs include labor, commissions, raw materials and shortage. In addition, when large quantities are sold to one party, a quantity discount is often given, resulting in lower per-unit revenue. * Determine where expenses could be lessened and revenue could be increased to optimize sales. Marginal analysis is not static (, 2013). * $3@50 = $150, $3@70 = 250, $3@90 = $550, $3@110 = $500 -50 negative marginal profit. * Without this information, you are taking a guess on the decision causing potential risk. Pricing and Non-Pricing Strategies * Price is one of the essential elements of the four P’s of marketing, which include price, promotion, place and product. * Research should be conducted in a number of areas including the customer market, competition and the life cycle of the product. * By examining each of these areas, McDonalds can develop a pricing strategy for its products and services. * McDonalds must find a way to attract their customers. The children’s portions will be smaller than regular portion so the price will be less. * The non-pricing strategy will be the new menu marketing options. Using children’s television and radio stations will help in this strategy. What Are the Barriers to Entry For Your Chosen Product? Can You Create or Increase Barriers to Entry? If so, how? * Entry barriers are the result of competitive behavior by existing businesses within the marketplace. There is no limit to the barriers a particular business may face (, 2013). * Barriers are McDonald’s competitors of the same market and right now the competition of a fast-food breakfast kid’s meal option is non-existent among the competition. * According to the current economic state of our country, credit borrowing from lenders will not be needed. * Costs of supplies will not be a barrier because the items are already a part of McDonald’s menu. Demand by customers will increase or decrease cost supplies during the implementation stages. * McDonald’s internal countries will also help to increase profits. * Choosing long-term goals for competitors following McDonalds will eventually cause competition barriers. Consistent analysis of current market conditions will help McDonalds to continue a profit growth. Are There Other Ways to Minimize Costs for the Company or Product? * Analyze labor costs. Offering flexible work schedules, recognition, additional benefits and ongoing training can help retain employees. * Reduce supply costs. Supplies have two major categories–product materials and office supplies. Check multiple sources to ensure lowest cost. Research the use of the supplies. * Reduce operating expenses. Review electricity expense. Ideas such as this can have multiple benefits, including boosting employee retention, saving on utilities. (, 2013). Conclusion The above business proposal outline will help in defining what McDonalds would do when implementing the idea of adding a child’s happy meal to its menu. This proposal would help in achieving McDonald’s goals of quality food and customer service.
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